Sara on Sarah

We took places at the table and Jim served us bacon, eggs, and toast. I must have been running behind on my calories because I finished mine in record time and polished off two pieces of fruit out of the bowl in the middle of the table before It occurred to me to wonder if it was just for decoration or not. Alex saw me stuffing my face and brought me a second helping of eggs and a big glass of milk. Only when I had put it all away, did I realize how hungry I had been. The kind of physical effort that I was used to in gym class was nothing compared to the energy I could burn doing mental control stuff. I was going to have to watch my diet as carefully as any diabetic to avoid running my blood sugar dangerously low. I wondered if any of the comic book superheroes had to carry around a handbag full of candy bars. I pictured myself flying through the air with my cape snapping in the wind, dropping candy wrappers behind me. I could be Super Litterbug.

Alex snorted and milk dribbled out the corner of her mouth. She looked at me accusingly. I shrugged and tried to look apologetic. We were either going to have to work out a way to control our telepathy or I would have to learn to restrain my sense of humour.

"Alex? Are you OK?", Lori asked. She wasn't yet used to the idea that conversations could be going on without her being aware.

I sighed. There were a lot of very good reasons for not telling everyone all the things I could do, but I could see that it was going to be was very awkward and annoying to have to keep thinking of cover stories and explanations all the time.

All during the meal, I noticed that Lori and Sara stared at our lingerie as much as the boys did. When we decided to show off, we had not thought that we might be stirring up envy in our friends but I didn't regret doing it.

After breakfast, Lori and Sarah came with me, since my bathroom was well-stocked with every type of toiletry imaginable. Even though it was a large bathroom, there was only so much space, so Alex and Lori went first and Sara and I followed after. The first shift had gone downstairs by the time Sara and I finished up and I was deciding what to put on when I noticed that she was trying to work herself up to say something to me.

"Sara? What is it?" I took her hand and we sat down on the bed.

"Sam, we didn't get a chance to talk last night and I... I just wanted to say that I think you are really great and I think you are really pretty." It wasn't too hard to figure out what feature of mine she found especially attractive. Her eyes kept flicking down to look at my breasts, which were only slightly obscured by my sheer nightgown.

"Thank you!" I said. I couldn't leave it at that, though. Not a chance. I took both her hands in mine. "What would you say was my best feature?" Sometimes the direct route is the best. It was clear from her advance at breakfast that she wanted to get her hands on a certain part of my anatomy in the worst way.

"Your, ah, your breasts are beautiful." She said, staring openly. I pulled her hand to my throat and put the ribbon holding my nightgown closed into her hand. She eagerly unwrapped her present. She gazed at my chest. Her hands moved ceaselessly in her lap.

"It's OK," I said, "You can touch them. I want you to."

She reached out; then she hesitated, unsure of what to do. She and her sister had much smaller breasts than mine. I was sure she had never handled anything like my pair of double-H's.

"Please, stop teasing me." I told her. I took her by the wrists and put her palms over my nipples. "Ummmmmmm," I purred. The heat of her hands felt wonderful.

Encouraged, she stroked me with her fingertips, touching me lightly all over my breasts. She put her hands under my breasts and felt where they curved down into my last rib.

"It's amazing," she said, "they don't droop or sag at all. I thought breasts this big would hang down if you didn't wear a bra." She tried to heft them to get an idea of the weight and I leaned over to put more of them in her hands. She tentatively squeezed me to test their firmness.

"Don't worry," I reassured her, "you won't hurt me."

She smiled at that. "I guess not," she said. "I guess if you weren't hurt last night, there's nothing I could do to hurt you."

"Don't forget the re-enactment. I did it all over again, and much better, too you know?"

"You show-off!"

"Yeah, that too. Kiss me?" She slid into my arms eagerly. She wasn't a great kisser, but she had a lot of enthusiasm. She kept stroking my boobs while she kissed me. We fell over onto the big bed and rolled around, pressing and rubbing against each other. It did not take long to get both of us worked up so we were panting. She wound up on top of me.

The only article of clothing between us was my panties. I pushed my hips off the bed so she could pull them down.

"You shave!" she exclaimed. "I didn't notice."

"Yeah. A lot of my clothes are either so thin or cut so low that it looks better this way. Also, it's very sensual. It makes me much more aware of my pussy. Like right now, it wants to be petted. Will you pet my pussy, Sara?"

She stroked my outer lips with the same gentle touch that she had used on my breasts. She had my juices boiling in almost no time at all. My legs seemed to fly open on their own. She slid a finger into me and made me moan. She felt around to see if she could get a second finger in. She decided she could, and when she did, she touched the sensitive spot where my hymen had been and it made me shudder. My legs tried to close by reflex before I could stop them.

"You're tight," she said. I heard a note of surprise in her voice that I did not expect.

"Why does that surprise you?" I asked.

"Well, you being so... you know... sexy! I thought you'd be more... experienced."

"You mean you thought I'd be getting so much cock that my pussy would be loose? No. Not yet, anyway." I didn't want to admit how close I was to still being a virgin. Since I hadn't actually made it with a boy yet, I could still technically be called a virgin, anyway.

"You sound like that wouldn't bother you."

"What? Being loose or having enough sex to make me that way? I guess neither would upset me too much," I giggled. "I love sex. I love what you're doing to me. Don't stop. Can you reach any deeper?"

"I can try. You're so wet! But don't tell me you're not getting laid every time you snap your fingers. The boys were already drooling over you before. Now that you've had this 'growth-spurt' or whatever, they'll be lining up for your attention. "

She crawled up to straddle my stomach so she could play with my boobs and still keep her fingers in my pussy. I lay back and let her do whatever she wanted to me. It was all good.

"I love your tits!" she exclaimed. "They're wonderful!"

I couldn't tell if it was envy or lust making her say that. I really didn't care, as long as she didn't stop touching me. I reached behind her and ran a finger between her labia. They folded open for me and a few drops of her juice ran out onto my fingers. I put one finger into her pussy and then two. I still had room to move around, but I stopped at two.

"You're pretty loose," I said, teasingly. "Have you been getting too much cock for your own good?"

She laughed and pushed herself down onto my hand. I pushed back and a third finger went in. I pushed harder and they sank deep into her. She moaned in response.

"I've been fucking Bud," she said with her teeth clenched, "That will open you up good."

"I wondered who would end up with who. I thought you two had traded guys right before you snuck out last night."

"Oh, it's better than that. Lori and I went back and forth. Bud is just too big to take without being stretched, so we both had Jim fuck us first. After that, we both fucked Bud. It was a lot of fun doing it together."

"How was it with Bud?"

"Heavenly! It's like being touched everywhere inside all at once. And when he came in me, I just thought I would burst! Then we went back to Jim and so on."

"This is pretty close to heaven right now," I said in a shaky voice. Thinking about the Hendersons fucking Jim and Bud all night had me close to the edge and it would not take much to make me cum."

"Me too! Faster, please. Oh. Oh. Oooooooo! Just like that."

"Rub my clit. Yesssss!"

We both came on each other's fingers. I could feel Sara's pussy squeezing my hand when she came.

Afterwards, we cuddled on the bed. Sara lay with her cheek on my right breast, breathing on my nipple. In my aroused condition, it didn't take long for it to swell up. Finally, I could not take it anymore and I rose up on my elbow so that my nipple pressed against her lips. She opened her eyes and looked at me as she opened her mouth and took my nipple inside. I felt her hot, wet tongue lick it and then she sucked on it. I moaned in pleasure and she kept on sucking and licking.

She hugged me with one arm and played with my swollen nipple with her other hand.

"Sam?" she said, still snuggled into my shoulder, "Can we do this again, sometime? Sometime soon?"

"Of course. Anytime."

"Thank you... You know, you taste really good."

"You don't want to go see what Alex has found for you to wear?"

"Oh! I forgot all about that! They're probably wondering what happened to us."

"Don't worry." I told her. "No one will come looking. But I want to see you in something sexy. Not that what you have on right now isn't sexy." I stroked her thigh from her knee upward.

She opened her legs and I stroked her pussy for her, too.

"Next time," I told her, "I want to taste you." I spread my fingers, pulling her pussy open so there would be no question where I wanted to put my tongue.

"Oh please! I'd like that." She tilted her hips, trying to push her clit against my palm, but I moved my hand with her and pulled her lips open wider. Her clit rose up between my fingers, looking for something to rub it.

"You're making me wet again," she said.

"Yes, I am. And I want you to stay wet. I want you to stay sopping wet for me. I want you to think about what I did to Alex last night right after you got here, because I am going to do the same thing to you later. Don't let Alex put you in anything that covers your pussy. I will be inspecting you, so you be ready."

"Oh my! Oh, I can't stand it! Please, don't leave me like this! Let me cum!"

"No cumming until I say so. I want your clit as hard as a diamond when I'm ready to suck it."

"Yes, ma'am." She hopped off the bed and went back into the bathroom. I watched her butt-cheeks clench as she tried to stimulate her clit without touching herself. I smiled and wondered how many times and how many ways she would find to make herself cum in the next few hours.

When Sara left my room, she was carrying the football jersey instead of wearing it. Her nipples were standing up stiffly on her breasts. She clearly intended to make sure that everyone saw how turned on she was and how proud she was of the fact.