Chapter 40: Family

In the dark space, not far from the atmosphere of planet Eflore, space cracked in a certain place and seemed to be collapsing on itself when two figures suddenly appeared side by side. The man was handsome beyond words while the woman carried a sense of elegance and ethereal beauty. These were none other then Ysion and Vuris.

"Father?" Vuris seemed confused towards the sudden teleportation and turned left and right her eyes finally stopping on the blue pearl of a planet bellow them.

"My child, first choose the birth place of your race."

Her eyes lit up and darted across the whole planet seemingly scanning it before they finally rested on a certain location east of the Dragon continent. Between the Dragon continent and the Obuin continent was a large ocean that separated the two continents, it was in the middle of this place that Vuris the Goddess of Water has chosen her race to be born. She turned to look at her father expectantly with shining eyes like a child finding a new toy. He smiled at her and patted her head making her blush, before he teleported both of them back to his throne room.

There was no one else in the giant room when they suddenly appeared. He slowly climbed the stairs to his seat before sitting down, Vuris however was waiting by the foot of the stairs once he sat down she bowed to which he just waved at her to stand up.

"Now then, shall we get started?" He asked grinning at her. Looking at him Vuris felt her heart jumping in excitement, it was time she was finally going to get her own race! One to worship her!

"Yes father!"


The pair started their work, Vuris describing her preferences and how she would like her race to be, while Ysion followed her wishes occasionally giving her advice on what would be better changed.

It did not take long before the progenitors of the race appeared floating in the throne room, one male the other female, they had light blue skin and long wild green hair, webbed hands instead of normal ones, a fish's tail, and eyes that burn like red-hot coals. Behind their pinkish-grey lips lay two rows of sharp teeth to help them tear their prey apart. The woman stood at 2 meters tall while the male was 3 meters.

Vuris looked at them smiling and slowly walked closer, when she was near them she gently touched their cheeks her eyes turning red as tears threatened to fall down.

"They are beautiful, my children..."

"What would you like to name them?" Asked Ysion smiling gently at her.

"They are my children the children of water, So their names will be the Children of the sea, he shall be Oceanus and she Ariel the progenitors of the Children of the Sea." She replied while gently looking at the floating bodies that had their eyes closed.

Ysion nodded at her and spoke "Children of the Sea it is then, before sending them down however let's call your siblings,"

Vuris clearly more then excited replied "Yes, father allow me to call them!" She then then send a mental msg to her siblings informing them of the summons of their father, Xulene, Kizdall, Urnera and Zodohr however were unreachable as they were still in the gate.

It did not take long before the knocking sound came from the giant doors, Ysion waved his hands and the doors opened with a loud creaking noise soon followed by the figures of Ovva, Fydur, Zuhnir and Kieyr.

They walked steadily while shooting a curious glance at the strange humanoid bodies floating next to Vuris. Once they reached the foot of the throne they all simultaneously bowed and spoke in unison.

"Greetings Father!"

Ysion gave a small nod acknowledging their greeting before speaking "Rise my children, I know you are wondering as to why I have summoned you here today but first let's call the others out shall we? everyone needs to be present for this occasion." He smiled to which everyone but Vuris seemed confused but dared not speak. He then quickly drew a strange symbol in the air before the air in the room began to rumble and a portal appeared behind the gods.

They looked in interest at it, and soon enough the figure of Kizdall could he seen coming out followed by Xulene, Urnera and finally Zodohr. Once they came out they seemed to be confused as to where they were for a moment before their gaze stopped at the figure of Ysion on the Throne room making them bow down immediately.

"We greet you Father." They spoke in unison.

"Good, now everyone is here."

The Gods present that did not go to the gate yet were shocked looking at their siblings, the aura surrounding them has changed. Being the first 8 Main Gods made everyone mentally connected to the other making them able to roughly measure the level of strength of each other. the ones that were in the gate had an oppressing aura surrounding them, especially Kizdall who's murderous aura was leaking uncontrollably. they all changed tremendously in the short time they were at the gate and that made all those present shocked.

Ysion however only nodded at them in approval.

"I see you had some fortuitous encounters."

"Haha—it's all thank to you father! Never had I thought the gate could be so fun!" Replied Kyzall

Xulene smiled shyly not looking at Ysion "It's all for the sake of helping you Father!"

Urnera puffed her nonexistent chest in pride enjoying the looks her siblings gave her. While Zodohr stood there with his back straight as an arrow a satisfied expression on his face at the praise from his Father.

Ysion stood up laughing before speaking making everyone quite down

"Haha—good, good. Well then I am sure all of you are curious as to why you have been called here."

Everyone remained silent awaiting for him to continue, he looked at all of them before speaking again. "I called you here to celebrate, the newest addition to the Eflore! Your silly sister has finally decided to ask me for help." He said smiling to which all the Gods present chuckled and turned to look at Vuris who was confused and became as red as a tomato. Ysion turned to her before talking.

"You see Vuris, your siblings came to me long before you asking me to help you." He said smiling gently.

Vuris was shocked, turned to look at her siblings who were looking at her while grinning. Tears started to streaming down her cheeks as she tried to stop them. Xulene walked to her and hugged her followed by Urnera who spoke "You really are an Idiot, trying to do everything yourself."

"Leave her alone, she's not an Idiot." Xulene glared at Urnera while hugging Vuris who was sobbing quietly, to which she just shrugged. The rest soon gathered up around them comforting her and congratulating her as Xulene hugged her.

Ysion looked at the scene with a satisfied smile on his face before talking.

"You all are my children, a family and it is your responsibility as a siblings to take care of each other, always remember a burden shared is a burden halved."

They all looked at their father and nodded

"We understand father rest assured!"

"Good, well then I Ysion God of creation announce this day as the birthday the Children of the sea!" He said standing up and releasing his aura making all the Gods kneel before him.