Chapter 35: Preparations

POV: Collin

After deciding on the course of plans we will follow, we all stood up in preparation, Allen had his giant white shield on his left hand while his right one held his sword, Zavier was next to him swinging his giant claymore in the air as warm up I think.

Lana was behind checking her quiver and making sure she had enough arrows while talking to the other newest addition to our party Amon probably discussing something about archery or something about their similar roots as Elves I assumed I was not sure, Laura however was in front of us standing calmly while staring at the horde of monsters, her posture alone executed an aura of strength and confidence and while looking at her back I found myself growing calmer.

I took a deep breath, the air was not cold nor was it hot I looked down at my shaking right hand, that always happens when I'm nervous, I tried shaking it a bit before I called out to the others trying to get their attention.

"Gather up!"

"What is it?" Looked at me Amon while puzzled.

It was Lana that replied walking to me and handing me her Bow "Well, our stupid magician here although useless most of the times is very talented when it come to reinforcement magic even I have to admit that."

"Hmph, what do you mean useless floppy ears?—Ah no offense mister Amon." I quickly said realizing that we now had another Elf with us in the party, gotta be more careful not all Elves are like Lana with a sense of humor.

Surprisingly he just laughed shrugging it off

"Haha— none taken"

"Reinforcement magic, now that's something you don't see very often." Said Zavier while scratching his beard and slowly walking towards us.

"Indeed, not a lot of Mages have the affinity nor talent for it." Answered Allen following him.

I cleared my mind cutting off the conversation and Isolating all the noise. I then called for the Mana in the air surrounding us the whole place had thicker mana then the outside so that was easy, I tried directing it all to my hands which soon enough started glowing a soft white color, I quickly drew the symbol of strength, durability and speed in the air and then willed the three symbols to merge with Lana's bow.

It soon started glowing Red then green and soon after a soft white before going back to normal, the only difference was that it was lightly glowing. I wiped the sweat that started trickling down my forehead with one hand and used the other to hand the bow back to his owner.

"It should be in effect for 30 minutes this time so keep that in mind."

"Same effects as usual?"

"Yes same, Allen considering the number of people we have now I don't think I will be able to reinforce both your shield and sword this time so you have to choose one."

"I understand shield it is then." He said then settled his giant shield on the ground in front of me, I proceeded to repeat the same procedures on the shield only difference was instead of the symbol of speed I added another symbol of durability, as I figured that would be needed considering the number of monsters he will need to repel, at the end his shield was also lightly glowing as he held it.

"This time I focused more on durability so I think it should be okay, the time is also 30 minutes so keep that in mind, now then mister Zavier mister Amon mind handing me your weapons?"

"Of course, I never had my sword reinforced so I'm quite eager to see the results allow me to go first." Replied Zavier grinning before burying the giant claymore headfirst on the ground next to me, after repeating the same procedure with the same symbols as the ones I applied to Lana's bow, Zavier's claymore was soon on his hand lightly glowing as he admired it.

"It feels, stronger and much sturdier." He said giving it a few swings.

"Much faster too, you have my thanks brother Collin." He said giving me a light nod

"My pleasure."


Soon enough after finishing the reinforcement on Amon's bow I turned to Laura. "What about you Laura?"

"No need, you need to conserver your Mana I know if you try and reinforce mine as well you will almost be drained and will not be able to keep up."

"But you are the one leading us, it's only natural!" I rebuked, while it was true that reinforcing her sword as well was above my capability and would suck me dry I had to try.

"It's okay, save your mana we will need it when we clash with the monsters as for me I can do this." She said drawing her sword and then closing her eyes, a few seconds later it started glowing a bright blue color while emitting a cold aura.

I chuckled in defeat while Zavier and Amon gasped

"A magic swordsman." Said Allen softly

"The rumors were indeed not exaggerated we might actually have a chance in making it out of this flowery hell." (Amon)

"Haha—what are we waiting for then?"

"Okay then in formation!" Shouted Laura walking in front followed by Lana then me behind me was Amon and to our sides stood Allen and Zavier.

"CHARGE!" Shouted Laura who started running followed by another loud roar from Allen and Zavier, I found my self shaking with the adrenaline started to rush and couldn't help myself from roaring, was it a shout of excitement or was it one of fear? I didn't know, I only clenched my staff tighter and followed tightly after Laura's back as the wave of monsters saw us coming and rushed to intercept us, Oh merciful Ysion watch over us your children I gave a silent prayer as the monsters came closer and closer.