Sweet Distraction

Harvest Condominium

It was already late at night but Xu Jia Li was still wide awake. She was lying on her bed but all she could think about was the conversation she had with Si Weimin.

Earlier, when Zhen Nian arrived, she was really nervous knowing that Si Weimin was there and might tell Zhen Nian about their relationship. She wasn't ready yet to let their friends know about it.

However, Zhen Nian didn't even ask any question but only talked about her scheduled interview for the magazine. While the two of them were talking, Si Weimin was busy washing the dishes.

After Zhen Nian left, she sat on the sofa closer to Si Weimin. His eyes were focus on the television.

She repeatedly poked his cheek as she said, "Mr. Arrogant Si…"

Si Weimin only gazed at her before he continued watching. He pretended to ignore Xu Jia Li but deep inside, he couldn't even control his laughter. He was laughing inside as he saw her reaction. In truth, he wasn't even paying attention to the news.

With a pout on her lips, Xu Jia Li glared at Si Weimin. She was really feeling helpless. Not knowing what to do, she slightly pulled his shirt before she said,

"Mr. Arrogant Si, is what you are watching more interesting than me?"

Si Weimin couldn't control his laughter as he replied, "You're more interesting."

"Hmph! Why would I believe you? You're clearly all eyes on the television. You even seemed to forget my existence."

Xu Jia Li heard Si Weimin laughed even harder. She couldn't help but to laugh as well.

After a few moments, she gently spoke, "Thank you for the delicious dinner."

Then, she leaned on his shoulder as she focused her gaze on the tv screen.

She felt his arm on her shoulder and his kiss on her head before she heard him say, "I'll cook for you as long as you want."

"Don't spoil me too much. I'm afraid I'll get used to it." she pouted.

"That's great, then. You won't leave me when you're used to it." Si Weimin chuckled.

"I'll think about that." she answered while looking intently at Si Weimin.

Si Weimin glared at Xu Jia Li with a frown on his face.

Xu Jia Li burst out into a loud laugh when she saw his expression, "Ha ha ha! You should have seen your face!"

"Ms. Vicious- Tongue Xu, repeat what you just said."

"Ha ha ha! Why would I?"

"Should I force you, then?" Si Weimin had a naughty smile on his face as he gazed at Xu Jia Li.

"What will you do, then?" Xu Jia Li provokingly replied before she crossed her arms on her chest.

Caught off guard, Xu Jia Li shrieked when Si Weimin started to tickle her. She laughed so hard that she fell back on the sofa.

She tried to stop his hands but she was so ticklish that she felt like losing her breath, "S-sto-p i-it!"

"Now, you're telling me to stop? Why would I?" Si Weimin chuckled as he continued to tickle Xu Jia Li.

"I-I w-won't s-say it a-again, h-honey!"

Xu Jia Li was panting when Si Weimin stopped. She slightly punched him on the shoulder after gaining her strength,

"I hate you!"Xu Jia Li rolled her eyes at him.

"I love you!" Si Weimin grinned before he took Xu Jia Li back in his arms.

Xu Jia Li giggled as she put her arms on his waist.

The two of them stayed in that position for a few minutes before Si Weimin asked,

"Any news about the person who sent you those letters?"

Xu Jia Li sat straight after hearing Si Weimin. It was such an off- topic so she was really perplexed to hear him asked such question.

They had never talk about it since the day they saw the carcass. She looked straight into Si Weimin's eyes before she answered,

"I really have no idea."

She really had no intention of lying to him or leaving him in the dark but she was not yet ready to tell everything to him. Their relationship happened too fast and telling him about it right now was not the right time. She was not even sure if she still wanted to continue seeking her revenge.

She was really confused. At times, all she wanted was to destroy Zhou Jiayin and Ye Lingling. She didn't even care if she would get hurt in the process. All that she cared was to bring justice and to avenge her mother, Yang Yi Fei. However, everytime she was with Si Weimin, her heart was full of love that revenge never crossed her mind.

That's why she even thought that Si Weimin was a distraction… a sweet distraction…

Since she met Si Weimin, she knew that the hatred she felt was slowly dissipating. He made her feel so much love that she was beginning to change her plan of revenge.

However, everytime she thought about her mother, she just didn't have the heart to fail her. Everytime she was reminded of her misfortune, the urge for revenge grew stronger.

She was tangled between her longing for revenge and the love she had for Si Weimin. It was really complicated.

"Have you received any letter after that day?"

"No. I haven't received any." She answered while she shook her head.

"Don't worry. I'm looking into it. I won't let anything bad to happen."

Feeling his warm embrace, Xu Jia Li inhaled deeply as she took his scent to calm her nerves.

After Si Weimin left, Xu Jia Li went straight to her bedroom. After doing her skin care routine, she lay on her bed.

However, no matter what she did, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned on her bed. She felt guilty for not being honest to Si Weimin.

"I'm sorry, honey. I just can't tell everything right now. I'm afraid… you'll hate me for being this vengeful. I'm even more afraid that the Xu Jia Li you learned to love is not who she really is."


"Meet me tomorrow."

"Of course, bro! I was just about to call you but since you called first then it's settled."

"Make sure to give me a satisfying answer tomorrow, Thomas."

After he ended the call, Si Weimin stood near the glass window on his bedroom. He was in his apartment since he decided to stay near Xu Jia Li.

He looked at the dark sky without any star to brighten it. The city was filled with lights from the buildings. There were still cars moving below.

He put his hands on his pockets as he sighed. He was still worried about Xu Jia Li.

Earlier, he noticed that she was hiding something from him. Yet, he couldn't put himself to pressure her if she wasn't ready to share it with him.

He knew that on her own accord, she would tell him everything.

"I promise to always be by your side. No matter what happened."