Chapter 37: System?

In the dark expanse of space outside of the atmosphere of a giant planet, the figure of a floating man could be seen, he was rooted to one place in space and seemed like he was sitting cross lagged on flat earth and not floating, this person was none other then the God of creation Ysion.

'That's strange, I couldn't summon my status since the battle with Azumah and the system has been awfully quiet...' I tried once again to call out to the system that had been there since the time I was first reborn as a deity but to no avail, no amount of mentally calling to it bore any fruit.

I did create a system to help the creatures on my Universe, but that is merely something I made to help me and help the races when it came to the original system however that was something that was unavailable to any of my Gods or Mortals.

I always assumed that it was a way for me to look for the answers I seek, alas after the my last fight with Azumah it went silence since, 'Could he have done something to prevent me from contacting the system, or to prevent the system from contacting me...' I thought as my eyes wondered down to the Mortal planet down bellow.

'But why would he do that? The system did indeed seem sentient so I assume it was controlled by one of those Gods who set the rules the of not attacking or meddling with the affairs of another Deities Universe, last time I asked who set those rules however the system said I did not have the right to know it did only mention their name however *The Keepers* and with Azumah and the third party planning to overthrow these Keepers whoever they are...' But is it safe to assume that whatever the system said is the truth?

'If it's sentient then it's got to be controlled by someone most probably The Keepers and who is to tell me that what ever they are telling me is the truth and that I can trust them.' Too many variables and I have so much less information on everything.

I still think that Azumah was not fighting me with the intention to kill now that I think about it and that only serves to confuse me more, the System said he was a rogue God who attacks Universes and drains them of their Mana which eventually lead the Universe to be unable to sustain itself so it ends up dying.

'But from our fight he did not seem to have any intentions of draining Mana from my Universe, no he seemed to be more interested in me my planet did not seem to interest him the least neither did my sun or moon so them why me? And that just leads me to my original question is he the one that blocked me from contacting the system and what would he gain from cutting me off it? I don't know'

I thought about all types of possibilities while observing the planet down bellow, I could feel the prayers of all the mortals Worshipping me, humans Elves, Fairies, demons they were even a few from monsters. Each wishing for something, health wealth, Love.... At first the amount of worships and prayers were overwhelming to me as it felt like they were being chanted directly to my head and it was too loud and unbearable but as time passed I eventually learned to tone it down to a more acceptable levels and eventually shut them off completely if I like, I learned to leave them as a background as I could not go around answering to each and every wish and prayer every mortal asked of me, but I could still hear all of them.

my eyes wandered over a particular forest in the Obuin continent near an Isolated human kingdom, a middle aged woman was there behind a tree on her knees crying over the remains of the dead body of her young child who was attacked by monsters, all the while cursing me and cursing all the gods and the world then went back to cursing me again for not saving her child for not looking over him for not protecting him.

My heart ached, and I felt a small pain in my chest before it was neglected, I could have revived her young child I could have but I wouldn't, as that it is not the nature of things, each one have their own fate and I would not intervene, I could give them my blessings but the dead are not meant to be revived, they are meant to pass on, get judged in Kieyr's Realm and eventually be lead to either Zodohr or Zuhnir's realm for an eternity.


In a forest near the Ereviel Kingdom a woman's howling and sobbing could be heard echoing across the strangely quiet forest.

"I CURSE YOU!! I CURSE YOU YSION!! I CURSE YOU XULENE!! I CURSE YOU ZODOHR!! I CURSE YOU ZUHNIR!! I CURSE YOU VURIS!! I CURSE YOU ALL!! I CURSE YOU YSION!!! My babyy my babyy MY POOR BABYY!!" Kept howling the woman while tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes all the while hugging what seemed to be the remains of the body of her son, her green eyes which were red with tears suddenly had the pupils fill the entire iris making her look omnious all the while a dark aura started surrounding her, she then quieted down and held the remains of her child with her, stood up and walked even deeper in the forest...

the figure looking gloomy as it cut through the forest, but it also seemed to carry with it a hint of sadness and loss none of the monsters dared to approach her however quite the opposite as they seemed to run away and clear her path, perhaps it was because of the dark aura surrounding her as she walked all the plants she stepped on withered and died leaving behind her a path of death.