Glad You’re Okay, Honey

Xu Jia Li stood rooted on the spot while she stared at the door cam. She observed the man who was now talking to Si Weimin. He was about 6 foot tall yet Si Weimin was taller. He had a muscular body that he almost looked like a bouncer based on his physical appearance. He had an army cut hairstyle that didn't look good on him.

There was also something frightening about him that made Xu Jia Li shivered. His eyes were huge and round that had a glint of mischief to them. The scar on his right cheek had a ghastly look to it.

When she saw the creepy expression of the man's face, she suddenly stared at Si Weimin. She didn't know why but the hair on her neck suddenly stood up. She had goose bumps all over. She began to tremble as she ran fast towards her room to get her phone. She needed to call Si Weimin. She was afraid that he would be provoked by the man.

Once she got her phone, she immediately dialed Si Weimin's number before she dashed back to the door. She had to be sure that he would be alright. She gazed at the door cam while waiting for Si Weimin to pick up his phone.

"Please, pick it up!"

She gritted her teeth in despair, "Honey! Pick up your phone!"


Si Weimin felt his phone vibrated but he disregarded it. His looks were akin to daggers piercing through the man's soul. He didn't once lower his gaze as he reckoned the man's intention.

"Tch!" the man scowled at him before he abruptly attacked Si Weimin.

Si Weimin saw his action as he dodged the man's punch. He did his best to move as quickly as possible since the man was very skilled. He knew from the way the man moved that he could be at a disadvantage if he lost focus.

In truth, he had experienced underground fighting with Thomas Young and Si Weiyuan before. He also engaged in combat fighting when he was in Europe, his skills were great. He knew that he could match to the man's fast and deadly moves.

His fighting reflexes improved over the last years and yet he could still feel the shortness of his breath while trying to avoid the man's moves. He couldn't even connect his punches as he maintained his defensive stance. He jerked his head back when the man slipped a right hand jab towards him.

He moved his feet back every time the man delivered his punches. His hands rose up instinctively.

"Where's your arrogance now?" the man's hoarse voice sounded eerie as he grinned arrogantly at Si Weimin while delivering his punches.

Si Weimin was already panting as he watched for any loophole from the man's movements. Although he wasn't as fast as him, he still had the strength to analyze his every move. Every time the man made his moves, Si Weimin studied him, all the while dodging his attacks.

He suddenly detected and saw the incoming punches. The man's technique was to give him few jabs then launch a left hook. He could also see his core tighten and his chest loading up as he threw the left hook towards him.

Because of the man's over confidence, he underestimated him. Si Weimin found an opening in the man's guard.

He sensed the man's punches even before they were thrown. He countered an attack as he hit him on the chest. The man stopped for a while before he attacked again, "You think you can hurt me just by your lousy punches?"

Si Weimin didn't respond from the man's provocation. He moved forward as if about to kick the man. Once he saw that he moved his hands to grab his foot, he immediately turned and delivered a spinning elbow attack which landed at the man's jaw. Then he backed it up with a 4 punch combination that he learned from Thomas.

To his utter shock, the man didn't even seem to be affected. Even his face didn't even swell. The man moved quickly as he delivered a hard punch on Si Weimin's stomach.

No matter how hard Si Weimin tried to avoid it, it landed straight on his abdomen. He felt a twitching pain.

Seeing him in pain, the man laughed menacingly as he mocked Si Weimin, "If you think you can beat me, think again."

"What is your purpose of going here?" Si Weimin clenched his jaw as he maintained to stand straight.

The man sneered as he began attacking him again. The look on his face showed that he went there to kill, "You don't need to know who I am. Just know that your time is up."

Si Weimin forced himself to remain calm after receiving another round of combinations from the man.

"Did your woman love the gift sent to her?"

Si Weimin almost lost his focus when he heard what the man said. His face turned sour when he remembered the box. With gritted teeth, he bellowed, "How dare you do that? I will not let you off!"

With all his might, he tried to evade all of the man's strikes. Suddenly, he remembered what Thomas taught him. He let the man raised his fists as he threw punches to him. When he noticed the opening below his elbow, right at the ribs area, he quickly landed a heavy blow.

The man suddenly stopped moving. His eyes bulged from their sockets. A sudden sharp and severe pain rendered the man unable to fight. Then, he grimaced in pain. He didn't see the blow coming since he underestimated Si Weimin's knowledge in fighting. He fell on his knees as he clutched the left side of his stomach.

Si Weimin took the time to spin and deliver a kick to the man's face. The man dropped to the marbled floor, unconscious.

Panting, he placed his left hand on the wall for support. Then, he managed to get his phone from his pocket, about to call Wang Guo.

However, he heard Wang Guo's voice. He raised his head and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Guo with eight bodyguards arrived. He didn't even ask why they were there. All that mattered was that he needed some help. He was just glad that he could interrogate the man now.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Yes. Just tie him up and make sure that he will not escape. Bring him to the basement."

"Yes, boss."

A warm hug from his back rendered him speechless. A hot liquid suddenly moistened his back. Then, the angelic voice broke down, "I'm glad you're okay, honey."