A Great Act

It's a new day. They are near the city but they decided not to rush and plan it carefully.

"My Lord? Me?" Bill asked. He was surprised when Naga told him to disguise as a rich traveling merchant and adventurer.

"Yes, you. Your presence now is noble and elegant. You're a good looking guy with a mysterious golden eyes. Who can fit the role of a young lord here if not you? I am only your lord in name and in role but heck... You look like the boss here actually." Naga chuckled and said this.

They all laughed. This kid is honest and mindful. It was decided that Old Samuel will act as the butler while the group of four men will be the guards. Old Drun is a magic blacksmith serving Bill. Naga will act as a lowly servant and driver. Bill will use his name Willard, Lord Willard of Iron Crow Family. With this, they change again the appearance of the cargo. There's a symbol now of a crow and a shield as a background.

When they reached the city gate, Naga went out first and talked to the guards. He humbly showed the command medallion of the House of Iron Crow. The guards are not familiar with it so Naga explained that it is a newly rich family in the far south which were given a noble title. They wanted to expand their business and the second son of the family wants to make name of his own like what their father did. The guards were quite convince specially when they looked at the medallion, it really exudes magical properties with an aura of a crow flying in the air. Of course, Old Samuel knows that this is not enough so they will attack all out now.

Suddenly someone went out of the cargo. "Little Servant, what happened?" Bill asked. He is wearing a high quality noble suit and a fur coat.

The guards were surprised since this man looks like a prince. His golden eyes are captivating. They had another shocked when they saw an old man went out of the cargo too. It's an elf. A high elf. The young noble gestured to the kid. The guards saw it when the kid approaches the man and gave the medallion then bowed. The noble gave the medallion to the old man and the old man bowed. Meanwhile an orc went out and the guards are now agahst. Another four elves wearing armors went out after. The guards don't know what to do anymore. They're regretting not believing the kid right away.

They believed that no ordinary man can have elves and orc as servants. This young noble in front of them is not ordinary. You can say that with his looks alone. You can't be poor with those golden eyes. This man is destined of great fortune with those eyes alone. A favored chosen of heavens.

"Great Lord, we apologize for delaying you in entering our city! We.. We hope that you will forgive us, we are only following the rules!" the two guards bowed with full of respect and fear.

"That's fine. With guards like you, I can already see how great this city is." Bill said this and showed a warm smile.

'This young lord is kind. His smile is encouraging too. What a good lord to serve. Now I know why these proud elves are serving him.' One of the guards thought.

"Welcome to our Profound Sky City, Great Lord!" The guards salute.

"We will inform the city lord and we will send a messenger to the Crimson Earth clan too so they will be informed of your grand arrival." One of the guards rush over.

'Look at these idiots. Tsk.' Old Drun chuckled.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. For now, please tell us a good inn to stay." Bill said to the guards. They nodded and escorted Naga's group.

They were escorted to the best inn in the city, Peach Blossom Hotel. When they entered, the people were shocked. They saw elves and an orc attending to a young man with a captivating golden eyes. The employees are mostly women and they can't control their feelings after seeing the elves and the young lord. Meanwhile Naga is still outside. He used the excuse of being the lowest servant to stay outside and guard the cargo. He is now actually watching the city. He saw people reeking aura of bad intentions. There's a group who passed by and looked at him with pure malice too.

"Hey kid, there are a lot of gangs here. Be careful. The city lord is having problem with them too since they have experts in their rank. The Crimson Earth doesn't really care about the well being of the citizens. I'm telling you this since I can see that your master is a good man." One of the hotel guards approached and gave advise to Naga.

"Thank you. I will tell my young lord about it" Naga appreciated the man's good intention.

"Great. I don't want you guys to suffer. So always take care." the guard smiled to Naga before going back to his post.

'Gangs huh? Give me time and I will play with you little gangsters. I'll make sure to have a good time. I can still remember some of the things those bastards do in my world. Perhaps it's really fun and exciting.' Naga is smiling like a villain now.

There's actually someone hiding in an alley who saw this. She was frightened. "Is this kid really a lowly servant? Are they really here just to do business?". This girl is really keen into details.