Mommy Should Help You Out, Uncle!

Feng Xiao Qing felt the sudden warmth inside her heart and she decided to remind them to eat. "Xi Xi, Boss, come on! It's time for dinner."

Both nodded and they started to eat. Feng Xiao Qing kept looking at Lu Yi Feng when he ate, making the latter feel uncomfortable. He decided to ask when he saw her hopeful eyes, "What?"

"How does it taste, Boss?" Feng Xiao Qing asked excitedly.

Lu Yi Feng looked at her big round eyes looked at him full-of-expectation. He could almost imagine how her tail was wagging enthusiastically, asking for his praise. He cleared his throat and ate her creation once more. He admitted that they were very delicious. When did the last time he ate home-cooked meals? Lu Yi Feng couldn't remember. As long as he remembered, he always ordered takeout for himself or lately... it was Lin San's job to prepare his foods. To him, it was only an act to make himself full and able to function --- living and working. Somehow, he always felt that he lived just like a robot.

"Ehm... it's delicious," Lu Yi Feng answered her question honestly.

"I didn't lie, right?" Xiao Xi Xi proudly said that when she knew that Lu Yi Feng agreed that her mommy's foods were delicious.

"Yes," Lu Yi Feng nodded with his stoic face.

The more Feng Xiao Qing and Xiao Xi Xi interacted with Lu Yi Feng, the more they were able to see that he wasn't as aloof as he looked like. They started to see the difference expression that he had. When he was happy or amused, his lips seemed to curl up for a second and vanished --- if someone didn't pay close attention, they wouldn't notice this trait. He seemed to talk with his poisonous tongue, but he was kind enough to them. The man was so intriguing and Feng Xiao Qing started to feel that she didn't regret to make a contract with him.

Feng Xiao Qing felt warmth in her heart, this was the first time someone other than her daughter praised her cooking. Well... after all, she only cooked for Xiao Xi Xi. Despite her busy jobs, she always made time to make nutritious foods for Xi Xi.

"Mommy... Mommy... I almost forgot. Do you still have to work today?" Xiao Xi Xi asked innocently. Mommy usually worked until midnight, so she was worried that her mommy would have to leave after this.

"Work?" Lu Yi Feng asked Feng Xiao Qing curiously. He took a peek at his watch and it was almost seven pm. Did she usually work until late?

Feng Xiao Qing was a bit flustered because she hadn't officially resigned from all of her jobs. "I think I will. I need to hand in my resign letter," she answered.

"Where do you work?" Lu Yi Feng asked.

"It's just a 24-hour supermarket near my old house," Feng Xiao Qing explained. She didn't graduate from high school so she couldn't find high-paying jobs. She had to stop studying because she needed to take care of little Xi Xi. After Xi Xi was bigger, she could only support them by working two or three part-time jobs. Her salary was good enough to feed them, so she never complained.

"I'll send you there after we eat. I'm sure Xiao Xi Xi will be worried if you go there alone," Lu Yi Feng decided for them without asking which made Feng Xiao Qing a bit angry. After all, she used to be the decision-maker and she was pretty stubborn herself. She took a deep breath reminding herself that this man was their life-saver and besides... she started to realize. Did he worry about her?

"Thank you, Uncle!" Xiao Xi Xi liked the scary uncle more and more. "We'll be going with you, Mommy!"

"Ah... I just remember. Didn't you feel tired before, Uncle?" Xiao Xi Xi started to remember how Uncle Yi Feng massaged his forehead inside the car.

"I'm fine now..." Lu Yi Feng answered. He wasn't that tired, it was just a random answer to let Xiao Xi Xi stop asking questions.

"No... No... No... you are not fine, Uncle. Mommy, isn't uncle look a little pale?" Xiao Xi Xi insisted.

"Er..." Feng Xiao Qing was speechless. The man looked as healthy as a horse and his face looked radiant to her, so where did Xi Xi get the idea that he was tired and pale?! "Maybe..." Feng Xiao Qing didn't know what else to say, so she could only mutter maybe.

"See? I told you, Uncle. Before you are sending Mommy to the supermarket, Mommy should help you out first!" Xiao Xi Xi declared loudly.

'Me? Help him out? With what?' Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself. Probably because she felt appreciative toward Lu Yi Feng, Feng Xiao Qing smiled and asked --- not knowing that she fell into Xiao Xi Xi's trap, "Sure... What kind of help? As long as I can, I will definitely help you."

Xiao Xi Xi giggled at what Feng Xiao Qing said. BINGO!