Going Pro

In the dim light coming through the closed curtains, I could make out Bud's form on the bed. He seemed to be still sound asleep. "No wonder," I thought. "If Lori and Sara didn't drain you last night, then I certainly did with my cum-vampire act." I decided not to force myself on him and just to try to wake him up as pleasantly as I could.

I untied my blouse and let it drop and stepped out of my barely-on shorts. Slipping off my shoes, I walked over to the far side of the bed. I picked up the sheet and crawled in as carefully as I could. Moving slowly, I slid over next to Bud until I was almost touching him and I was able to lay my head down on his pillow.

For a moment, I lay there, listening to him breathe and feeling his body-heat radiate into my breasts and my stomach. I lay quietly and for the first time considered what it would feel like to spend all night in a boy's bed, with our bodies nestled against each other, enjoying closeness beyond that of sexual intimacy. I decided that I'd really like to try that sometime. Perhaps I could even get an invitation. For the moment, I could lie there and fantasize about it.

I closed my eyes and tried to match my breathing to Bud's. I rolled into him so that our bodies were just touching. The feeling and the heat of his flesh touching my breasts was wonderful.

The touch must have woken him, because he rolled over into me. His hips pressed on mine and his chest crushed my breasts between us. His cheek was on mine and I could feel his breath on my ear. I turned my head slightly, so that my lips were touching his. I whispered into his mouth, "Hi there. Time to wake up." I rubbed my lips against his, inviting a kiss.

Bud opened his eyes and looked right into mine. "Hello, Sarah," he said, "Funny meeting you here." He kissed me and put his arms around me. I snuggled against him and we lay there, holding each other while he finished waking up. After a few moments, he said, "This is reeeeealy nice. If I have to wake up, this is definitely the best way to do it."

"You don't mind me sneaking into your room and climbing into bed with you?" I asked.

"Oh no! You are welcome in my bed anytime you want, for as long as you want." To emphasize his point, he kissed me and hugged me tight.

"That's good," I said. "'cause I was feeling guilty about... you know... using you."

"Using me? Sam, let's clear this up right now. You are the bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are sweet, kind, loving, thoughtful, and you could have any guy you want by winking at him. You come in here and let me have sex with you and you wonder if I mind? Let me think about this for a bit-NO! Any more questions you need answered?"

"I guess not."

"Just let me hit the john for a sec and I'll be right down." He said, but he did not make a move to get out of bed. I didn't move either. It was just too darn nice to lie there and hold each other. Eventually, nature's call became irresistible. He rolled off the bed and headed into the bathroom and I got dressed and stepped out into the hall.

I poked my nose into Jim's room to see how Alex was coming along with getting Jim to wake up. The unmistakable sound of Alex squealing with pleasure as Jim fucked her sent a tingle through my pussy. "Better make it a quickie," I thought to her as I closed the door. I got back the feeling of Jim's hard cock slamming into her pussy over and over. It was enough to make me collapse to the floor of the hall with my hand in my pussy and my pants around my ankles. It was another of those 'zero to 60 in no time flat' feelings.

I almost surrendered to the secondary experience. It was so tempting to just lie there and go along for the ride. With more will-power than I thought I could muster, I got to my feet and even managed to walk a few steps before I heard Alex screaming in ecstasy through the bedroom door and inside my head. Her orgasm became my orgasm and we both nearly came our brains out.

It would have been embarrassing and difficult to explain if Bud found me lying on the hall floor in mid-orgasm, so as soon as I could force myself back to my feet, I staggered into my own room a short distance away. I had to run to the bathroom for a towel to sop up the juice flooding out of my pussy. I wondered if this was what Alex felt every time I had sex with someone and she was in range of our telepathic link. I had no sooner posed the question to myself than the answer came from across the hall, "Yes!" Followed by "Can I come use your bidet? Jim and Bud don't have one and I am awash in cum."

"Come ahead," I sent back, smiling. She was there in seconds, one hand holding her clothes and the other clamped to her pussy as she tried to keep the stuff from gushing out all over the carpet. I went out to the bedroom to get dressed while she cleaned up.

As soon as we were both presentable, we went down to check on the Henderson girls. The bedroom we had left them in was empty, the clothes we had left for them were gone, and the bed had been remade. All the clothes we had tried on had been hung back in the closet or put away in drawers.

It looked like Lori and Sara were making an effort to get invited back.

We arrived for lunch to find the Hendersons setting the table and pouring the iced tea.

Jim and Bud came in right behind us and we all sat down to eat. Everyone had an appetite and there was very little conversation until the food was almost gone.

Lori brought up the inevitable subject, "We really hate to leave, but we both have homework left to do before tomorrow and we should be getting back."

Sara chimed in, "Oh yes, this has been the best time I've ever had. I hope we can come back real soon." Her blatant plea for a follow-up invitation was rewarded by her sister with a nasty look; one that she returned with a pout.

Jim answered graciously, "I'm glad you had a good time. It's been a pleasure to have you here. I'm sorry you had to be exposed to that unpleasantness last night. You do realize that you can't discuss that with anyone, don't you?"

"Yeah," I said. "But you know it is best for everyone if we just forget the whole thing ever happened." I got a few nods at that, even from the boys.

"I'd better go, too." Alex said. "You'll be seeing enough of me around here, and I have to go check on Mom. She got up and took her plate into the kitchen. When she came back, she said to me, "You stay in touch, now." Like it was something that I had control over. Then she bent down and kissed me good before moving on to do the same to Bud, Jim, and the girls.

I made a list of things to do before going pro.

• Mats in workshop for sparring and maybe some post workout sex.

• Sparring Partner - Alex

• Kung-Fu Classes – Private Instructor, if he is hot. Else classes.

• Motorcycle Driving Licence – Bribe Alex's Cousin

• Superhero Costume – Revealing, sexy and practical. Something tight, so it doesn't get in my way. Could check with Norton.

I thought about my abilities. I thought it was vain to think of them as 'powers'. They were simply things that I could do, like some people can do complicated math problems in their heads, or some people are natural athletes. I remembered an old movie about a 'natural' baseball player. I could just naturally augment my strength and stamina with my mind. I could also talk to Alex. That was the part that puzzled me the most. It seemed so one-sided that she could hear me so easily, but I had to concentrate to hear her.

I tried to 'listen' with my mind again. This time, I wasn't listing for thoughts or words, but just tuning in on whatever was out there. I tried to clear my mind and find a quiet place to be inside my head. I opened my mental 'ears' and let whatever there was come in.

At first there was only a vague, muddled feeling, like emotional white-noise. I could almost pick out individual emotions. I tried harder and it all went away. I was about to get frustrated with it, when it occurred to me that trying was what made it stop. If I quit trying and just listened it might work better. I opened up again. I made no attempt to find, filter, sense, detect, tune in, or otherwise look for things. I just listened. I let it come to me.

After a minute, I picked up a feeling of great joy and contentment. I let it pass by and kept listening. I got the impression of hunger, then another of anger. Each went past like a train whistle on a fast freight. I picked up a chorus of excitement that rose to a high pitch and then crashed into disappointment. That one was easily identifiable.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I had made some progress. I felt sure that with practice I could 'hear' fear, a skill that would be invaluable in locating victims. Certainly strong emotions would shine like a lighthouse beacon at night and I would be able to home-in on the source. Just being able to know when I was needed would be enough to call the whole thing a fantastic success.

I went back down to the hall and found Jim.

"Listen, I think I'd like to try out some of this stuff." I hooked a thumb at the other end of the room, the end with all the machinery in it. "Could you show me how to use this?"

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the exercise area of the family room. I had Jim show me how to use all the machines and how to set up the stands and load the weights. He gave me some pointers on the proper technique to get the best results and then stood and spotted for me as I worked out.

At Jim's suggestion, I started with the smallest pair of dumbbells and worked my way up from there. I did a set with each and rested before moving up to the next. I was proud of the fact that I made it almost halfway through the range of weight before I had to resort to trance to get the strength needed to complete the set. I got through the last set using the weight that I had used to level Leon. Holding that dumbbell again brought back conflicting memories of regret and revenge.

I had Jim load the bar on the bench with the same weight I had just used. I did ten reps and had him add more. We used the same pump and rest cycle as with the dumbbells, adding more weight each time. When we got up to 220 pounds, Jim started getting a funny look.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"220 is my best press," he said. I tried to think of something to say to him, but nothing seemed helpful. I lifted the bar, steadied it and pumped it ten times. Jim dropped his eyes to the floor as I settled the bar back on the stand.