Petty Things

Xu Jia Li came back early at Evergreen Hot Spring and Resort. She really couldn't believe about what Si Weimin told her. Last night, everything was a nightmare that the two of them had to face. She never mentioned anything to her friends, afraid to make them worry. She was just too glad to know that she could share everything to Si Weimin now.

Since last night that they talked about the incident, there was nothing out of the ordinary that happened except for the recent articles posted on Weibo.

Xu Jia Li came directly to her room and changed into a simple dress. She was about to go to the hot spring when she overheard two crews talking about her. She stopped for a while as she listened to them.

"Do you think this is true?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore. Who knows maybe they're just doing that for the publicity?"

"But isn't it too much? It's like what happened with Qi Xenjin before."

"That's why it's better to keep quiet. We don't really know. Maybe Miss Xu is really like that after all. We also witness Li Yun's adoration towards her. If there's no fire, there'll be no smoke."

Xu Jia Li walked with her chin up towards the two crews. She stopped in front of them before she smiled and said, "If all people would believe in rumors, what's the use of having brain to analyze and eyes to see the truth?"

The stunned crews were left with embarrassment after Xu Jia Li left. They rushed back to their rooms, afraid that Xu Jia Li might do something to them. They didn't want Qi Xenjin's fate befell them, too.

In truth, Xu Jia Li didn't even care about rumors but she wasn't a saint. She hated it when people believed blindly on things being fed to them. Humans were given brains, it was just right to use them.

She wasn't really surprised at all when Zhen Nian called her and told her about the recent article posted on Weibo. It was the same old news for her. These people sure won't stop unless they had their end of the bargain.

She sneered when she saw a picture of Li Yun kneeling in front of her, and the screenshot of her hugging a man which was clearly Si Weimin, "When will these people ever get tired of the same petty things?"

She ignored the articles. There was always time for everything.

She strode towards the hot spring when she saw Jian Ran talking to Tang Xie. She really didn't expect to see the two together. Since it was only six in the morning, no one was inside the hot spring. She smirked from the sight. Somehow, she already had a hunch that these two might have something to do with the recent articles.

She didn't know why but she felt disappointed to see Meng Lulu's assistant with Jian Ran. She couldn't help but think if Meng Lulu had something to do with what happened last time.

She hid in the big stones that surrounded the hot spring. She was only one meter away from the two women. She really didn't need to listen to them because she knew that Jian Ran would talk once she asked her about it.

She was about to go when she heard Jian Ran yelling at Tang Xie, the two seemed to be in a heated arguments.

"Don't do it!" Jian Ran's voice was loud as she shook Tang Xie's shoulders.

Xu Jia Li's eyes had a glint of mockery as she sneered at the scene before she walked out of the hot spring.


Director Han called Xu Jia Li after the shoot. She could feel the contempt in everyone's gazes. She pitied these people for not having their own conviction and getting swayed easily by rumors and gossips.

"Li-jie, the rumor about you is getting out of hand again. Qi Xenjin's fans said that you just lied your way out of the truth. They're outside Sun and Star, asking for the company to dismiss you. There's also a video posted by an anonymous account. It was Yun-ge giving you flowers."

"Don't worry about it, Linqin. Meixu-jie called me earlier. These are petty gossips."

"B-but, Li-jie, why is this article surfacing again? And who uploaded that video?"

"Just don't worry, Linqin. You should know that I can take care of myself."

After talking to Shen Linqin, she strode towards Director Han. He was inside the resort's conference hall.

"Miss Xu, I'm glad you're here."

"What's the matter, Director Han?"

"Producer Zhang called and asked if you can have meeting with him since he's worried about the rumor affecting the movie."

"Why not? You'll be there as well, right?"

"The problem is, he said he only wanted to talk to you… alone."

Xu Jia Li's lips curled into a mocking smile upon hearing what Producer Zhang wanted. She chuckled grimly before she said, "I wonder what CEO Si would say upon hearing this."

"T-that's also another problem, Miss Xu. Producer Zhang said that CEO Si shouldn't know about this. I know it sounds shady especially after what Jian Ran told us but he's one of the producers and I don't know what to say," the troubled expression on Director Han's face was palpable.

"I'll only have meeting with him if my manager goes with me or…"


"Or I'll let CEO Si to know about this."


"Li-jie, the release of the October issue of Glamour Magazine is tomorrow. But my boss wanted to postpone it and change the cover. He's afraid that no one will buy the magazine because of the rumor."

Xu Jia Li nodded at Zhen Nian as she said, "Just follow what your boss likes."

"I don't really plan on doing what he said. I'll go ahead with the release."

"But Nian-mei, it may affect your position."

"It's okay, Li-jie. I don't really plan on staying with the company all my life. I want to build my own magazine company."