That Voice

Si International Corporation

Everyone left the room except Qi Xenjin and Hui Ruo. Both of them rooted on their places. The latter gazed at Qi Xenjin's pained look. She did not know what to do. She was holding her phone, her heart beating fast. The big room suddenly felt small as she shivered in her place.

The encounter between Xu Jia Li and Qi Xenjin was already on the social media sites. Hui Ruo already received a lot of messages on her phone as it rang continuously. The director of Sun and Star also left her a message.

[Hui Ruo, what the fuck is on the news! Explain what is happening now?! Didn't you just message me a while ago telling me that Qi Xenjin passed the initial selection? What. Is. That. Video?! For fuck sake, they were both in the same company! What is Xenjin doing?! Message me immediately! Hui Ruo, I'm telling you, your artist is in deep shit!"

The video reached million views as the person who posted it captioned,

[Qi Xenjin bullied the weak; Hurts Xu Jia Li in the process]

The other netizens shared the said video as they captioned even hurtful words in their posts.

"Qi Xenjin is a nasty little bitch! She clearly tried to provoke the poor girl. And look what she's done! She even hurt Xu Jia Li!"

"I was there earlier. I promise in the grave of my dearests departed that Qi Xenjin deliberately insults the poor girl. She was so vicious and then I saw how she grabbed Xu Jia Li's hands."

"I swear, I will never support Qi Xenjin. She wanted to taint Xu Jia Li's name so that she bullied the poor girl."

"Stupid egg! Qi Xenjin , look what you've done to her hand. Xu Jia Li had bruises!"

"Qi Xenjin has a very low morale! Her qualities aren't even any slightly better or not even at the level of Xu Jia Li! She's very full of herself!"

More comments and posts made the video the number 1 topic in Weibo and Twitter.

Hui Ruo moved slowly as she held Qi Xenjin's arms, she said, "Xenjin, let's go now. We're the only one left here."

Qi Xenjin shook her head, her face blank. She didn't know how everything turned out differently. Everything suddenly backfired at her. She glimpsed at her hands as she continued shaking her head. She whispered, "No… Nooo… It never happened. No."

All of a sudden, she dropped on the floor, wailing so loud Hui Ruo just threw her a fleeting look of concern before it changed into annoyance. She almost covered her ears as she endured Qi Xenjin's frenzies.

"Waaaaaaahhhhhh! That Xu Jia Li bitch! Why did she keep ruining my life! Waaaaaahhh" Qi Xenjin cried, still slumping on the floor, continuously kicking her feet.

She depicted a child who was throwing a tantrum which made Hui Ruo even more annoyed. She kneeled and held Qi Xenjin's arm, "C'mon, Xenjin, let's go now."

"Noooooo! It was all your fault!" Qi Xenjin pushed Hui Ruo hard on the floor, "You're a useless manager!"

She grabbed one of her heels and threw it on Huo Ruo's face, "You've never been a good manager! You're a useless, bitch! I need a new manager!"

Hui Ruo yelped as she felt the sudden gushed of pain on her face, the pointed heels cut her left eyebrow, blood seeped through the scratch. She curled like a ball on the floor, afraid that Xenjin would throw another one on her.

Qi Xenjin continued cursing Hui Ruo and Xu Jia Li, crying her heart out.

Unbeknownst to the two, someone was secretly taking video of the whole situation, smiling successfully, "Yes… I did take a video."


The number two top post was Zhou Bingbing being the favorite in the selection of Si Cosmetics' endorser.

[Zhou Bingbing: New Face of Si Cosmetics and Future Miss of the Si family]

Zhou Bingbing's pictures inside Si International were all uploaded by her manager. The netizens were all feasting on her beauty. A particular photo caught the attention of the people. It was a photo with Elder Si, smiling fondly at Zhou Bingbing.

"Oh gollyy! I knew it! Zhou Bingbing is the future miss of the Si family. Look at that! That sealed the deal!"

"You're right! Tss. Tss. Too bad that my Chen Anru won't be chosen. She's perfect for the endorsement!"

"Even my Meixang has no fight with the future miss of Si International."

"I'm just glad it's Bingbing than that little bitch Xenjin. She's a bully. She doesn't deserve a prestigious endorsement like Si Cosmetics."

"Aiyooo, you're all correct. Look what she did to the poor girl. She even hurt her senior artist! No respect at all."

More and more comments flooded the social media sites.

Zhou Bingbing wore a huge smile on her face as she read the comments and posts. She knew that she would be chosen. She could still remember what Elder Si said to her earlier.

"Xiao Bingbing, congratulations! Didn't I tell you you'll pass?"

"You flatter me, Grandpa Si. It was all because of our three managers' hard work." Zhou Bingbing bowed a little before she smiled at the three managers behind Elder Si. She couldn't contain the happiness she felt.

"You're indeed great, Miss Zhou." Manager Wang said, beaming brightly at her.

"Thank you, general manager."

She went home wearing a smile on her face. The day couldn't get any better because when Zhou Bingbing arrived home, she was greeted by branded boxes of bags and clothes – all designers' brands. She scanned the room and her eyes focused on a particular piece she asked her mother, Ye Lingling to buy for her.

She instantly approached the boxes and was even more elated when Ye Lingling entered the room and gave her a hug, "How's my dearest girl?"

"Oh, mom! I'm so glad you're back!"

"So tell me, do you love my gifts?"

"Of course, I do! Mom, these are all marvelous!"

"Glad my beautiful girl likes it." Still hugging Zhou Bingbing she continued, "Would you like to tell me something?"

"Mom, what is there to say? We all expect that I'll bag the endorsement."

"Anything else?"

"Mom, did dad tell you I'm gonna get married?" Zhou Bingbing pouted as she opened an Hermes box.

"Is my baby girl getting married, then?" Ye Lingling teased.

"Oh, mom! Yes, I am! Weimin-ge likes me and would love to marry me."


Xu Jia Li remained quiet as she arrived in her apartment. Shen Linqin was still sniffing like a child. She almost knew what happened. Someone must have altered the result. She knew it in her heart that she deserved to pass. Yet, her name wasn't called.

She was deep in thought when Shen Linqin gave her the phone, "Li-jie, *sniff* it.. it's Meixu-jie."

"Yes, Meixu-jie."

"I was shocked to read the news. I'm sorry I wasn't there." Lan Meixu didn't make it to accompany Xu Jia Li because of family problem.

"It's alright, Meixu-jie. I… I d..didn't pass the initial selection."

"Ayy, Li-jie. It's not what I'm most worried about. I knew you deserve it. I knew something might have happened –"

"Meixu-jie, I had a plan. I just need more time. I'll destroy whoever is in my path."

"Hmmm, just be careful."

"I know…"

"Jia Li, there's news about you. Have you read it?"


"Do you have any idea about who posted it?"

"Yes, Meixu-jie. I just need more time before I make my move. They are very mistaken to think I'll just remain quiet."

After talking about other things, the call ended. Xu Jia Li closed her eyes, hate started to creep through her heart. The more she waits, the more her enemy thinks that she was not capable.

Krriiiiiiiinnnngggggggg! Krriiiiiiiinnnngggggggg! Krriiiiiiiinnnngggggggg!

Xu Jia Li answered the phone without looking at the screen, thinking it was Lan Meixu, she answered, "Yes, Meixu-jie."


Upon hearing the familiar voice, her heart thumped so fast. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the screen. And she was right, it was Si Weimin. How could she ever forget that voice! The voice that made her heart jump in joy.

"Jia… I just want to know if you're alright." His voice was full of pain. Xu Jia Li didn't know how to respond. Her heart was beating like a drum. She couldn't even concentrate.

"I… I heard the news. I asked Wang Guo to go there. It's okay if you don't wanna talk. I… I.. I understand."

A good three minutes passed without any of them talking. The only sound was their own breathing. Xu Jia Li spoke, "Thank you…. Weimin."

"Oh, god! I missed your voice." Si Weimin's voice cracked. He sounded like he was about to cry which made Xu Jia Li in tears. The hot liquid fell on her eyes.

'I missed you, too. God knows how much I do!' Xu Jia Li wanted to shout but she knew better. She tried hard for him not to hear her cry but a tiny sob escaped her throat. She immediately put her hand on her mouth.

"Are y-you c-crying? Are you hurt? Please, Jia! Tell me!"