Chapter 42: Mission and changes

The group stared wide open as Laura's eyes darted left and right, she held her hands up in front of her face and stared at them in confusion. Allen was rooted in place unable to move while Collin's face was one of pure shock, Lana seemed to hesitate before asking. "L-Laura?"

She stopped inspecting her hands and raised her head to look at them, "Yes?" She replied obviously in a state of confusion herself. Collin visibly hesitated before speaking "Angel..."

Laura looked at him and at the rest of the group, their expressions a mixture of fear and awe. She was all too familiar with those eyes, she had seen them for far too many times when she was labeled as the Shadow slayer, men and woman feared her, respected her as she killed wave after wave of Shadow monsters, she never stopped going from one battlefield to another never stopping, eventually people began calling the Shadow Slayer.

A lot of people even thought she would be one of the many who would gain the favor of God Ysion and be granted a wish. Unfortunately she didn't,

that however did not disappoint her as she was granted a chance. And now her path was made even clearer in front of her, when she drank the Angel blood, she felt a brief connection to the Divine, her body has started to change as of now she was no longer fully human, through her veins ran the blood of an Angel and not just any angel, it was the blood of Ovva, God Ysion's personal angel and the first born Angel.

When she drank the blood, for a moment she was connected to the Angel Ovva, she talked to her, she urged her to finish her mission to save the princess she did not know why the princess was so important and when she asked the Angel only told her that she would bring a great change so she must survive at all cost, both of them received the blessing of the God of Creation himself and from what she knew they were the only two people on Eflore with it.

Allen looked at her in concern and asked "How do you feel Laura?"

She looked at him, her golden eyes flickered as she found herself able to feel his emotions, it was a weird feeling as she looked at him she could feel the sincerity in his question he was genuinely concerned as he looked her there was also a tinge of fear surrounding him.

"I feel great." She replied flashing him a smile as his face heated up causing him to look away, his emotions in chaos. She was surprised at his reaction and turned to Collin, she could feel that his strongest emotion was curiosity as he looked at her, there was no fear only pure curiosity, Lana on the other hand looked at her with concern and admiration, there was also a tinge of lust? She hurriedly looked away and could see the strings of Mana surrounding them, the world seemed brighter as she looked around.

She shook her head and closed her eyes, once she opened them again they lost their flicker and weren't glowing anymore as her vision slowly turned normal the world lost it's brightness as her surroundings slowly darkened once again.

This was one of the gifts she gained from the blood, her eyes changed and could read the emotions of mortals and could see the world hidden away from Mortal eyes.

The group slowly walked towards her and surrounded her, Lana's eyes seemed to glow in admiration as she looked at her "You became soooo pretty!!" She said as her hands darted around Laura's body foundling her, Laura let out a shocked yelp, Collin slapped the back of Lana's head "Ouuch!" She glared at him holding her head

"Stop touching her you perverted floppy ears."

"Ohh are you jealous perhaps?" She winked at him, to which he blushed a bit before hitting her in the back of her head again.

"Ouuch!" She almost jumped at him to hit him back before Allen came and held them in the air both by their coller.

"In the name of Ysion, when are you both going to grow up..." he sighted as he put them both appart, they both just Humphed at him and looked away earning them a chuckle from Laura.

"Should we move?" She asked the group who was already feeling energized. Allen nodded and looked at the Elf and magician who looked at each other and nodded as well.

"Alright then, let's move" he said as he equipped his giant new shield to his left hand, his right one held his giant claymore, Lana held her bow in her hands as she stood straight, Collin hugged his staff closer then ever to his chest as if in doing so provided him with safety.

Laura's eyes hardened as she stared back at the group and nodded. Soon they were all standing at the entrance of the cave Allen was at the front right behind him was Laura following her were Collin and Lana. Collin looked back at the Elf and asked "Oii where is your arrows?" He said as he stared at her empty quiver. She looked back at him and smirked before pulling the empty string back a bright white arrow made of mana materialized as she aimed at the dark corridor in front of them and released it.

The arrow flew threw the air as it illuminated the area surrounding it as it passed, the path was long ridiculously long as the arrow soared through the air the group soon lost sight of it as it's bright glow soon disappeared deep within the cave.

Lana turned to look back at the group, as Collin gulped loudly and said with a nervous chuckle "Haha—at least the cave seems to be empty?"

"Don't Jinx It!!" Both Allen and Lana turned and screamed at him.