The beginning of the tests

After the tiring day that Kurma had it was no wonder as to why he was tire and was ready wanted to go to sleep this early around 8:30 in this young night as he was busy the entire day preparing for a test that he know that he can't fail cause if he did fail they were going to be major consequences to not only him but to the future of the Earth too so he was feeling the pressure really hard for the upcoming test that he was going to take. But the hard part was not preparing for the test but it is that he don't even know when the test is he only know that is was soon and before his 12 birthday so it could be tonight or even a week from now. So, as he was starting to fall asleep from all of these though that he is having he found him self in the dark yellowish sewer place that he know all to well by now.

Well come young one as you have known you are going to have a test, but you did not know when it was as I did not tell as i wanted to see how you would react and prepare for the different areas that you would be tested in Bezeker said as she appear in front on Kurma which was a first time since he would always speak to Kurma and tell him what is he needed to do in his head and never show him self to Kurma, but Kurma did not believe that is how Bezeker really look and that it was a avatar that Bezeker have create to show him for the test.

I won't ask you if you are ready or not for the test but I will tell you this, the test can be either hard or easy depending on how you handle each situation, also sometime the situation won't be as it seem so good luck young one as you will need.

Good luck young one as you will need was the last thing Kurma heard as he found himself in a other location that he never seen or went before, the only thing that he saw with him was a scroll that look like the ones ninjas use from the Naruto anime, so he look at the scroll and open it where i found that the scroll said that this was the test of speed, power, endurance and instincts . Where it stated

that I need to survive out in the wild for an entire week which I started to worry since my cousin might start to worry about being asleep for an entire week but as i kept on reading that worries was vanquish as it state that time ran different in this plane that I am currently on, as a week in it would equal to the time in which I would wake up normally in the morning for my practice and training. So now I just have to worry about surviving in the wild for the whole week and made sure that I pass the test.

Currently I am walking around looking to see where I am and getting to know the area as I am not familiar with area and I don't know what type of animal or creature is in this jungle like place. As I was walking I found a nice open area where I could start to set up shelter for the day so that I can have a place to sleep when night comes, so I gather what ever resources that I could find such as stones, branch's, sticks palm tree leaves and vines to make a small tent like shape shelter, now I now i set up a place where I could built a fire, making sure that it was not close to the tent as I don't want the tent to catch on fire when I built a fire which I did not built yet as I still need to go out to find what to eat for lunch and then for dinner and also I need to look for object that I could use to built weapons to help me defend from the animals and creature that I might find in this place.

So I use some of the stones I found and rub them against a big rock that was close to my tent to make the edge of the stone as sharp as I could, I continued this process 2 more times then I went out hunting for thing that i could use to eat since I already had what i need to drink as there is a coconut tree right in the open area in which I set up my tent. Kurma started to set out to find something to quell his hunger that he had from the tiring day that he is having so far.

— to be continue

It just mean that the next chapter will be an continuation form this chapter so don't worry for those who are confuse by the to be continued statement that I made.