He Forgot Ah~!

Zhang Li pouted angrily because it seemed like her guess was right. He forgot ah~!

A son was really useless ah~! A daughter would certainly be more caring about her parents' feelings. Look at Yi Feng! He even forgot about his promise to her and he only made that promise yesterday! Zhang Li thought to herself while shaking her head in despair. She had been waiting for his call since early in the morning because she wanted to know about Xiao Xi Xi's condition!

"What?" Lu Yi Feng asked. However, when his eyes landed on Xiao Xi Xi, he suddenly remembered his promise. Ah... This was the thing that he had forgotten about!

"Ah, yes, yes. About Xiao Xi Xi, right?" He quickly said guiltily.

"Yes! So now you finally remember, huh? Don't you know that I'm so worried about her ah~?! How is she now? " Zhang Li really wanted to scold this unfilial son but she cared more about Xiao Xi Xi's wellbeing, so she didn't bother to make a fuss.