Chapter 18: Fight

Ysion POV:

I was currently sitting in my throne room waiting for Xulene and the others to come, Ovva was currently standing to my right, she smiled sweetly noticing my gaze, I smile back and shortly after that Xulene appeared in front of the throne followed by the other seven Gods.

"Father," she said while giving me a small bow followed by the others, but as soon as her eyes meet with Ovva they became cold, while Ovva is also smiling back innocently...Women are scary!

I give a slight nod and speak.

"I see that everyone is here and I assume you are all reading for what's going to happen?" (Ysion)

"Yes!" (Everyone)

"Good, this fight will not be an easy one, and I know every one of you is strong enough to protect himself but, I do not wish to see any one of get hurt, so we will stick to the plan, got it? I don't want anyone to play no hero or anything this IS AN ORDER! DO NOT DIE!" (Ysion)

"Understood!" (Everyone)

"Then let's head out, the Immortal Army is already in place so we don't have to fear much about the mortal plane, It seems our guests have arrived" I then teleported to the edge of my Universe, soon my 8 Gods and a High Angel were also by my side followed by an army of Minor Gods and Angles behind us, It seems that the number of Minor Gods they have created when I was in training grew bigger...

Our plan is quite simple actually, I will fight against Azumah while Xulene and the others will lead the Minor Gods, Ovva will lead the army of angles.

I was waiting for the arrival of our guests when a bright light shot across space and stopped in front of me when the light disappeared Azumah could be seen standing there.

"Oh my, this is quite the welcome hehe, Is this all for me? I'm very flattered" He speaks with an annoying smile on his face, while I frown.

Kyzdall POV:

I was standing next to my Lord when the being appeared, he had the looks of an ordinary mortal, but his seemingly harmless looks could not hide the Aura he was emitting, then the being spoke.

"Oh my, this is quite the welcome hehe, Is this all for me? I'm very flattered"

I look at my Lord and see a frown on his face when the being spoke again.

"Oya? don't tell me you were thinking I would bring an army with me? haha No no no, you see I don't need to bring an army to crush you!"

"How dare you insult our Lord!" I couldn't hold back my anger and shouted, I couldn't take it when someone disrespected my Lord I knew that I shouldn't be so impulsive but I just couldn't let this man go without punishment.

I flew towards him before my Lord shouted at me to stop but it was already too late, I instantly appeared in front of him and punched him with my right hand with a force strong enough to blew a mountain, but before my fist could connect with his face his aura exploded and I froze in my place, I was shaking, ME? A GOD OF WAR? No! I refuse to accept it, I was born to battle, and protect my Lord how could I.... I struggled to look up towards the beings eyes, when our eyes met he spoke with a cold voice.

"Scram, you are way too young to try anything against me kid." I felt his Aura weighting me down and crushing me while I was struggling to stay conscious when suddenly the Aura disappeared and a white light surrounded me, I looked up to see my Lords back in front of me.

"Kyzdall, do not interfere, go with your brothers and sisters you are not his match." (Ysion)

"M-my Lord, I'm sorry I failed you..." I replied feeling my anger boiling for being so useless.

"You have not failed me, there is just nothing you can do, this is a matter I need to take care of myself, Kids change of plans, head back toward the mortal plane and concentrate all your effort on protecting it, things might get nasty." (Ysion)

"F-father!" Xulene spoke with tears in her eyes while Ovva looked to be the same but still composed the others were no different than me and are struggling to not jump on the being in front of us.

My Lord looks at Xulene and smiles "Don't worry, It will be alright" then we are all forcefully teleported to the atmosphere of the mortal plane, with our vision it's not a problem, to see for far distances so we could still see our Lord far away, Xulene suddenly started crying and was about to fly back towards my Lord direction, when I stopped her.


"It was his order for us to protect the plane, do you want to disobey a direct order from your creator?" I ask her, while also trying to calm myself down.

"I DON'T CARE HE NEEDS OUR HELP YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A GODDAMN GOD OF WAR NOT A COWARD!" She shouts at me with tears in her eyes her voice was loud for all of the thousands of minor Gods to hear, but I didn't care she was right, but what can I do against that kind of being? what can I... Ovva suddently jumped in front of Xulene and Slapped her, everyone went quiet, while Xulene looked shocked at Ovva.


Xulene went silent but tears slowly started falling from her eyes, Vuris went to comfort her, I looked towards my other brothers and sisters, and they all had a grim expression, especially Urnera, as she Is a Goddess Of Fire I'm surprised she wasn't the first one to jump into the fight, she always had anger problems, she was mumbling something under her breath.

"mumble....I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna kill him how dare he how dare he disrespect my master I'm gonna kill him...mumble" (Urnera)


Ysion POV;

"I hope you are finished with all that drama?"(Azumah)

"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting" damn it I don't know if I can win against this guy but I don't really have a much of a choice.

He suddenly appears in front of me and tries to hit me with his right hand, but I teleport right behind him and shoot a ball of pure mana towards, he raises a shield to protect him but I already anticipated that so before the ball of mana can collide with his shield it explodes.


The explosion was strong enough to blow up a planet, his shield disappeared and he sent flying backward in space, I quickly follow after him and materialize a sword in my hand and another one in my left, and empower them with my mana so they wouldn't break, I appeared in front of him while swinging my sword to his neck, but he manages to parry it with his sword, I retreat a few meters back and we look at each other, now that I have a good look at it his sword was completely black and It was actually a bit hard to see it especially in space, his clothes are tattered and I can see a small line of purple blood slowly dripping from the side of his mouth, wait purple?

He wipes off the blood with his sleeve and starts grinning like a mad man.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! you are indeed a God Of Creation, in such a short time and you can already grow this much haha, I guess I can enjoy this a little bit as well!" he tears off his top as it was in his way. "Heeere I cooome! haha"

He instantly appears in front of me and starts attacking me with his black sword, I desperately try to parry his attacks but his swings are too strong, good thing we are away from the planet as the shock waves emitted when our weapons collide is too strong for even Minor Gods.

We kept fighting like that for a while, I don't know how long we have been like this but he was slowly gaining more and more ground against me, I couldn't do anything but defend, small cuts appeared all over my body and golden blood started coming from the wounds, but as soon as I get cut I almost instantly recover and my wound closes, looks like my regeneration improved.

"Come on, Come on! COME ON! DON'T JUST DEFEND SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO! Don't tell me this is it? If SO I'M VEEEERY DISAPPOINTED!" He shouts and I can feel Mana gathering around his right hand, that looks bad! but before I can dodge he teleports and hits my stomach with his right hand.

"Ugh!"(Ysion) as soon as he's right hand hit me an explosion occurred and sent me flying all the way towards the mortal plane, I flew through space at an incredible speed and crashed on the ground of the planet, I left a huge dent on the ground but that is not important I lost my left hand in the explosion, my clothes are tattered while my body is a bloody mess at the moment only difference Is that my blood Is golden yellow. I look around and find out that I actually fell near a human kingdom, the walls are not even 500m away, and there seems to be a commotion, heh, of course, there will be their GOD just fell next to there door, sigh my arm is already regeneration at a noticeable speed while all the other cuts and bruises are already healed I stand up on my feet and fly up from the ground, some of the members of the Immortal Army soon appeared in front of me.

"MY GOD! Are you alright?! We heard about the circumstances from Lady Ovva" the one who spoke was a beautiful demon looking girl with black horns and hair, a pair of black wings behind her back.

"I'm fine, you know what your mission?"

"Yes my God, to protect the mortals!"

"Good, pass my order the others, tell them to form a shield around the plane everyone! I don't have much time left, I guess there is no choice but to use that"

"Understood my God I'll inform them!"

"GOOOOD OF CREATION! Come here I KNOW YOU Won't DIE FROM SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" a voice that could be heard from all over the planet roared. Sigh, give me a break would ya? I guess I can only use that...I just hope nothing bad happens...