Fury Of The Seven Sword Society

The following day, Elder Drun with the empire's emissary left the city. Few of his students remained to help the City Lord's Mansion and the Magic Hall. Naga gave Oscar three scrolls and adviced him to use it in case of emergency. Oscar is a man of few words but as a former knight and bandit leader, he knows that this elf is strong and capable.

Naga did not waste time and he continued his training routine. After a week, he got a report from Cris who he asked to check Ludwig's connection to the Duke and to check the current movements of the Seven Sword Society. He asked Albert to always stay at their Magic Hall since they might cause trouble.

Two days before the scheduled meeting of the Silver Sparrow, Hextor arrived with some news.

"My Lord, I'm back." Hextor bowed and said.

Naga is resting near the lake and looking at the calm sky when Hextor landed from flying.

"Glad to see you back, Hextor." Naga nodded and said.

"The dragons from the Northern Wyrm Sea are currently guarding the Overlord Mountain." Hextor said.

"That's a good news." Naga smiled.

"There are some survivors but the King of the Overlord Mountain really died." Hextor said while clenching his fists.

"I heard." Naga responded.

"Did you learn what the High Demons wanted there." He continued.

"Yes, The King's Dragon Soul and the Draconian Heavenly Door. It seems that they thought that the Overlord Mountain was keeping it." Hextor said with a serious tone.

"I see. It is good that the door is now safe. I will inform the Order of the Sacred Scale. Thanks." Naga responded and smiled.

"My Lord, the King of the Northern Wyrm Sea wants to meet you." Hextor said respectfully.

"Maybe next time." Naga replied.

"As you wish." Hextor said and bowed.

"You can leave now. For the next two days, do what you want but be here on the scheduled date." Naga commanded and stood up.

"I will follow my Lord's command." Hextor immediately left after that.

Naga went to the commoner's town and visited the church. He informed Father Justus the news that Hextor gave him. The old priest hurriedly said his goodbye so he can report it to the Magnus Clan.

After that, he visited his sister who is currently at the orphanage.

"I am thankful to our God that you are alive." Lillie looked at her with a warm smile.

Naga smiled and said, "Would you like to move to my place?"

Lillie lightly shook her head and responded while looking at the children who are playing, "No, but thank you. I want to help here. I didn't really grew up with our father so I understand these children.

"I see. That's fine then." Naga said and smiled.

"You can always visit me." Lillie said with a warm smile.

They talked for a while and Naga told her how did his group end up in this city. He informed her as well where he learned that she is his sister. Lillie was surprised with what she heard. She couldn't believe that her brother met the elusive Elder and that he is in partnership with the great Magnus Clan of the Holy Church.

It was almost night time when Naga said his goodbye.

"I will visit you again. You can tell our House of Iron Crow anything that you need or you can also tell it to Father Justus." Naga said and smiled.

"I will remember it. Thank you, Naga." Lillie said.

Naga smiled at her and nodded. He left the orphanage and decided to go back to their manor.

When he arrived at their manor, Old Samuel approached him.

"Naga, we received an invitation from an elder of the Seven Sword Society." The old elf said.

He told Naga that Bill left and went to a restaurant in the central district. Bill decided to meet the elder since Old Samuel needs to manage the manor and the Magic Hall.

"I see. I will go there then." Naga smiled and said.

"Don't let them act all high and mighty here in our city." Old Samuel said while looking at the leaving Naga.

At the restaurant, Bill is calm even though there are men with murderous intent around him. An old man wearing a black robe with seven golden swords design is also sitting on the same table.

"Young man, we want to resolve this peacefully." The old man said.

Bill opened his eyes and looked at the old man. 'Peacefully?' He thought.

"We want you to leave this city and let us manage your MagIc Hall." The old man said and smiled viciously.

"Haha! That's right! You dogs are not needed here!" A huge man wearing a black robe with seven silver swords laughed and said.

"You! This is too much!" One of Bill's guards shouted.

"You lowly bastard should just shut up!" The old man exuded a strong aura that subdued the guard.

The guard gritted his teeth but was forced to kneeled down. He clenched his fist and looked at the old man.

"Haha! Look at this weak bastard!" One of the men from the Seven Sword said.

Bill looked at the old man and emitted his own aura. His golden aura suppressed the old man's aura.

'Ancient Prime! It's true!' The old man thought to himself.

The huge man from the Seven Sword Society drew his sword and pointed it at Bill. "You disrespectful bastard!"

The other men drew their swords as well. The two guards of Bill did not back down and drew their weapons too.

Bill noticed something and looked at the window then smiled. 'Swoosh!'

The old man noticed it as well and was surprised. He hastily unsheathed his sword and slashed. 'Slash!'

He was able to cut the fire arrow but then two arrows were fired again. He tried to defend but was surprised when he saw another arrow. 'Swoosh!'

The huge man fell down. 'Argh!'

The old man emitted his full magic force and yelled, "Who are you?!"

"AAAHHH!" Some of the men from the Seven Sword panicked and tried to avoid the window. They were shocked and scared. They are now looking at their officer who is lying on the ground bloodied. He was hit by a swift fire arrow on the head.

'Young master is here!' The two guards of Bill thought. Knowing that Naga came as their reinforcement, they became more confident.

"You gave us a condition but now we are giving you a warning in return. Leave and do not come back." Bill said calmly while still sitting like a nobleman.

"You will pay for his life!" The Old man exclaimed.

"We will pay nothing." Bill said.

"Leave. Tell your master that your officer's death is only a warning." Bill looked at the old man calmly.

"You!" The old man shouted but calmed himself after thinking that there is someone watching their movements outside.

He retained his composure and said, "You will regret this."

"Let's go!" The elder commanded and walked away. His men carried their officer and followed.

Bill's guards watched the men leaving. Meanwhile, Bill stood up and approached the manager of the restaurant.

He bowed and said, "I apologized for what happened. Our House will pay for the damages."

"Th... thank you, young lord." The manager said. He was scared and still looking at the window.