Don't Call Me That

Xu Jia Li woke up from her nap when she felt Si Weimin gently shaking her shoulder. She felt a bit sluggish but she slowly lifted her body as she rubbed her eyes.

"Are you still sleepy?"

She heard the gentle voice of Si Weimin as she tilted her head. She smiled and let out a long yawn as an answer. She was shocked when she was suddenly pulled to a warm embrace. She glared at him and gently punched his chest.

Si Weimin laughed as he pulled her and hugged her tightly. She looked at him, suppressing her laughter as she continued to lightly punch his stomach and chest.

Pretending to get hurt, he made an exaggerated reaction as he said, "My love is hurting me. I'm clearly and irrevocably a battered boy friend."

Xu Jia Li pinched his side further, trying to tease him more. She broke away from his hug and continued to throw him light punches.

She was amazed to see a hint of smile tugging at the corner of his superb mouth. She pinched him harder than the previous ones which earned a yelp from him. It made Xu Jia Li ashamed of herself but she was jovial at the same time.

When she saw the way he looked at her, she made a face and pout. She batted her eyelashes as if she was in disadvantage. She was astonished to see him burst out laughing and Xu Jia Li found that inside, she was chuckling too – from the sheer pleasure of seeing him laugh.

They both laughed merrily as Si Weimin pulled her in a hug. Xu Jia Li stayed coccooned in his arms as her body shake in laughter. The moment made her feel so alive like a dark cloudy day had been turned into a bright blue sky. She felt so content that she sighed as she inhaled Si Weimin's manly scent.

She was smiling so big while her head was on his shoulder. In the periphery of her vision, she saw Wang Guo walked quietly out of the living room, moving directly to the kitchen. She was surprised to see him there. She tilted her head and gazed questioningly at Si Weimin.

"I asked him to come. I was too scared earlier when Zhen Nian called."

"Oh, I see. I'm just too surprised to see him. How long did I nap?" She asked as she smiled at him before she hugged him in a bear hug. She rubbed her cheek on his chest, making Si Weimin shivered with joy.

Instead of answering her, she felt him caress her fondly on her back. She blushed as he held her chin up, making their faces inches apart. She felt hot colour scorch her cheeks as she turned beet red. She looked directly at his eyes – those gorgeous expressive black eyes that were shining brightly. They were full of love that she felt like being pulled deeper into his love.

She gasped when he felt him touched her lips with his thumb – caressing it while holding her gaze. Inch by inch, Si Weimin's face came closer. She almost forgot to breathe when his eyes left her eyes to settle to her mouth. Suddenly, she was feeling all shaky inside. When she felt his warm breath kissing her face, she slowly closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply.

Si Weimin's lips didn't directly touch her lips but her ears, playfully biting her earlobes which made her flinch. His tongue delicately licked it, making her blushed even more. She had goose bumps all over as warmth overflow through her.

She felt hot as she held his chest tightly, almost crumpling his shirt before she heard him whisper, "Can I kiss you, love?"

Without answering, Xu Jia Li's face was very red as she suddenly moved her face, closing the distance between them. When she felt the softness of his lips, she shivered – embarrassed of her action.

But before she could even move away, she felt him kiss her with ardent favour. With all her apprehensions forgotten, she kissed him back passionately. She felt like melting when the sensation overtook her.

His hand slowly moved its way on her waist, caressing it in up and down. She was melting from the warmth of the moment. Their kiss became more intense as Si Weimin's tongue explore inside her mouth. She moaned in ecstasy. She never felt this way before and her body automatically responded to his touch.

She gently arched her back, making her body mould in his. A scorching hot hand explored on the upper part of her body. She felt his hand move gently on her breast. She gasped, making her broke free from their kiss. However, Si Weimin grabbed the back of her head using his left hand as he engaged her in another passionate kiss.

She turned crimson as she felt his right hand cup her left breast. His thumb fondled it using his thumb, drawing circular motion at the peak. Even though she was still wearing her white shirt, the peak of her breast became sensitive from his touch.

Her whole body was so hot that she thought she was losing her sanity. A loud moan escaped her throat as Si Weimin continued to touch her breast, moving his hand from one breast to another – lovingly fondling it, which made Xu Jia Li hot all over.

Inspired by his daring action, she also fearlessly and daringly moved her hands to touch his hard chest up to his broad shoulders and finally settling to his head. Her soft gentle hands grabbed his hair, giving more pleasure to Si Weimin.

The passionate kiss lasted long as they both needed space to get some air. Xu Jia Li could hear both of their uneven breathings as she pushed him a little – giving way for her sanity.

Her head was spinning from the intensity of the moment. With rugged breathing, she inhaled deeply as she tried to catch her breath. Too many emotions overflew her. Her heart thumped so loud that it made her senses blurry.

When his hand left her body, the warmth it gave still lingered on her. She wanted him and direly needed his touch as it made her lose control. She took a glance at his way and realized that her own desire was clearly reflected on his eyes as well.

Si Weimin gazed at her with passionate longing – his eyes were burning with undeterred and forthright desire. He grabbed her right hand as he began kissing the tip of each finger. She was like a jelly about to melt when she felt his tongue touch its tip – clearly teasing her. She gasped when he started to suck at them.

After that, Si Weimin started kissing her fingers and hands once again. Xu Jia Li saw him as he moved his lips, kissing her hand up until it settle on her neck. She gently bit her lips when his warm, delectable mouth touched her, afraid that another moan would escape her lips.

He shifted his head and once again kissed Xu Jia Li. He nibbled on her lips, starting on the upper lip before he moved to her lower lip, then he licked at her red-kissable lips like they were some delicious, mouth-watering sweet candies.

After what seemed like a long time, the two hugged each other. Even when the passion hadn't subsided yet, Si Weimin spoke, "Jia, you have to hurry now. Zhen Nian reminded me about the art exhibit you'll be attending."

"Oh that! Yeah, I almost forgot. I have to hurry now." Xu Jia Li hurriedly stood and began calling Shen Linqin's name.

Before she could go farther away from him, he took her hand and said, "Let me accompany you, that way, I can be assured of your safety."

"You don't need to. It will only be a hassle for you."

"How can you be a hassle to me? I will be your escort. No ifs, no buts."

Xu Jia Li only rolled her eyes as she frown, "Okay, you can come. But..." She looked at him with serious eyes as she continued, "We should not arrive together."

"Can I ask the reason why?" Si Weimin grimly asked as he unhappily looked at her, arms folded in his chest.

"The news about you buying your role is still new. We can't give people the wrong idea."

"Which wrong idea? That I'm irrevocably and madly into you?"

Unamused, she rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and ran her hand on her face, "Si Weimin, I'm not joking, this is serious."

"Who said I'm not serious? And what did you just call me?"

" -__-" She helplessly looked at him as she answered, "And I called you by your name."

"No, call me anything but not that." Si Weimin pulled her again in his embrace which made her fall on his lap. "Don't call me that. Otherwise, I won't let you go from my strong arms." He mimicked a child deprived of his favourite toy.

She sighed and said, "Okay, Weimin."

"That's better, Jia."

She raised her brow when she heard him call her Jia. It's new to her as no one had ever called her that. The nickname gave her unexplainable warmth inside her heart – soothing it.

She smiled at him tenderly as she spoke, "Okay, Weimin."

"We will go together but we will enter the place separately. I just need to be sure you are safe when you go there."

Xu Jia Li couldn't do anything but to nod at him.

She stared at him with grateful eyes. She knew, deep down inside, her actions were tantamount to the vast array of the love she already had for him. However, she was not ready to say the words.