Chapter 5: Creating the Gods

I woke up feeling very refreshed, not sure how much time has passed exactly, oh maybe I can ask Mr.screen

"Hey, you here?"

"Do you know for how long I've been asleep for, I'm not sure myself, but I feel that I been sleeping for a while now."

"What?! Damn...that long? That's weird...Oh, wait what about the Mortals??"

"...looks like you are in a bad mood"


Not wanting to continue with the conversation I got out of the mansion, the same flowers and river were there...ah I can never get tired of watching this. After that, I went out of my dimension to check on my creations.

Well looks like 1345 isn't very much as their evolution rate is quite slow.

For the Elves they settled in the forest and didn't get out of there to explore anything really, the humans were still all over the continent in small tribes, no kingdoms or anything has been built same thing goes for the beastman in the south only thing is that almost all of them gathered in the same place if you ask me I think the chances are that the Elves will be the first to establish their kingdom or empire, then probably the Beastman, and lastly the Humans as they still didn't settle in one place and are exploring the continent. For now, there has been a meeting between the Humans and Beastman, good thing it wasn't a hostile one as both races were quite surprised of the existence of the other, but good thing no one took action against the other, as for the Elves they are still in the forest, so their existence is still unknown for the Humans and Beastman.

The races that probably gone through the most changes are the Fairies and the Demons, I didn't expect the Fairies to establish their kingdoms so quickly, and they are far ahead of any of the Elves, Humans or Beastman. After the Fairies came the Demons, for them they are almost like the fairies, the only difference is the wars, I guess it's in their nature because as soon as a demon tribe meets the other it almost always ends up with a war.

"Well, all in all, they still have a long way to go...I guess I should start creating the Gods."

I re-entered my dimension to start working on the Gods.

"Maybe I should start with a God for every attribute."

I gathered Mana in both my hands and launched a huge amount of it in front of me, a white ball formed it was like the time when I created Ondan, I grabbed the white ball with both my hands, only this time I focused on feeding it Earth attribute. After some time the ball started glowing a Green color when the light stopped glowing instead of the Green ball, what was there was a girl...She had bright green hair with very bright brown eyes, her figure was very beautiful, she had a very mature feeling to her and...those hills though. Well overall she was a very beautiful woman, she still had her eyes closed...and she was naked, I waved my hand in her direction and green one-piece dress appeared, I then pointed my finger to her heart and gently pushed a white ball towards her. After a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes, and just like Ondan just as our eyes met she gracefully bowed in front of me


Hmmm? Father? Well, I guess it's normal As I'm the one who created her, so I suppose I can count as such.


"From now on your name will be Xulene, Goddess Of Earth."

After hearing that she gave me a very bright smile, and once again gave a polite bow.

"Ok, shall we create the others then."

I repeated the same method to create the others. There was now a total of 8 Gods :

Xulene, Goddess Of Earth.

Urnera, Goddess Of Fire.

Vuris, Goddess Of Water.

Fydur, God Of Wind.

Zodohr, God Of Light.

Zuhnir, God Of Darkness.

Kyzdall, God Of War.

Kieyr, God Of The Afterlife

If you are curious about there status it's like this:

Name: Xulene, Goddes of Earth.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: ~

Fire attribute: ~

Water attribute: 80%

Air attribute: 80%

Light attribute: 50%

Earth attribute: 100%


Name: Urnera, Goddes of Fire.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: 30%

Fire attribute: 100%

Water attribute: ~

Air attribute: 50%

Light attribute: 80%

Earth attribute: ~


Name Vuris, Goddess of Water.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: ~

Fire attribute: ~

Water attribute: 100%

Air attribute: 80%

Light attribute: 50%

Earth attribute: 80%


Name: Fydur, God of Wind.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: 10%

Fire attribute: 10%

Water attribute: 75%

Air attribute: 100%

Light attribute: 50%

Earth attribute: 80%


Name: Zodohr, God of Light.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: ~

Fire attribute: 80%

Water attribute: 20%

Air attribute: 50%

Light attribute: 100%

Earth attribute: ~


Name: Zuhnir, God of Darkness.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: 100%

Fire attribute: 80%

Water attribute: ~

Air attribute: 45%

Light attribute: ~

Earth attribute: 10%


Name: Kyzdall, God of War.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 590 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 455 500 END: 290 000

Dark attribute: 80%

Fire attribute: 80%

Water attribute: 50%

Air attribute: 50%

Light attribute: 80%

Earth attribute: 50%


Name: Kieyr, God Of The Afterlife.

Age: 0

Race: God life span: Immortal

HP: 900 000 STR: 390 000

MP: 950 000 INT : 30 500

SPD: 430 400 END: 200 000

Dark attribute: 90%

Fire attribute: 90%

Water attribute: ~

Air attribute: 45%

Light attribute: ~

Earth attribute: 45%


Kyzdall was the strongest out of them all...well it figures as he is the God of war, his appearance was that of tall man 3m, short black hair a very well built body and dark brown eyes, Vuris had a long bright blue hair with the same deep blue eyes, like the ocean, her body was very similar to Xulene, then came Urnera...well she was a Loli...yup a Loli short height flat chest, a very bright Redhair and red eyes. Fydur had a long silver hair tied back and silver eyes...hmm a very handsome young man. Zuhnir, however, was a bit similar to the Demon race two Red horns growing on top of his head, with a pair of jet black wings his eyes were black much like his hair, but even with the wings and horns, he was handsome as well. Zodohr was quite the opposite of Zuhnir Blond short hair with two bright yellow eyes, and a pair of white wings, like angel wings...Kieyr, however, didn't have a Human Body his body was that of a Minotaur a red Minotaur with black horns and a giant ax on his back...Well, those were the first Gods that I created, The Great 8...