Characters List

Sorry to disappoint this is will be a characters page as the title says, so you can skip it if you want to, it will not affect the story at all I just decided to make as to help the readers in finding out more about the Cast, next chapter coming up today.


Xulene, Goddess Of Earth: she is in charge of keeping the ballance in the mortal world along with Urnera, Fydur and Vuris.

Ovva, Angel: She is the first angel Ysion created, and is as powerful as all the other Main Gods.

Kyzdall, God Of War: He is considered the main Defense and attacking force of Ysion's Universe, he is also slightly stronger then the other Gods.

Kieyr, God Of The Afterlife: His main task is to judge souls of mortals and beasts after death and decide if they will go to Heaven or Hell.

Urnera, Goddess Of Fire: Her job is to help keep the ballance in the mortal world.

Zuhnir, God Of Darkness: He is the God that rules over hell and all souls sent there.

Zodohr, God Of Light: The ruler of Heaven, and all souls there.

Fydur, God Of Wind: He rules over a part in the mortal world as well and help keep the ballance.

Vuris, Goddess Of Water: she rules over a part in the mortal world while helping keep the ballance in it.


Ondan, Eternal fire Dragon: he was the first Dragon that Ysion created even before the Gods, he is very powerful with an Immortal lifespan

Ysion (MC): Our MC, he reincarnated as the God of Creation he created all the universe and all thise inhabiting it as well as rules as king of them all.

Laura: Adventurer who was blessed by YSION

The Princess: The first Person to ever be Blessed by YSION

I didn't include some Characters but will do later on as the story progress and I will update this more often to keep track, anyways look forward to next chap and see ya ^_^ !