Quite A Good Meeting

Naga learned a short cut route going to the commoner's town yesterday due to the incident with the three men. He went directly at the forested area. While walking, he summoned the book.

'My only arcane magic for offense is the bow. I feel like I'm a magic archer and not a mage.' Naga thought to himself and bitterly smiled.

While walking, he's looking at some basic magic techniques that he wanted to use but he can't comes up with a decision yet.

He stopped walking when he saw two arcane arts that caught his attention. These two are just basic level magic but he has the book's supreme knowledge so both were improved version. Also, with the wisdom of the old sages, he gained knowledge of how to cast it without any chants. A huge advantage as a mage.

'Quite nice.' Naga smiled.

The first one is Wind Blade Strike. This will let him cast a quick long range attack. A simple yet effective strike.

The second technique is Sudden Lightning. This will let him discharge lightning arcane from his body for a few seconds. A good way to stun or distract oponents.

As the book's owner, he doesn't need to worry about training different elements and arcane arts. A benefit which he really likes.

While walking, he tried the Wind Blade and striked a tree. 'Swiiiissh!'

He hit the tree and the targetted tree branch fell off.

"Oh, good enough." Naga was satisfied.

He tried the Sudden Lightning next and was surprised. This is quite strong and will really help him in a dire situation.

He practiced both magic techniques multiple times and trained his physical body too. He only stopped after doing these for some hours.

He laid down and looked at the sky, it's quite peaceful. 'This is becoming a post training habit now.' He smiled.

He closed his eyes and listened to the singing birds. He used this time to train his spacial awareness too.

Naga felt that his arcane mana reserve is much powerful now. It seems that the Dragon Mana has some affect on it. Also, his physical body was improved by a lot, he believes that this is due to the Dragon Mana. He knows that even with the set of physical training his doing right now, result should not be this drastic.

He opened his eyes after an hour.

"Sunset, huh? So it seems that I will reach the town at night. Perhaps I'll not see her." Naga was somehow disappointed.

He stood up and tapped his clothes to remove any dirt then started walking again.

As expected, he reached the church at night. No one is loitering in the town. It was an after effect of the authoritive mansion's wrath. Everyone are afraid right now.

The gate of the church is open as always. He went at the back of the church and knocked at the door of the small house. 'Thud. Thud.'

The old lady opened it. "Young master Naga, Father Justus is waiting for you the whole day." She said and smiled.

"Sorry for the delay." Naga apologized and lightly bowed.

"Come inside and have a seat." The old lady smiled.

She gave Naga some stew and roasted beef before going to Father Justus. Naga was surprised since these meals are really delicious. Comparable with what he's eating in the hotel.

"Young master, so you are here." Father Justus smiled.

Naga stood up. "Good evening, Father Justus."

"Good evening. It seems that you already have an artifact to use."

"Yes. Here." Naga showed the ring.

Father Justus was surprised. "As expected with an Arcane Lord high elf and a veteran magic blacksmith orc."

"Let's go to the Magnus Island. By the way, you may need to stay and wait until the morning sun." The old priest reminded Naga.

Naga nodded and followed the priest to the basement. They entered the same portal so Naga used this time to study and observe the space and pattern.

"Welcome back, Naga and Old Justus.", the knight, Lucas greeted them and smiled.

"Good to see you again, Sir Lucas." Naga lightly bowed.

"Come with me to the cathedral. My uncle is waiting." Lucas told Naga.

"Bishop Luciano is here?" Father Justus was surprised.

"Yes, he visited me." Lucas said.

"He wanted you to go back to the university now, right?", Father Justus asked.

Lucas bitterly smiled. "Well, yes."

Naga followed them and entered the cathedral. This cathedral is so grand. It feels like only kings and emperors can offer prayers here.

He saw an old man with a long white hair waiting at the cathedral's hall. He's wearing an unadorned white priest robe and he's barefooted. He's so simple yet his aura is so powerful and holy. This is the first time for Naga to meet such a person.

"Monsignor, nice to see you again." The old man looked at Father Justus.

"I'm glad that you're well, Bishop Luciano." Father Justus smiled.

Sir Lucas kneeled and said, "Uncle... I mean Bishop, this young boy here is Naga and he needs our help. His friend has the power of Ancient Prime while he has a pure Dragon Mana."

The old man looked at Naga with his powerful clear eyes.

Naga bowed. "I'm Naga. It's my fortune to meet the respected Bishop today."

"You are truly blessed child. Your Dragon Mana is so pure and ancient. Your arcane mana is quite powerful too.", the bishop said.

"Thank you, Bishop." Naga smiled.

"Ancient Prime and Dragon Mana with a powerful arcane at that. Hhmm. Tell me, are you planning to dominate the world?" The old man asked.

Lucas and Father Justus looked at Naga.

"No, but I want to have my own place in this world." Naga lightly shaked his head and smiled.

"Good. I'm thankful that you have the pure Dragon Mana and not someone else." The old man was really satisfied. He can see through Naga's honest answer.

They talked for a few moments more and told Naga what they will need to do. Naga gave the ring to the old bishop. He was escorted to the mansion near the cathedral.

The mansion is majestic and elegant. He checked his room and it is so grand, a lot better than their suit. He was shocked when Lucas told him that this mansion is actually gifted to him by the House of Magnus.

"Please tell me anything you need, young master." A man wearing a black suit asked.

"Thanks. Please take care of this place. I may not be able to go here all the time." Naga said.

"Indeed. As your butler, please leave everything to me." The man smiled.

Naga asked, "Great. What's your name?"

"I'm Theodore, young master." The man said.

"Cool. Again, my name is Naga. Nice to meet you." Naga smiled.

He went to his room and summoned the book. This time he looked at the Fireball magic. He wanted this magic spell to really feel that he's a mage. He read through all the important detail before sleeping.