Chapter 24: The Gate


As I saw all the Mortals trying so desperately to get closer to my drops of blood but to no avail, an interesting idea started to make it's way to my head. What should I do with those drops of blood, a lot of possibilities, A sword a new God? or maybe just gift them to some Mortal and see what kind of changes that will bring, but then an absurb Idea came up, why not try and make a new world with them... a whole new Dimension...

Now I know how crazy that sound but the world that I created was made by mana, strictly speaking, everything in my universe was made by Mana, and my blood contained a whole lot of it, so it should be enough to create a small seperated dimension.

Then there was the question of what will be the purpose of it...I started thinking about the possibilities, then I settled on one. The main goal of this dimension will be giving the Mortals a chance at attaining Godhood by relying on their own power and breaking away from Mortality with their own hands, a chance at controlling their own fate.

So far no Mortal can become an Immortal without my personal interference unless I personally intervene Mortals shall stay as such, but here In this dimension that won't be the case I'll give them a chance at controlling their own fate, they won't be controlled by the shackles of the Mortal world, they will truly become free... though that won't be a simple thing to attain...


As the bright light dimmed out what appeared was a gigantic golden gate enough for four grown dragons to enter with ease, though the gate was still smaller when compared to the gates of hell that opened on the day God Ysion decended to deliver his punishment, it didn't carry with it that unbearable pressure it felt...mysterious...

After the gate emerged everyone was feeling surprised, shocked but also confused, some of the foolish people tried to run to it trying to be the first ones to reach the gates when it opens but unfortunately for them, the pressure didn't seem to fade away, my guard came to me.

"My lady, what are your orders? (Guard)

"For now we shall set camp here, something big is going to happen and I don't think we can afford to miss it..." I replied feeling the beat of my heart rising, will I get to see him again? God Ysion...


News of the Golden Gate soon spread all through the planet, and many people were rushing there as fast as they could, some claimed it was the gates of Heaven itself, some thought it wasn't as simple as It looks and sensed the dangers that may be there but still headed there as the chances for precious treasures was too alluring to pass.

Demons, Humans, Beastman, Elves, Dragons all sort of creatures were heading there, the extermination of the Shadow monsters was already close to being over...



A week has passed since the emergence of the mysterious Golden gate and so far thousands of people have been coming here every day with more still coming it was an incredible sight to behold, with all kinds of people coming trouble was bound to happen but as there still was no news if the hunt for the Shadow monsters was over or not yet no one dared to make any rash moves less they bring Lord Ysion's anger upon them.

The area surrounding the Gate quickly grew to become a city, merchants selling all kind of stuff some of them exotic never seen on our continent. I was stroling down the streets of the newly formed city, it was decided that It will be called 'The Golden Gate City' As I was walking in the city feeling amazed at how short the amount of time it took to be built, something suddenly happened...He came...Lord Ysion...

It was the same as that time all of us present could feel a huge presence coming down from the skies golden light surrounding the figure making it impossible to make out his figures, but I could feel it I knew it, it was him only he had this presence...

He descended straight on top of the Golden Gate once he set foot on it the Golden light surrounding him disappeared and his majestic figure was once again seen in the Mortal world, God Ysion has descended...He then started speaking, his voice resounding on the ears of everyone present making them stop whatever it was they were doing.

"MY CHILDREN, I come to you today glad to announce the end of this War, I'm proud of all of you who have fought in this War, I have seen it all and none shall go unrewarded, it is time to Announce the ones with the most outstanding merits in this War First from the demon side

Demon king Zolrozak and His wife Queen Fyraela" A couple was then summoned in front of him I can guess they are the Demon King and his Wife

"From the Human side Guild Master Rose Martyn and Pope Tamiel Sunarrow," an old man and a middle-aged woman were then summoned as well.

"From the Beastman side Tiberius Granger from the Elves side Lenna Gilrel and finally from the Fairies side Prisney Winana" they were all then summoned in front of God Ysion.

"Now then tell me, what is it that you wish for?"