Chapter 20: Did we win?

POV Ysion:

Right after I got out of the dark space that I was trapped on, I saw that all Gods and Angles were trying to fight against Azumah, some were already dead by the time I was out.

The moment I appeared the fight seemed to stop, and everyone was looking at my direction with dumbfounded expressions, the atmosphere surrounding me grew cold when I saw Ovva...

She had apparently tried to shield Xulene against Azumah's blade, I could feel her conscious fading, and if I don't act now she will be dead forever.

For me, it should be quite easy to revive anyone, as long as their soul hasn't disappeared, when mortals die their soul are directed to Kieyr's domain, so if I wanted to revive someone I can just order their souls to go back to their bodies, but for Gods it's a bit different if they die their soul will just disperse in the surrounding...

I instantly teleported next to Ovva and caught her, she had already lost conscious.

"F-father...*sob*...I'm sorry...*sob*" (Xulene)

I didn't reply and slowly waved my hand In front of Ovva, the wound on her chest was closed instantly and she struggled to open her eyes.


"Sleep for now." I then gently touched her forehead with my finger and she fell asleep.


"Y-YES father!"(Xulene)

"Take Ovva back to my domain, and get everyone to go back and protect the planet...and this time STAY THERE!" (Ysion)


I turned towards the other Gods and Angels surrounding us, they all had ugly expressions on their faces when they heard what I said to Xulene.

"And that goes for Everyone of you, GO AND PROTECT THE DAMN PLANET!!" This was my first time getting this angry at them, I do appreciate their concerns but they need to learn to follow orders, and not be blinded by their own emotions.

They all bowed down to me and flew towards the mortal plane recreating the shield surrounding it, while Xulene teleported with Ovva to my domain.

I could see that the planet has already sustained some damage, but that will have to wait...I slowly turned and faced Azumah, he was still smiling.

"Let's see if your Gods are really capable of defending that planet this time hehe~" He once again clapped and millions of shadows appeared behind, some of them had humanoid bodies others didn't.


Just as he commanded all of the shadows headed straight toward the mortal plane, I didn't have time to think about them because Azumah appeared right in front of me and swung his sword toward my neck, I dodged the strike by moving to the right, I could only hope that the Gods and The Immortal Army will be able to defend against the shadows.

I shot a golden beam of Mana toward him, to which he was able to dodge, we then started exchanging blows with our swords, a chain made of pure Mana shot from my body and restrained his movement, he was able to easily break the chain but I had enough time to successfully land a hit on him which took out his whole left arm, It wasn't a fatal wound as it was already regenerating, but I wasn't going to let this chance slip away, I constantly tried getting past his defences but the moment I was about to land a fatal hit he always manages to avoid it.

His arm was already back in shape, I could feel that he isn't using his whole powers but to underestimate me will be his downfall.

I pushed him back and teleported a few hundred meters away, then I made the mana surrounding him explode, the explosions was more than enough to blow up entire Mortal planets but as expected it didn't have any effect on him, It only served to push him back even more.

We were currently floating on the edge of my Universe, I couldn't help myself but smile, from the very beginning my plan wasn't to defeat him as I knew I wasn't his match but he underestimated me so I used it in my favor and slowly started pushing him away from the Mortal plane.

Now that we were far enough, I once again created golden chains from pure mana, only this time there were thousands of them surrounding him and keeping him at bay, I knew I didn't have much time before he breaks free so I channeled every bit of Mana around us, his expression suddenly changed to a very serious one he could probably feel that what I'm about to do is very dangerous even for him, but it was already too late...

A small black hole started appearing behind him and started growing in size at a very alarming rate, the gravity was so strong that It was very hard to withstand it even for me, I couldn't stay there any longer and I could see even the shield surrounding the Mortal plane was being sucked by it so I had to go back and help them keep it at bay, because they were already having a hard time fighting against the shadows.

I looked back trying to find Azumah but he was nowhere to be seen, I frowned but there wasn't enough time to think about him so I flew back leaving behind me a beam of golden light.

"You guys concentrate on fighting the shadows I'll take care of the shield Got it?!"(Ysion)

"Yes My Lord!"(Everyone)

"Good" I channeled all the surrounding Mana and used it to reinforce the shield, the Black hole wasn't able to pull it away anymore.

"My Lord some of the weaker shadows were able to head down towards the mortal plane" A young God came to inform me.

"It's okay they can take care of themselves, besides Ondan is there."(Ysion)

(AN: In case you forgot Ondan Is the first dragon Ysion ever created back at chapter 3.)

"Yes my Lord!" He replied and headed back to help the others against the shadows.

"Now that the shield is good, I suppose I need to take care of the black hole..." I muttered to myself.

When the thought of creating a black hole and using it against Azumah came across my mind there was still a major problem... how do I take care of it now?

Well, simple actually...Teleport the entire Black hole away...Yes it may sound crazy and yes it may not work, but I don't have any other choice, it's either try teleporting it away or watch as my Universe get's sucked into it.

I was already exhausted after my fight with Azumah, and restabilizing the shield, but nonetheless, I still mustered all the strength left in me to gather all the Mana surrounding the Black star.

My Body was glowing with a very blinding golden light, because of the huge amounts of Mana I'm using, I closed my eyes trying to focus, after a few minutes my opened my eyes which also turned golden, I stretched my opened palm In front of me pointing toward the Black hole and a ray of multi colors of light shot from my hand heading to its direction.

When the ray of light collided with the Black hole, everything turned silence for a few seconds before the Black star simply disappeared, I had randomly teleported it away from my Universe, where did it go? even I don't know...I started struggling with keeping my conscious as I was too exhausted, I flew In a straight line to the atmosphere of the planet, the Gods and Angles had mostly taken care of the shadows the ones that are left were those that managed to go down to the mortal plane.

I could see the admiration and worship in the eyes of all the Gods and Angles present, they all started bowing their heads to me.

"I'm tired after the fight, I will be in my domain, do not intervene in the problems of the mortals unless it's absolutely necessary, they can take care of themselves, after all, I did promise them one wish for those who prove themselves worthy."(Ysion)


"Good" I then Instantly teleported back to my domain.

Somewhere In another Universe:

In a small black room a man suddenly appeared, his face was very pale but he was grinning. This man was none other than Azumah.

As soon as he appeared a small screen appeared in front of him showing a group of people sitting around a big table, the man sitting in the center started speaking.

"So what do you think about him?"

"Hehe~ Oh I think he got the potential, he just needs a little bit of training, If he had better control on his Mana...I would have been dead."(Azumah)

Gasps could be heard, and some of the people started chatting with each other.

"Heeh~ Now I'm interested in him as well if you say that." A very stunning female that looked to be in her mid-twenties spoke.

"SILENCE!" the man in the middle roared and the room instantly quieted down.

"Are you sure about that Azumah?" he stared at him with a gaze that could make people shiver with fear, but Azumah only smiled faintly and nodded.

"Do you think he will join us?" The man once again spoke.

"If he understands the situation I think he might."

"Good, Good." replied the man while the young lady next to him smiled brightly.