The Ingenious Solution

I opened the double-doors at the front of the room. Just outside was a concrete driveway leading around the corner of the house and down to the street. It was lined with evergreen trees on both sides, which is why I had never noticed it before. The trees hid it completely unless you were looking straight down it.

I turned off the lights and climbed back up to the second floor. As I walked down the hall, I heard voices coming from one of the guest bedrooms and I went in. Lori, Sara and Alex were trying on clothes and there was a large pile of clothes on the bed.

I could hear Lori's voice coming from the closet.

"I'm sure she'll be along soon, Alex. But if you want to go look for... oh, here she is."

Alex dropped the blouse she was about to try on and ran over and hugged me.

"Are you all right?" she whispered. "I got an image of you riding a dragon. You were scared to death."

"It's OK," I whispered back. "I'll show you the 'dragon' later. Right now, it's a secret, OK?"

"OK. But you scared me. I thought something had eaten you... and it wasn't me." We both laughed at her joke.

Sara said, "Took you long enough! Alex was worried. Don't tell us you got lost on the way down the stairs."

"No, I looked in on Jim and Bud. They went back to bed and they're both sound asleep. They must have had a rough night."

Neither Lori nor Sara had a reply to that. Of course, I could not stop there.

"They both looked positively drained!" I said with as straight a face as I could manage.

Sara was the first to lose her composure. When she started laughing, everyone else did, too.

"I mean, Bud could hardly get it up!" I had to almost shout over the giggling. Personally, I thought that one might have been one remark too many, but the whoops of laughter seemed to justify my effort.

Lori modelled a chamois skirt that was designed to resemble a Native American loincloth. It tied on both hips and left the outsides of the legs bare. The larger your hip measurement, the more skin showed. On Lori it only revealed a narrow-slit down both sides. The top was a stretchy fishnet bra with feathers tied to it that would be risqué on someone with a large bustline, but on Lori, was quite modest. She even had a beaded headband to complete the Amerind-theme look.

Sara wore a blue two-piece set in a sheer ruffled material. The top was a ruffled boa that went around her neck and crossed in front. The ends of the boa held the loose-fitting skirt up. The ruffled hem of the skirt was cut diagonally from one hip to just above her other knee.

Alex had on a shimmering-green spandex tube-top and a matching micro-miniskirt that was just a slightly wider version of the tube-top. The colour went perfectly with her dark-red hair and the tight-fitting spandex showed off her figure nicely.

We spent the rest of the morning swapping outfits and trying on clothes in different combinations. It was a blast. I hadn't had so much fun in practically forever.

Everything was going wonderfully, until the subject turned to boys and sex. We were all sitting or lying on the bed and Alex was telling us about a boy she dated once who wanted her to suck his cock in public places.

"I did it in the movie theatre, too," she said, "I just bent over and put my head in his lap while he put a coat over my head. But the one time we got caught, and the last time I did that with him, was by the lake in the park. We had found what we thought was a private spot where no one could see us. I was going down on him and he had his hand in my panties. We were both very distracted. Well, along came this other couple, also looking for a 'private spot' and they literally tripped over us. I mean, they fell right on top of me. His cock was forced right down my throat. That was the first, and last, time I ever deep-throated a guy."

Sara giggled and piped up excitedly, "Last night was the first time I ever tried it. You saw what happened then. I managed to get Bud's cock stuck in my mouth. Oh, I thought I would drown when he came. His cock just plugged my throat. It has to be this big around!" She held up her hand in front of her face with her fingers curled around with a large gap between her thumb and fingers to show us the size of Bud's cock. She looked through her hand at each of us in turn, grinning widely as she did so.

"Well, I sucked it, anyway."

"And successfully, too from the way you described it. You said he almost drowned you when he came. You know, if you hold your breath and keep swallowing when he cums, that won't happen." Alex said.

"It doesn't bother you?"

"Sucking cocks? Oooo, I love it. So what else did you do?"

I sucked Bud, then sucked Jim, fucked him and then fucked Bud."

"You fucked Jim too? You've been busy. I'm surprised you haven't had sex with Sarah, too."

Sara turned so red she was almost purple. The look of guilt on her face was so comical that we almost fell off the bed.

Alex said, "Sarah, too? In one night? You had sex with every member in one night?"

Sara looked like she had been tried and convicted of a capital crime. She said, "Yes," in a barely audible squeek.

"Well, young lady," Alex went on, "I have only one more question to ask you — when were you going to get around to me?"

If this were a cartoon Sara's eyes would have rolled back in her head and been replaced with question marks. The poor girl was beyond confused. She was stupefied.

"Hunh?" Sara said.

"Don't you like me?"

"Yes! I do."

"Thank you! Because I like you, too. Can I at least get a kiss?"

"Uh, sure. I guess."

"Well, let's not get too excited, here!" Alex rolled over on her back on the bed. In the process, she managed to open the blouse she had on, exposing both breasts. "OK, whenever you're ready."

Sara leaned over and carefully pecked Alex on the lips without managing to touch any other part of her.

"That's how you kiss? How did you manage to seduce everyone in the house, kissing like that?" She looked around at the rest of us on the bed. "Is there someone who would like to show Sara how to kiss?"

I knew my cue when I heard it. I crawled over Lori and Sara and on top of Alex. I didn't have a top on at the moment so our bare boobs fit together like puzzle pieces. I lowered my lips to hers and brushed them together. I stuck my tongue out and ran the tip around her lips until she opened her mouth and touched her tongue to mine. I licked the tip of her tongue and then slid my tongue into her mouth alongside hers. Our lips sealed together and we both moaned with pleasure. She put her hands on my back and pulled me down against her. I moved my leg between hers and rubbed her pussy with my thigh. She stroked my back with one hand and put the other on the back of my neck... We lost ourselves in the kiss and in each other. When we finally came up for air, we were both panting from desire as well as from lack of oxygen. I laid my head on her shoulder and kissed the side of her neck. I slid to one side so my weight was no longer on her body and I caressed her breasts with my free hand. Two pairs of eyes were riveted on us.

When Alex had recovered enough to talk, she said, "OK, Sara. I hope you were paying attention, because that's how it's done. Any questions?"

Sara did not answer. She was lost in her own fantasy.

"Earth to Sara! Hellooooo!"


"I guess the first thing I want to know is — did they satisfy you? Did you cum?"

"Oh, yes! Several times! Lori and me both!"

"Well thanks, blabbermouth!" Lori spoke up, but she laughed as she said it.

"Good. How did you manage to take Bud's cock? It's pretty big."

"We fucked Jim first." Sara said, "That stretched us out enough. Bud is huge!"

"What an ingenious solution!"

"Oh, wow. I'm getting hot just thinking about it!" Sara clamped her hands between her legs and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"How come guys never talk to me about any problems they were having?" Sara wondered.

"Boys hate to talk about it." Lori agreed. "They have a hard-enough time telling you that they want to do it."

"That's true," Alex said. "Usually the first clue you have is when they start groping you."

"Too true," Sara said. "Boys are so crude."

"They're afraid of rejection." Alex said. "They put up what they think is a macho front to protect themselves. You have to explain things to them if you want them to behave a certain way."

"That's for sure," I said. "You know I actually had to explain to Jim and Bud that the reason they should listen to me on the subject of girls was because I am a girl? How's that for being dense?"

Lori said, "So you're the one we have to thank for all that 'does this feel good' and 'would you like me to' that we were hearing last night. You've been training them! I noticed that they were a good bit more considerate than they used to be."

I squeezed the breast I had my hand on. She kissed me and returned the caress.

"Hey are we talking or making out? You guys are really making me hot." Sara complained.

"Good!" I told her. "You stay hot and horny. I want you so hot you'll cum if I look at you hard."

Sara spread her knees apart and put her hands on either side of her swollen pussy. "I'm almost there now," she said, "If I have to wait any longer, I'll die!"

Alex laughed, "That's what she did to me yesterday, Sara. By the time she let me cum, I was so turned on I could hardly walk. You hang in there. Believe me, it's worth the wait." While she spoke, she absently stroked her own pussy, remembering how hard she had cum when I finally let her.

Sara was just about beside herself. I wasn't ready to give her release yet, but I could give her some distraction. I reached out and touched her knee to get her attention, then I crooked a finger to her and put it inside me. Sara got the message and lay down between my legs and started licking my own hot pussy. I was so hot I felt like I was on fire all over. I felt Sara's mouth leave me. Before I could break a kiss and look down to see where she had gone, Alex stiffened in my arms and then shuddered and moaned. I knew then where Sara had gone. She had just moved one pussy to the left and was busy licking Alex. Sara wasn't the most accomplished pussy-eater around, but she had a sweet way of exploring with her hot little tongue that would drive you wild.

When I heard Alex sigh and slump into my arms, I opened my legs again and Sara moved back between them. I wasn't going to be able to stand much more of her licking before I had to cum.