An Ran Jie's Past (1)

After finishing two more lessons, Feng Xiao Qing was finally able to take a break. She laid down on the floor, trying to catch her breath. Because of the competition, she took her lessons more seriously. She had even asked for extended time for practice but Yong Le didn't allow her to. He was worried that her body wouldn't be able to handle it and Feng Xiao Qing could only follow his arrangement.

What Yong Le said made sense. There was no use even though she kept pushing her body to the limit, it would only lead to her injury. She could also start to feel how tired and numb her body was. She decided to find An Ran Jie and asked about the competition's arrangement.

She knocked on An Ran Jie's door and after An Ran Jie answered her to come in, she quickly went inside. An Ran Jie was busy talking on the phone and at the same time signing some documents. She motioned for Feng Xiao Qing to sit down and the latter did as what she told her to do.

She looked around and saw that there were a lot of pictures of An Ran Jie with the artistes under her wings. Feng Xiao Qing realized that An Ran Jie indeed successfully made most of them famous. She felt lucky that Lu Yi Feng had put her under An Ran Jie's guidance. She had felt a bit discouraged because of the sudden competition that An Ran Jie had arranged... However, it seemed like An Ran Jie also had her own calculation.

Feng Xiao Qing calmed herself down... she needed to trust An Ran Jie and at the same time, asked for the reason why she put her into such a big competition. Feng Xiao Qing didn't have anything to do, so when she saw that there was a picture frame that fell down on the ground --- she wanted to pick it up and put it back on the previous place.

However, before she was able to touch it, An Ran Jie said with a loud and stern voice, "Don't bother to arrange it back into its place. I planned to throw it away..."

Feng Xiao Qing was taken aback by what An Ran Jie said. She took a glance and it seemed like it was a picture of her artiste, because the frame was the same as the other frames. "Are you sure?" Feng Xiao Qing asked, feeling worried.

An Ran massaged her forehead due to the sudden headache. She looked at Feng Xiao Qing and probably she should tell her about the person in the picture? She sighed softly and said, "Xiao Qing ah~ you can take a look at it... After that, I will tell you the full story..."

Feng Xiao Qing nodded obediently, after all, she was also feeling curious. Why did the usually calm An Ran Jie give her such a big reaction because of this picture? Feng Xiao Qing turned the picture around and there were a few people in there --- all of them were practically this company's popular artists.

In this picture, An Ran Jie looked so warm and her smile looked more genuine, unlike her current cold self. Feng Xiao Qing was quite surprised because she thought that the woman had always been this aloof. It didn't seem so...

Feng Xiao Qing didn't really pay attention to any popular artists due to her busy life to survive and she only knew because she found their face familiar. Probably because their pictures were used on banners, TV commercial, and so on. However, to remember their name one by one? She didn't think that it was neccessary back then.

However, she noticed that An Ran Jie was laughing at what the woman beside her said. It seemed like they had a really good relationship. If yes, why did she want to remove this picture from her office? She had a gut feeling that it was all about this woman. Feng Xiao Qing hesitantly asked, "Is it because of this woman?"

Yao Ling showed the picture to An Ran and she pointed at a young beautiful woman with translucent white skin, as fair as jade. Her long wavy black hair flew down prettily, framing her oval-shaped face and there was a hint of chubbiness there. Her pretty round eyes and cherry red lips completed her beauty.

An Ran Jie looked at the woman's face and she nodded her head. Her expression became a few degrees colder, showing that she had a love and hate relationship with this woman.

Feng Xiao Qing asked hesitantly, "Who is this woman? What happened between you and her?"

An Ran Jie looked at Feng Xiao Qing like she was an idiot. Was she... asking for this woman's identity for real? She couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Qing ah~ what kind of era do you live in? How come you don't know this famous person?!"