Chapter 28: The Secret of the Gate?


After waiting for awhile with Ovva, the 8 Main Gods started appearing one by one, as soon as all of them arrived they bowed respectfully towards me, I nodded.

"Rise my children!"


"I'm sure all of you must be confused as to why you have been called here, and why exactly have I created the Golden Gate."

They all silently nodded as confirmation.

"Before I answer that, I want you all to start reducing your activities in the Mortal world, from now on no more Interfering directly and no one is to descent down the Mortal World without my approval, is that clear?"

I could see their confused faces, I never gave them any specific orders except when we were at war, but now I'm directly ordering them to slowly cease their activities down the Mortal World, they will of course be confused, sure there was always the unwritten rule to keep contact with the Mortals Low but this is different, this is stopping them from going down the Mortal Realm.

"Father your orders are our command, but I hope you will forgive my rudeness for asking why is it that we are forbidden from visiting the Mortals?"(Zodohr)

"I don't mind it's quite simple actually, we have been interfering with the Mortal races for a while and by doing so we are obstructing their growth more then we are helping them, we cannot keep holding their hands through everything, unless it's an absolute emergency you are to report to me, wether you are allowed to interfere or not will be decided by me is that understood?"

"YES FATHER!" They all simultaneously replied.


"Father, umm about the Golden Gate what exactly is the purpose of creating it?" (Vuris)

"Well my child, that place is special....Inside that dimension even Gods like you are in danger of dying...."

I can hear gasps through the throne room and see their shocked faces when they heard what I said.

"Father you mean?" (Kyzdall)

"Exactly what I said, after the fight with Azumah I could feel my limit breaking, I can say with confidence that I have grown stronger, but I still don't have enough mastery over my power at the moment, but that dimension...the Golden Gate is the strongest most dangerous dimension I have ever created...." I could see different emotions flashing in the Gods faces, Kyzdall was definitely the most excited one of the bunch as the God of War.

"Father, if it's dangerous even for us, how would the Mortals fair inside? Wouldn't they be annihilated? " (Xulene )

"The most dangerous part is deep inside, so for the Mortals they will slowly be tempered passing from the easiest towards the hardest areas."

"Then Father, are we allowed to enter? " (Kieyr)

"You are as It will be an opportunity for you to grow stronger as well, but your starting point will not be the same as the Mortals of course, I will immediately teleport you towards the more dangerous areas of the Gate, but do keep in mind that once inside you are on your own, and you will not be able to go out unless you clear out all the Trials which may take a while, as the Planet cannot be left untended, 4 of you will go as the first group and once that group goes out the other 4 will follow."

"Are we allowed to bring the Minor Gods us?" (Urnera)

"Yes, that reminds me be sure to convey my order to the Minor Gods and you Ovva to the Angels no God or Angel from this day onward is allowed to go down the Mortal Realm and any interference with the Mortal affaires will be dealt with severe punishment!"

"Yes Father!"

"Good now for the first 4, who wants to go first step forward."

As I finished speaking Kyzdall, Urnera Zodhor and Xulene came forward.

The God of War, Goddess of Fire, God of Light and The Goddess of Earth....well I was expecting Kyzdall as him being the God of War and Urnera as she always had a fiery temper but Zodhor and Xulene...

"Okay then prepare yourselves, you are allowed to bring 10 subordinates with you, tomorrow I shall transfer you to the Gate, The 4 of you are dismissed for now" they gave a light bow towards me then vanished off to their own domains to prepare.

"As for the rest of you Vuris and Fydur will be responsible for keeping the Mortal Realm in balance while Xulene and Urnera are gone it will be a bit harder but I am counting on you!"

"We will not disappoint father!" (Vuris/Fydur)

I gave a light node as a response.

"Zuhnir and Kieyr nothing will change with your positions just keep up the hard work!"

"Yes Father!" (Zuhnir/Kieyr)

"Ovva send a few Angels to help Vuris and Fydur replace the spot left behind by Xulene and Urnera, I don't want to see any problem in the Mortal Realm I except it to keep running as it always have okay?"

"Your word is my command Master, it will be done!"

"Good you are dismissed, don't forget to pass down my Orders to the Minor Gods!"

They all gave a Light Bow and teleported from the throne room towards their respective Domains.

After sending all of them out, I let out a light sight and a frown appeared on my face.

"Master is everything okay?" Ovva came and slowly rested her hands over my shoulders and started massaging them.

"I just have a feeling that I been played by Azumah..."

"What do you mean Master? Didn't you kill him?"

"No I don't think so, I have a feeling that he have escaped that black hole, I feel like that won't be the last time I see him....That's why I need you all to grow stronger and be able to protect yourselves..."

"You don't need to worry that much Master, our sole purpose is to help you loosen the burden of managing your Universe not to make things more complicated, so be at ease for we will not disappoint." She said in a soothing voice while slowly massaging my shoulders, I could feel my worries fading while I gently closed my eyes...