Found Her

"Next one…!"

Lu Yi Feng was in a bad mood. His company was looking for new talent, but he hadn't found anyone yet. The ones who appeared in the audition were like nightmares to him. Some were pretty and were only relying on their looks, either their singing was awful or they were dancing like a lunatic. The ones who sang beautifully had stage fright or some were... a bit plain and didn't have a star aura.

What the hell they took this audition for? He wanted to throw something at them, but he had to behave professionally. One more bad talent and he would end it here or he would go crazy.

If it not had been that bastard 'Jing Xia' betrayed him and took his company's most popular idol – Yun Yi, he wouldn't be in this dire situation. Jing Xia dared to open a new agency and even mocked him.

'Just wait and see! I, Lu Yi Feng, will crush you under my feet!' That fucker had the gut to get the backing of Lu Yi Feng's half-brother, Lu Ming Cheng.

Lu Ming Cheng was his mortal enemy. He was his father's illegitimate child, but he always coveted what he had. His father's death had been the last restraint of their relationship. No one could prevent their hatred against each other, at least just when the old man was there – they could put on an act and become not too hostile to each other.

His father's wealth had been divided in half for both of them, but their hate for each other was still there. Lu Yi Feng thought after he got his share, Lu Ming Cheng would leave him alone. But alas how wrong he was! That prick would never leave him alone.

Lu Yi Feng loosened his tie in frustration, waiting for the next person to appear. When he was going to explode and ended it early, he saw a small figure popped up from the entrance. The girl was wearing a long white dress which made her look like an angel. Her long jet-black hair was fluttering with each step that she took, she looked so elegant. Lu Yi Feng only looked at her side profile, but he knew she was a beauty. Her white skin in contrast with her black hair was making her look fragile.

When the girl turned around and faced the judging panel, everyone gasped. She was beyond beautiful. Her small face looked at them shyly, but yet calmed at the same time. Her eyes were shining bright, her small pointed nose and small red lips were perfect.

Lu Yi Feng had seen a lot of beautiful girl in this industry, but this girl was still able to stun him and it talked a lot about her beauty. After freezing for a while, he calmed himself. Beauty was one thing, but beauty with talent was rare. The latter was the one that he was looking for. From the statistics of today's performances, he was already feeling hopeless. So, he didn't put high hope on her.

"What's your name?" Lu Yi Feng asked.

"Feng Xiao Qing," she answered softly.

Judging from her melodious voice, her vocal cords were quite good. Hopefully, she wouldn't sing out-of-tune. If she did, he didn't know what he would do. He was already in a very very bad mood.

"You can start now!"

When Feng Xiao Qing heard it, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She closed her eyes and started singing "Xiang Ni De 365 Tian", Coco Lee's song. Her voice was a bit trembling at the start --- probably because she was nervous. After she reached the chorus, her voice started to get louder along with her raising confidence.

When Lu Yi Feng heard the girl's voice, he was dumbfounded. He never expected the girl's voice would be that amazing. Coco Lee's songs were always hard to sing. It was a mixture of high notes and techniques for pop music class. It wasn't an easy feat to sing her songs. However, Feng Xiao Qing proved him otherwise. This girl nailed each note perfectly and the melodious voice could be compared with the original singer. She made it look so easy to sing the song.

'This is what talent is!' Lu Yi Feng thought excitedly. He looked around and he could see all the judges with him were also in a trance, looking at this Feng Xiao Qing.

He decided he would choose this girl.

After she finished singing, the whole room was silent. Feng Xiao Qing bit her lower lip nervously, trying to get the judge's reaction. The deafening silence made her feel embarrassed.

'Was it that bad?' She thought to herself. 'But… Xiao Xi Xi said my singing is pretty good.'

When Feng Xiao Qing was feeling despair, she heard a masculine voice talked to her, "Come with me!"

Before she could look at the man's face, he had already turned around. He wore a dark blue suit and that man had a really great and proportional body. 'Who is that man?' She thought to herself. He looked that great and it was only from the back. Wow!

An older judge called her, "Feng Xiao Qing… Feng Xiao Qing…" When she was finally back to reality, she looked at the older man.

"Ye... Yes?" She stuttered.

The old man reminded her. "Go follow him! He's the owner of this company. You have to follow his order if you want to survive in this industry."

She quickly said thank you to the older man and followed the man in the dark blue suit. When she went out of the room, she dragged Xiao Xi Xi along with her. They followed the man carefully and stopped in front of the room. On the door, there was a gold name-tag which showed everyone who occupied it.

Lu Yi Feng. CEO.

Was that man really the CEO? She was surprised. He looked quite… young.

"Come in," Lu Yi Feng said.

Without a word, he opened the door and she followed him inside without being told for the second time.

When the man turned around, she saw a handsome and aloof man. His piercing black eyes looked very sharp and cold, making her feel a bit scared. He… seemed in a bad mood. His nose was a bit crooked to the left, maybe it had been broken because of a fight. His prominent jaw was making him look masculine. Every fiber of his body emitted a cold feeling.

This man was dangerous. That was the first thing that came into her mind.

"I'm going to make you number one pop idol," Lu Yi Feng talked in a firm tone. He didn't ask her about her thought, but he only demanded. He wanted her to agree with him. Whatever it took, he had to own this girl.

Feng Xiao Qing could only nod at him. She needed this and this man…. 'Did he just promise me that he would make me a number one pop idol? Just like that? Was it usually this easy?' She thought to herself.

"I'll let my secretary prepare the contract. Sit there and wait!" Lu Yi Feng pointed at the sofa on the corner of his office. Then he sat down and called his secretary who was also his personal assistant, Lin San. He told him to prepare everything and after he finished the contract, he should directly give it to him.

Without paying attention to Feng Xiao Qing, he continued doing his works. However, he suddenly got the feeling that someone kept looking at him, making him feel uncomfortable. He looked up and he saw a pair of big round eyes looking at him curiously.

Lu Yi Feng was surprised.

Those pair of eyes belonged to a little girl in two pigtails. She looked at him without blinking. This little girl's face was the exact copy of Feng Xiao Qing. Who was this kid? Feng Xiao Qing's sister? How come he didn't feel her presence before?

"Who are you?" Lu Yi Feng asked.

"Xiao Xi Xi," the girl answered him with a big grin.

"How did you get in here?"

Xiao Xi Xi pointed at the sofa – to be exact, pointing at the sleeping Feng Xiao Qing. He frowned. 'How come that girl had the nerve to sleep in his office?' He was going to open his mouth and yell at her, but before it happened, Xiao Xi Xi closed his mouth with both of her hands. When she almost touched him, Lu Yi Feng quickly dodged. However, it still successfully stopped him.

Lu Yi Feng looked at the brave little girl and wanted to pinch her cheek. 'How dare this kid try to touch him?' He didn't really like physical contact. He pushed Xiao Xi Xi's hands away with his pen to avoid touching her and wiped his mouth with the back of his hands. Even though she didn't touch him directly, but he still needed to wipe his mouth to clean the dirt away.

"Sshhhh…" Xiao Xi Xi hushed him. "Don't talk too loud, please. Mommy is sleeping. You will wake her up!" She scolded him in a low voice while frowning.

'Mommy? MOMMY? Did she just say Feng Xiao Qing is her Mommy?'

Lu Yi Feng felt like he was going to faint.

---Edited by : sessy_p---