Dug Out Your Grave 1

Dug Out Your Grave 1

''I really don't want to beat people when their down, but for the two of you, I'll make an exception."

The moment XuJia Li spoke, Zhen Nian dialed a number on her phone, "Do it now."

"I'll answer every question since Mr. Hong eagerly demands them. Mmm, where shall I start?" XuJia Li pursed her lips before she got her phone and said, "Everyone might want to see another latest topic on Weibo."

"What? Are you fooling us? Are you trying to divert our attention?" Hong Tingguang sneered as he mocked Xu Jia Li.

"Senior Xu, you don't need to answer them. Don't try to buy some time. We can all go now. It's what Director Han said. Right, Director Han?"Qi Xenjin kept meddling as she mediated between the reporters and Xu Jia Li.

"How compassionate Ms. Qi!" XuJia Li replied without emotion. She turned to look at the reporters, "I can't believe that a compassionate woman like Ms. Qi can do something so… awful."

Qi Xenjin frowned. Hui Ruo immediately approached her, a panic on her voice, "Xenjin, look!"

Everyone also looked at their phone and saw a shocking article. It was released by Fashion and Glamour Magazine. The article was short but concise. It talked about Qi Xenjin's oppressing nature.

There were also pictures that showed her slapping, kicking and grabbing the hair of a fellow artist. What was even more shocking was that it wasn't just a single artist. There were at least three female artists that received the same treatment from Qi Xenjin. This article questioned her good girl image.

"Isn't that Qi Xenjin? A-and that one there is Xie Anran. She debuted last year but after a month, she decided to quit. Oh my gosh! Is this the reason why she quit?"

"I can't believe what I'm seeing! Those other two artists are Gao Zia and Du Meishi. They had a promising future with Sun and Star but they disregarded that. Didn't they suffer a breach of contract because they went to Leading Light? Was this the reason they did that?"

Everyone turned their gazes at Qi Xenjin. They had complicated looks on their faces. The good and innocent girl that she was, seemed to be just a facade. They couldn't believe it at all.

Qi Xenjin trembled, her eyes focused on XuJia Li. She feigned innocence. She looked aggrieved as she spoke in a soft voice, "Why? Why do you have to do this to me, Senior Xu? I-I never once look down on you… even if… even if you continuously do those mean things to me."

"How dare you, Xu Jia Li! How can you always take advantage of Xenjin? She had been nothing but good to you. Have you no heart?" HuiRui bellowed.

"How can you go this far, Ms. Xu?! Slandering your fellow artist just to divert our attention! It's clear that these are your entire evil plans!" Hong Tingguang shouted as he tried to clear Qi Xenjin's name.

"Mmm, we can ask someone to check the pictures whether they've been photoshopped."

"Senior Xu! You're crossing the line! How can you treat me this way?" Qi Xenjin cried pitifully.

"Oh, I see that Ms. Qi still wants to play pretend." XuJia Li smirked as she nodded at Zhen Nian.

Immediately, a video began playing on the screen at the stage. Loud gasps could be heard as they watched the video.

It was the video of Qi Xenjin throwing her phone at Hui Ruo's face and slapping the latter. It was the scene where they were on her car. Qi Xenjin's loud voice could be heard clearly as she cursed Hui Ruo.

"T-that's not real!" Qi Xenjin shouted, "Manager Hui, tell them. Tell them that it's not real."

However, Hui Ruo was speechless as she stood rooted on her place. She didn't understand why there was such a video of them. Even Hong Tingguang remained quiet, his mouth agape.

"Ms. Qi, if this is not real, then how can you explain that it happened in your car?" Xu Jia Li asked with a glint of coldness in her gaze.

"I-I… I d-don't really know. Senior Xu, do you really want to see me get destroyed? Do you hate me that much? T-then, I'll quit the entertainment industry for you."

"Pft! Not so fast, Ms. Qi. Why would you quit when there are still lots of things that need to be cleared?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Say, how about the issue about Mr. Li? Didn't anyone want to know what really happened? Since everyone here seems to be eager for an answer, why don't we look at this?"

With that, Xu Jia Li signaled Zhen Nian to proceed.

Within seconds, the pictures of Xu Jia Li tailing and blocking Li Yun's car that were uploaded before on Weibo flashed on the screen. Then, on the left side, another batch of photos similar to the first ones flashed. This time the face of the woman became Qi Xenjin.

Zhen Nian also asked some of the waiters to hand over the documents to everyone. The documents also showed the account used to post the pictures. Then, video of Qi Xenjin running and stumbling as she dashed towards Li Yun immediately played.

It was the exact same day of the meeting with Director Han!

The scene showed how Qi Xenjin hugged Li Yun as she begged for him. She looked so pitiful and pathetic.

"Stop! Stop that! HuiRuo! Tell someone to turn that thing off!" Qi Xenjin panicked as she pushed the stunned Hui Ruo. She looked around, her eyes pleading but all she received were looks of disdain.

The reporters felt like they were seeing a plot from a movie. They were clearly enjoying the debacle since the live streaming managed to get lots of viewers who were currently cursing Qi Xenjin.The turn of events left them speechless. It was as if the cat got their tongue.


"So it was really Qi Xenjin who pathetically harassed Li Yun!" one of the casts blurted out.

"I knew there was something fishy about this Qi Xenjin! I can't believe that we've got the wrong person all this time."

The people watching live were also shock from all the sudden flow of information. Some fans began to question how Qi Xenjin pretended to be the girlfriend when in fact, Li Yun didn't even like her in the first place.

"Ms. Qi, since the video already showed everything, would you like to come clean?" XuJia Li grinned at Qi Xenjin.

"You're a bitch! Stop slandering me!"

Xu Jia Li raised her brow upon hearing Qi Xenjin. She smirked before she spoke, "Slandering? Don't you know Ms. Qi that the IP address of the person who uploaded that pictures and accused me of harassing and tailing Mr. Li led to a certain villa in Dangshan?"

"It's not me." Qi Xenjin frantically shook her head.

Xu Jia Li didn't care about Qi Xenjin as she gazed at everyone before finally focusing her gaze back at her, "Does that ring a bell? Doesn't that sound familiar? Didn't Ms. Qi live in Dangshan?"

"Someone's definitely framing me!"

"Framing you? Why would someone do that?"

"How would I know? I d-don't know anything! I respect you a lot, Senior Xu! Don't do this to me!"

"I didn't know this is how Ms. Qi show respect towards a senior artist."

"Stop! I told you to stop! Stop doing this to me. I have nothing to do with that. Someone wants me to take on the blame. I-I would never – "

"You should stop, Xenjin! Stop this shitty display of innocence! I'm so tired of it. Since it was you who intentionally defame Xu Jia Li, I will never forgive you! Starting today, I will never accept any project with you!"

Li Yun said furiously. He couldn't stand Qi Xenjin anymore. He couldn't believe that Qi Xenjin would do something to hurt Xu Jia Li. He was beyond shocked when he heard everything.

Qi Xenjin's face became so pale after hearing Li Yun. She turned to him as she grabbed his arm, "Y-yun-ge! How can you say that? Please take it back! It's really not me! How could I do that? It's really not –"

"Stop this foolishness, Xenjin while there's still some dignity left in you." Li Yun shoved Qi Xenjin's hand as he moved away from her.

Qi Xenjin stood there, her face pale as her body started trembling, "N-no! T-this can't be."

"Hmph! So what if Qi Xenjin did that? You can't still hide the fact that you used your body to get your way!" Hong Tingguang frantically said. He glared angrily at Xu Jia Li.

"Really? Then let's proceed to the other rumors, Mr. Hong. Since you're so trusting towards Ms. Qi why don't you tell them your relationship?"

"Xu Jia Li! I told you to stop!" Qi Xenjin rushed towards Xu Jia Li, her eyes full of hatred. However, before she could reach her, Si Weimin already signaled his bodyguards to block Qi Xenjin.

"What do you think you're doing?! Get lost!" the blood rushed through Qi Xenjin's face as she screamed.

Si Weimin remained seated as he enjoyed how things unfolded. He admired how strong and determined Xu Jia Li was.

Hong Tingguang sweated profusely when he heard what Xu Jia Li said. However, he still acted as if he didn't care, "Stop blabbering nonsense!"

"Nonsense?" Xu Jia Li laughed before she continued, "Didn't Mr. Hong just show his fatherly love for Ms. Qi Xenjin by being her errand man?"