Preparation til I am 12

Kurma is about to wake up form his dream with Bezeker.

So as I was waking up the event that took place in my mind or dream all cane hitting me when I woke up, so I look around an d saw no was in the room it was just myself with a note stating that my dad was out training and learning the procedures for his new job.

Then I started to think about the training that Bezeker told me to do on the weekdays and since I don't have to worry about accidentally exposing or hurting someone with my power I only have to worry about training my body in being able to handle my power by the time I turn 12. Seeing as it is Sunday I plan out how am going to train by follow the the procedures that Bezeker told me to do and the time in which I do them. So mostly what I did that morning was plan how I am going to train and learn the information that I will need to know when I was finish it was already 8:15 where I finally get up from my bed and went to the living room to see that everyone was talking or eating breakfast which I intend to do too.

After I was finish with breakfast, we told each other different story's about things we did and have experience. After we were finish talking we decided to play on the PS4 and iPads until a legal adult came home which will in about 2 and a half hour. So finally my dad and Robert came home so that we can go outside to play but today we did not play basketball instead we are playing a new game that is call football which confuses me at first since the football i though the my was taking about was different I was thinking of soccer in their term but anyway I learn how to play the American type of football that day and for the rest of the day we practice how to play football and had a game of 3v3 when everyone was read afterward we went in early today since Gil and his brothers had to go to school tomorrow so everybody got a shower, eat and we play around a little in the house until it was 9:00 when everyone was staring to go to bed and this time I went to sleep peacefully know that tomorrow will be an exhausting day and I am finally going to start training my body when I woke up so I made sure that I had all the rest that I can get.


I woke up around 7:30 around the same time Gil and his brother was about to leave their home so I greet them goodbye and then went to eat my breakfast afterward I wait a few minute so that my body digest the food properly and then I went back into my room where I started to began my training regiment of doing 15 push up which was easy at first but begun to get harder as soon as I did five and I only manage to did 10 until I could not do it anymore so I too a min break and then when back to do then 5 push left that I had to do. Then i started to do the 15 sit-up that Bezeker told me to do which was to me a little harder to do than the push up and had to take 2 one minute break in order to finish it.

After ward I sneak out of the house I started to practice running around my street and seeing how fast it will take me to fun around the street which was about a half a mile long together and it took me almost 6 minute to complete it so I had to work on my speed a lot afterward I sneak back into the house without anyone noticing as they were in their room doing God's know what. So then I use Andy iPad which he gave me the password to so that I can use to look up information about the world history and battle tactics which was use in battles and war I was hard for me to understand most of the word and I had to look it up to find out what they mean so I did that got yow hours.

Then I took a break and eat some snacks as I was kind of hungry. When I finish I when on to look up intruction on 4th grade level math so that I can learn how to solve and understand them as I was in 4th grade before I came to American but did not get to finish it and I did to Same with reading also. After ward it was around 2:00 which I started to do my 15 push up and sit up again for the afternoon and then went out tuning around the street. Afterward Gill and his brother would came home with Robert and my dad where they would start cooking and the kids would do their home so that they could play outside when they was finish.

4 hour later around 7:30 we started to go inside to take a shower and ate dinner and then I would start to go to sleep it was in my sleep where I now meet Bezeker as he was rescaling me the history of powers and how they were use by humans and other creature that I even did not know existed.

So that was how my week was for most of the time with me have the weekend to relax and get use to the changes of my body, also so that I can review on what I learn and it turn out that I have photographic memory or at least that's what I think Bezeker call's it.