A Clue

When Lin San received the notification, he was feeling surprised. His boss had never been in touch with Ding Bang previously, so why would he suddenly want to check on them? Their business was also not in the same area. He was feeling curious but didn't ask anything about it. He sent 'yes' to him and quickly sent people to investigate these two people. If both of them caught his boss' attention, he knew that they wouldn't end up well.

After finished sending out the message, he looked at Feng Xiao Qing who was busy in the kitchen. This kind of life was really comfortable ah~!

"Why don't you take a bath first?" Feng Xiao Qing asked Lu Yi Feng who was looking at her in a daze --- somehow, it made her feel nervous.

"Alright!" Lu Yi Feng followed her suggestion obediently, even Feng Xiao Qing was surprised by it but she was still feeling happy nonetheless.