Tit for Tat 1

Later that night, a gossip columnist under the penname, Gossip Master uploaded an article with the title, XU JIA LI AND HER BUNCH OF LIES: An inside report about her scandalous life and cunning nature.

The article talked about all the rumors she faced, summarizing them all and giving elaborate report on her messy life and how she schemed to attain her goals.

It also included how she shamelessly got on a lot of men's bed to get what she wanted. The rumor about her and Si Weimin, the way she obsessively tailed and harassed Li Yun, how she stole Qi Xenjin's man and her countless schemes to slander and defame Qi Xenjin because she failed to pass the initial selection for Si Cosmetics.

It was emphasized that Qi Xenjin had always tried to please Xu Jia Li that she even convinced her manager not to go to the audition for Xu Jia Li's sake. The kindness of Qi Xenjin was repaid with animosity and indifference.

It was also said that due to Qi Xenjin's kind nature, she even voluntarily withdraw from the second part of the audition for Si Cosmetics – afraid to further get on the bad side of the ultimate scheming bitch, Xu Jia Li.

The article ended with the statements, "How can we forget all these atrocities? How can we just stay quiet because someone powerful is pulling all the strings to protect this evil woman? Is this all what we've become now – people willing to accept what we are forced to accept?"

As these were all previous rumors about Xu Jia Li, fans were once again left to fight in Weibo. It was like a riot of people throwing insults and reasoning about the matter. Everyone wanted to give their piece, making it more chaotic.

Even all her previous accomplishments were put to question because of the article.

"Xu Jia Li should at least explain! We never once heard her speak which only proves that she's guilty. I can't believe that her fans still believe in her. What a nutcase!"

"You don't know everything! We've been her fans for a long time and she will always be our goddess!"

"Shut up! Your goddess is the goddess of evil. She's so wicked! Stop defending her or I'll kill you right now!"

"Fucking bitch Xu Jia Li! Make her leave and quit the entertainment industry! There's no place for a bitch like her there."

"I can't believe that she schemed against Qi Xenjin. That girl is so sweet and pure. I felt bad for misunderstanding her about that video."

"Yeah, I agree. I feel bad for Qi Xenjin. She's the real victim here. I hope that we all stand to boycott Xu Jia Li. We just can't let her continue scheming. She's a bad influence to the young generation!"

More and more people joined the conversation and Xu Jia Li's fans were all stomped down by her haters. After a while, Xu Jia Li's fans quieted down, not having the courage to continue.

The article made it to the number one trending topic in just an hour after it was uploaded.

Then, not leaving any space to breathe, another explosive news hit Weibo. It was about Li Yun's condition and his whereabouts were posted as well.


The headline itself attracted many followers and fans all over the country. It broke out like wildfire as it began to be the number one topic in Weibo while news about Xu Jia Li became number two.

The article was short and direct to the point. It was apparently from a legit source, The Harbinger.

Albeit small, the company was known for its truthful and reliable news. It never posted gossips or rumors and its news was always exposed with proofs.

This time, the hospital where Li Yun was admitted was also disclosed. They also attached pictures of Li Yun wearing a hospital gown walking with Manager Ho on the rooftop. His face could be seen clearly so it would be easy to tell the reason he was there.

Since it was from a trusted news company, it made a lot of noise. Fans immediately gathered outside Bethune Peace Private Hospital to show their support for Li Yun. They were holding banners asking for explanation behind Li Yun's condition.

Some fans were enraged because of what happened to Li Yun and began cursing on Weibo. They promised to avenge Li Yun from whoever did that to him.

The news about Li Yun was still a hot topic when another post hit Weibo. It was apparently from a nurse working at Bethune Peace Private Hospital which added fuel to the fire.



Harvest Condominium : The Day Before the Press Conference of Sweet Memories

Xu Jia Li woke up from the continuous ringing of the doorbell. She glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was already 9 o'clock in the morning.

She immediately went out and opened her door only to find Manager Lan and Shen Linqin.

Yesterday, when Zhen Nian and Shen Linqin arrived to tell her about Li Yun's plan, she didn't actually pay too much attention because she really couldn't do anything if that was what Li Yun wanted.

No matter what, she was prepared for what Qi Xenjin might do once Li Yun did exactly that. It had been a while and she knew that Qi Xenjin might be planning something huge.

"Good morning, you two!" Xu Jia Li greeted, full of energy.

Without waiting for their response, Xu Jia Li smiled at them before she headed towards the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she returned to the living room where Lan Meixu and Shen Linqin were seated.

Xu Jia Li already noticed the expression on their faces. She chuckled as she gazed back and forth at them. She leisurely sat on the couch opposite them. She already had an idea why they were there.

Last night before she went to sleep, she received a message from Si Weimin bidding her good night. After a few exchanges of reply, she decided to open her Weibo.

Xu Jia Li had two Weibo accounts since she wasn't interested in using social media platforms. She was using a different name for the one she was using which was Yang Jia, her mother's real surname. Only the people close to her knew about this.

The other Weibo account was with her name. Although she opened it from time to time, she seldom posted anything there.

It was actually managed by Shen Linqin and it was mostly her who posted news and updates about Xu Jia Li on regular basis.

When she opened her Weibo with the name Yang Jia, she was about to post something when a post caught her eyes. She was stunned for a while when she saw the hot topics trending on Weibo.

"So, this is how low you'll get? It's not as impressive but only as expected." Xu Jia Li laughed before she placed her phone on the bedside table as if nothing in the world would make her lose her cool.

Reminded of what she read last night, Xu Jia Li's face didn't show any worry instead she had a bright smile of her face.