I Want You

(Warning: The chapter contains scene that may not be for young readers or it may just not be of your preference. Read at your own risk. *winks*)

Xu Jia Li's heart thumped so fast that her body was sweating profusely. She felt hot all over. After Si Weimin kissed her, everything just turned blurry – it was like her world was spinning. It was like when you started staring at the night sky, where all the stars got you hook, like your whole being was being pulled into the power of the twinkling stars. You felt helpless but happy as you began to succumb to its beauty.

It also felt like she was treated to eat candies for the first time – the sweetness making her giddy with excitement. The feeling he gave her engulfed her, drawing her closer to the place where love existed – a place she didn't know could make her feel alive, emotions she didn't know she was capable of feeling.

She opened her eyes and looked directly at him. Those dark black eyes never failed to mesmerize her. She saw something in there. Something she knew she never felt before.

She actually didn't know how the two of them end up together in his room. She remembered telling him to stop but the sensation she was feeling made her resistance futile. She didn't really know how it happened. All she knew was that she carried him while they continued kissing. She was surprised to see that they were already in his room.

She stared at him as he stared back with the intense passion burning in his eyes. They were both panting. All at once, Si Weimin appeared relax as he came even closer.

"I don't want to stop, love."

Xu Jia Li didn't know how to answer him as her breathing continued to become heavy.

"I want you, love." Si Weimin held her hand, gently caressing it.


Unexpectedly, her heart swelled with so much passion brought by that simple gesture, perhaps it was the intimacy of being in his room – alone with him, or perhaps, it was the fact that Si Weimin's kisses made her all gooey – Xu Jia Li did'nt stop analyzing the effect he had to her.

She gazed at him. Those eyes ignited feelings inside her which made her shiver. She felt as his hand continued to caress her hand as it glided up to her shoulder then to her neck before it settled to her face.

He moved slowly, gazing at her passionately, not breaking their connection. She felt his warm breath closer to her, his warm and soft lips on her forehead then it came down to the tip of her nose until it reached her lips. The sweet sensation brought by his lips made her close her eyes.

He started kissing her again, sweet slow kisses until it became demanding, asking for her response. The burning passion increased which made Xu Jia Li put her arms around his neck. Si Weimin hugged her tighter – not letting go.

Si Weimin broke the kiss when the two of them needed some air, they were both panting really hard. But he still held her in his arm, placing his arms around her waist. He placed his forehead on hers, trying to keep their breathing stable.

Suddenly she felt his bulging manhood poking her in front. She instinctively pushed him as she began to turn red from embarrassment. However, Si Weimin didn't let her get away from him.

"Can't you see how you've affected me, my love? This is your effect in me. Only you can make me feel this way." His voice was husky which sounded so sexy in Xu Jia Li's ears. She blushed at her own thought.

All of a sudden, she gaspes when he held her hand and put it directly to his bulging manhood. She flushed as she tried to get her hand away from it.

"Don't, my love. I want you to see and feel how much I want you."

"N-no, Weimin. T-this i-is so e-embarrassing." Xu Jia Li closed her eyes, pulling her hand away from his person.

"Listen to me, I don't care about Zhou Bingbing or any other girl for that matter. You are the only one for me. I was with her because she insisted on it, nothing else happened. If you only knew how much I wish it was you I was with, and not her."

Si Weimin took hold of one of her hands then he brought it to his lips, "You're very special to me, Xu Jia Li. I hope you knew about that," he said, in a tone that made her bones melt.

Desperately, she wanted to tell him she felt the same way, however she was scared as everything was new to her. She sighed as it took all the will she had when she stepped forward, stretched up and kissed him – the same passionate kiss that the two of them shared earlier.

She sensed how he was taken aback for a second before he kissed her fervently. She could feel how his body reacted when she touched his chest. She felt his hand roamed on her back, caressing her before it went to the zipper of her dress.

The sound of the zipper being opened alarmed her. Sensing her inhibition, Si Weimin kissed her even more. When her dress fell down, Si Weimin broke the kiss and stared at her with eyes full of admiration.