A Spiderman?!

It was probably taking around twelve trips to the kitchen and also the bathroom until she found out that Lu Yi Feng was finally sleeping. But she had a new problem! The man was actually sleeping in the living room --- with the laptop still on his lap!

Feng Xiao Qing was tiptoeing in the living room and went in front of the sleeping Lu Yi Feng slowly, trying not to make any sound. She moved her right hand up and down in front of his face while tilting her head to the side and trying to see whether he was truly asleep or not.

Lu Yi Feng didn't move. She wanted to touch his cheek but decided against it. She was pretty sure that if she touched him, then he would wake up. She had another idea... she blew on Lu Yi Feng's cheek and when she found him moving. She quickly hid under the table, feeling scared.

Fortunately, Lu Yi Feng only moved for a little bit and then slept once again.

The laptop on his lap almost fell down and it was caught by Feng Xiao Qing, who hid under the table, at the last moment before it touched the ground. Her breath hitched, feeling scared. Her heartbeat was super fast because of it. This Lu Yi Feng ah~ He made his emotion up and down like a roller coaster --- even when he was sleeping!

Feng Xiao Qing put his laptop on the table. After she was finally sure that Lu Yi Feng was in deep sleep, she stood up. She tiptoed slowly, trying not to make any loud noise. However, she heard Lu Yi Feng cough behind her and she quickly hid herself by squatting down, feeling scared of being found out. But she found no place to hide so she quickly lying prone on the floor. She didn't care about her image, as long as he didn't find out that she was going to go out.

Lu Yi Feng was actually didn't sleep at all. He was only pretending. When Feng Xiao Qing was going to touch him, he was going to retaliate in fear but luckily she changed her mind at the last minute. When she blew on his cheek, she could feel her hot and sweet minty breath, making him shudder. This was the most intimate thing a woman had ever done to him and somehow... his body was reacting to her moves!

'Damn!' He cursed inwardly. He could feel his lower part started to harden. Something that had never happened to him before!!!

He felt his body become very stiff and didn't dare to move one bit. Once he felt that she was already gone, he coughed for a bit and changed his position, trying to calm himself down from the sudden swelling on his little Yi Feng. He thought that she would go back to her room, but instead, he heard the sound of something falling down. He opened one of his eyes, taking a peek.

He found that she was lying prone, trying to flatten herself to the floor. Lu Yi Feng felt amused by her crazy behavior. He wondered what she was planning to do by being that sneaky. The woman was currently crawling to the front door. Who did she think she was? A spiderman?!

After crawling a few times, she stopped and then looked back at Lu Yi Feng. He had no choice but to close his eyes each time she looked back at him.

Lu Yi Feng helplessly looked at the woman and he wondered whether he should follow her or not. When he was pondering over that fact, he saw Feng Xiao Qing was stopping right in front of the door. Knowing that the woman certainly would try to see his reaction, Lu Yi Feng quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping once again.

Feng Xiao Qing looked at the sleeping Lu Yi Feng and sighed in relief. She decided to stand up and opened the door slowly. However, the sound was still quite loud in the middle of the quiet atmosphere and she froze. She quickly looked back and sighed in relief when she found out that the big boss was still sleeping soundly.

She talked softly but enough for Lu Yi Feng to hear her words clearly, "Boss... I will go out first to do something important. Don't worry! I'm not doing anything bad..." She felt it wasn't good to go just like that after seeing her boss, so she still bade him goodbye even though she knew that he was asleep.

She was going to take revenge and the enemy was the one who started this. In her mind, she indeed wasn't doing anything bad. She was one that wouldn't retaliate if she wasn't being provoked. Besides, she had to do this to protect herself and Xiao Xi Xi.

Feng Xiao Qing didn't realize that what she had said was heard perfectly clear by Lu Yi Feng. Lu Yi Feng berated her inwardly, 'Is she really not doing anything bad? Then why is she so sneaky? What's so important that she has to do it this late at night?! Doesn't she know that it's dangerous for a woman to go out at night?!"

After Feng Xiao Qing went out and closed the apartment's door, Lu Yi Feng stood up and decided to follow her. If she wanted to do something bad, he would stop her and punish her. If she didn't, he would at least keep her safe. However, he changed his mind when he remembered about Xiao Xi Xi. The little girl was alone and it would be too irresponsible of him to leave her alone. He berated Feng Xiao Qing inwardly once again. How could she leave her daughter all alone? Is she really doing something important?

Lu Yi Feng gritted his teeth and called one of his private bodyguards who always followed him 24 hours. He was given an apartment next door by Lu Yi Feng. He got this special privilege because he had saved Lu Yi Feng's life once and it was also more convenient.

"Mo Yu, follow Feng Xiao Qing," Lu Yi Feng ordered him.

Mo Yu had always put his phone on standby, just in case Lu Yi Feng needed him. "Now?" He asked.

"Yes... she just went out of the apartment. Guard her and let me know where she's going and what she's doing."

"Yes, Boss..."

Without questioning anything, Mo Yu quickly changed his clothes and went out of the apartment. It didn't take long for him to catch up with Feng Xiao Qing. After all, the woman was still waiting for a bus.

Mo Yu shook his head and thought to himself, 'What is this woman doing this late at night?'