Earlier Than Expected

Naga left the orphanage and went to the church. He wanted to investigate further but he decided to finish other tasks first.

"Young noble, please wait for a while. Father Justus is returning." A servant approached Naga and said.

He nodded at the servant and entered the church. He sat down on one of the chairs and looked at the statue of Saint Piere. After a while, Father Justus arrived and sat down besides Naga.

"Young noble, would you like to visit the Sacred Grail University?" Father Justus asked.

"A request from the Bishop or Sir Lucas?" Naga asked and smiled.

"Both." Father Justus responded smiling.

"I'll think of it." Naga answered.

He looked at Father Justus and continued, "Lillie... what do you know about her, Father?"

"A great man's daughter. She was sent here secretly." Old Justus answered and sighed.

He continued, "Why do you want to know, young noble? Be careful talking about it outside the church."

"I see. Would you mind telling me more information about it?" Naga asked.

Father Justus smiled and said. "Our Order of the Sacred Scale will help you, young noble. But... why are you asking?"

Naga looked at him and lightly smiled. He looked at the statue of Saint Pierre and said, "She's my sister."

Father Justus was surprised so he looked at Naga with wide eyes. He was not able to respond immediately.

"I need to leave. Someone's waiting for me. This scroll, please give this to Sir Lucas. It has the information that Bishop Luciano wanted to know from the respected Elder. Also... please take care of Lillie." Naga stood up and said smiling.

"I... I see. God bless you, young noble." Father Justus stood up and said.

He continued, "I will send all available documents we have about the Ghosthand to you. I will also write information that I personally know and have someone deliver it to your manor. Please take care."

Naga did not respond but he smiled and lightly bowed. Father Justus looked at the leaving Naga before calling his servants for some tasks.

Naga went to the town's guard post where his carriage is waiting.

"Young sir, are we going back now?" The driver asked.

"Thanks for waiting. Yes, please." Naga replied and smiled. He entered the carriage and closed his eyes.

When they arrived at the manor, Naga asked a servant about the woman that Draxus found. He was told that the woman is already resting at one of the manor's vacant rooms. He immediately went to the room. He entered and saw that the woman is resting. When the woman noticed Naga, she tried to move her body.

"Don't force yourself." Naga said.

He looked at the servants and asked them to leave.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"Master, I need your help." The woman said in a low voice.

"Master?" Naga frowned and asked.

"We... the dragons from the Overlord Mountain were attacked by the High Demons. One of them was so strong. He killed our King. Many sacrificed their lives... and... and I escaped." The woman said crying. 'Sob.'

'This might seriously get out of hand.' Naga thought to himself.

"Why me? I can't help right now." He asked.

"You.. you are the Supreme Overlord's chosen... Almost a week ago, our priest told us that a new chosen will rise. I followed her instructions and that is the reason why I was able to find you." She said.

"Where is your priest?" Naga asked.

'Sob.' The woman cried again and said, "She died."

"Okay. Stopped. For now, just rest." Naga said.

"Master, we need your..." The woman said but she was interrupted.

"My help, right? I understand but don't rush. We'll talk more about it.... later. For now, rest." Naga said and smiled then exited the room.

'This will be tiring.' Naga chuckled and sighed.

"My Lord." Bill lightly bowed and said.

"How are you?" Naga asked and smiled.

"I just arrived and I went here immediately when our guards told me that you are here." Bill said.

"Where did you go?" Naga asked.

"I went to the City Lord's Mansion, My Lord." Bill said respectfully.

Naga nodded and smiled. He told Bill what he learned from meeting the Elder and that he got a scroll about Ancient Prime and it is currently with Old Samuel. After that, they discussed about the things that they need to do and prepare.

Bill was shocked about the existence of two Demon Lords but he got excited about the scroll that his master got from the Elder. He will use it to increase his power.

It was already dark when the two finished their meeting. Naga asked one of their servants to send a message to Cris. The servant bowed and left immediately.

Naga went to the lake near his house and sat down on a stone bench.

"Hextor, What do you think?" Naga asked while looking at the lake.

The young dragon appeared coming from the sky and bowed after landing.

"My Lord, you can deal with your personal matters first. The Overlord Mountain is one of the sacred grounds of dragons so the other Dragon Kings will retaliate for sure. I can go and check the situation." Hextor said respectfully.

"Dragon Kings. How many Dragon Kings are there in this generation?" Naga asked.

"Three remaining kings, My Lord." Hextor responded.

He continued, "There are four Kings in this generation. Those are the King of the Overlord Mountain, King of The Golden Sky Island, King of the Northern Wyrm Sea and King of the Southern Flame Palace."

"The High Demons..." Naga asked.

"They are the upper echelons and the strongest lineage of the demon realm. They are trying to provoke the Dragon race." Hextor said with a serious look.

"They have two Lords and perhaps it is the reason why they are acting all high and mighty." Naga chuckled and said.

He continued after a while, "Go to the Overlord Mountain to check the situation. Don't act recklessly though. You just need to check."

"As you wish, My Lord." Hextor said and left.

Naga looked at the lake and thought about his sister. He checked his memories from this world but can't remember anything about her. He didn't grow up with her but thankfully because of that she was not there when the Ghosthand Gang met its end.

"Boss!" Cris said while running. He stopped when he's already near Naga and bowed.

"How are you? Sorry to disturb your training earlier than expected." Naga said and smiled.

"Don't think about it, Boss. I improved a lot with the help of Sir Nicholas. Also, he will go back anytime soon too." Cris said smiling.

"Good to know. We need to expedite our plans and I need your help." Naga said.

"By all means, Boss. What do you need?" Cris asked.

"We need to secure a teritory and build a base. I want it to be the center of our operations." Naga said.

He continued and asked, "Among the villages outside the city, which do you think is best for it?"

Cris contemplated for a minute. After that, he took a map from his belt bag and showed it to Naga.

"Boss, here are the best options for us." Cris pointed at three locations.

Then he asked, "What business are we starting first, Boss?"

"What do you suggest?" Naga asked while looking at the map.

He was a previous solider and not a businessman nor an underworld kingpin. He wanted this to be the first agenda of their meeting after a month but time is not on their side.