Early start

I wake up around 7:30 my dad had already left for the airport to take off around now and he soon arrive around 3:00 today in the afternoon so it is Sunday so I don' have to do any exercise today too so mostly I am going to relax, play games, watch anime and play outside with Gia and Alto when the sun goes down a little. I don't have to worry about homework since I completed all of it on Friday in a few minute since it was easy.

It was around 2:00 that I started to go outside to play with Gia and Alto plus their older brother Eric came back to visit since he he a couple day off from the college that he goes to, I met him a couple of time and he is really good at basketball, he is even playing for the basketball team for the college that is attending.

Now around 10:00 in the nigh I was getting ready to go to sleep as they were school tomorrow and plus I have to wake up early to do my morning practices. So I fall and sleep and find my self in a dark yellowing sewer place with water dripping sounds this is usually where I meet Bezeker every Monday night trough to learn about the history of the world and powers but it is weird I usually meet Bezeker starting on Monday not Sunday night. So I wonder if anything was wrong or is there anything that is going on.

Your confusion is normal young one as it is not the time we set to normally contact each other but all of this is due to good reasons as you may know that your 12 birthday is coming up soon where your powers will be unseal well before we could unseal your power for sure you are going to have to take an test to seal if you are really ready to handle and bear the responsibility of having your powers, normally this would be closer to the day of your birdcage but with this opportunity that have open to use with your dad away for awhile I started the test a little earlier so that we won't have any problem when it comes to unlocking your powers from it's seal and so that we can lessen the pain that you will feel from unsealing your power as your body will change a little to adjust to your power and it might not sound bad but it will be one of the most painful moment in your life so you must brace yourself for it and be prepare both mentally and physically as I told you before if you are not prepare will might just die from unsealing your power so don't fool around and take this seriously as not only your life is at risk here but those of the future as well.

You will be tested on your








but it wouldn't be your normal type of test each of these test while be tested on in an specific type of situation that you will be in

But before I left you to your though and for you to wake up know this you must know why and how you are going to use your powers and what is your reason that you are fighting for Bezeker said as Kurma started to fade and starting to wake up I the real life where would start to get ready to start his morning exercises but he was also thinking on what Bezeker told him in his mind through his dream or conscious.