An Elf

______An Elf______

Name. : Fle.

Residing: Elf kingdom

Position : Elf Prince.

Age. : 20 years old.

Height. : 7 Feet

Ears. : Pointy


Skin. : White.

Hair. : Shining Gold.

Eyes. : Blue.


meter. : 5/5

Weapon. : ▪Longbow

Elvish archer.

Master of the bow.

Skills: 1. Can Hit the Target one couldn't see!

2. Can bend the arrow midair!

Target. : ▪The Silver Unicorn.▪

A handsome man, with Phoenix eyes, sexy pointy ears and a very very slightly curved or rather slanted smile was standing before Eva.

He possessed excess beauty and gracefulness, both wondrous but haughty.

He had golden sparkly long hairs, bangs neatly combed and braided to a side.

Wearing a silver full-length jacket with silver pants. He looked...



Lights went off.

The same man was seen on screen with a longbow on his shoulder. He had a cheetah with him.

In a cave, A Silver unicorn was lying weakly. A bit further from it was an EGG!

Currently, it had been only a few minutes it had given birth. Which explained its weakness.

Fle's pet cheetah approached the cave stealthily towards the egg.

While Fle was hiding behind a stone holding his breath, ready with an arrow mounted on the bow, waiting for the right moment.

Sensing the cheetah, the unicorn quickly teleported in front of the egg.

Yes, IT could TELEPORT!!

That was when Fle shot the arrow,

Unfortunately, it missed the target by an inch.

Well, much more than that!

The Unicorn wanted to attack Fle but protecting the egg was her priority.

Fle kept hitting her with arrows which all missed.

Frustrated, he kept the arrow aside, took out his big gun and


The screen went off.


The Hall was illuminated Again.

Evaluation: Quick-witted, Good sharpshooting skills and extraordinarily handsome.

Elvish archer advanced to the Elvish sharpshooter.

Fle came forward. Revealed his dish, there were cheers.

It was a silver dish with silver meat garnish with a long pointy horn.

"Please taste. It had lived for 500 years in the elven forest, drinking water from the stream of life and eating the moon blade grass. Its meat is absolutely comparable with an elixir" He said with a smirk.

Confident about his win already.

The girl who was sitting on the throne was tempted by silvery meet but imagining the little pony she often fantasized as a child who lost its life. She asked, "What did you do of the egg?"

Fle announced "I am a warrior. I don't harm an innocent, helpless soul. So it was left alone."

Eva roared " The Poor Baby will be motherless? Why did you kill its Mom"

"Hmph! You can't imagine the pain of a motherless child. No! When you become a father and have to face your child's separation then you will realize the pain in your heart."

The hall echoed her angry words.

The poor elf looked at her in disbelief and RAN off...

Eva didn't realize that the words spoken in anger had cursed him for eternity.

Curse that one will suffer heartbreak from the pain that follows when a parent loses his child.

So Many many years later when Fle's firstborn of 1000 sons left to an adventure. Fle got a heart attack Except he survived, fortunately. Cursing that damnable woman...

From then no elf went on an adventure or anywhere out of the elven forest for long period. Most were descendant of the Elf Fle.

All scared, stayed in the Elven Forest forever... or at least till the death of then KING FLE who lived for 8000 years.

As time passed Elves became reclusive to other races. Living only their own life and independent of other species

This Curse was the reason for the Elves lives in exclusion in elven forest. And their hate for humans.

The First Curse of 'Red-eyed Witch!'