Praise Me

"You are right..." Lu Yi Feng admitted. He should have thought of that ah~! He was too nervous just now and also blinded by his own anger. Thus, it affected his judgment.

Feng Xiao Qing didn't stop talking right there. "Actually... I'm worried more about you..." She looked at Lu Yi Feng shyly and her face was slightly flushed. Admitting this really made her feel embarrassed ah~! However, she didn't want to shy away from her own feelings.

Lu Yi Feng was taken aback while pointing at himself. "Me? Why?" She was the one who was being attacked and yet, she was... feeling worried about him? Suddenly, he felt really smug.

People rarely felt worried about him because they found him as a capable person, thus, he felt weird when Feng Xiao Qing said that but it warmed his heart for some reasons. Even his mother was confident in his abilities, so she had never checked on him or asked how he was doing.