Chapter 58: The Final Stop

It took her close to one week, or so she estimated before most of her injuries took a turn to the better. It had taken a tool on her body, as she had struggled to burry all the corpses of her fallen comrades, a single rock stood at the end of each grave marking it.

At the very front however three graves stood out, their rocks were significantly bigger, and should one come closer they would be able to make out a name on each one. Allen, Collin and Lana.

She struggled hard to keep her tears at bay as she stood in front of the graves, It felt so unreal she could remember the day they met as if it was yesterday, the jokes they shared the hardships, the victories. Now all that was left from what was once her companions was this...

People needed to know of what happened here, their sacrifices, all these people's deaths should not be forgotten, she had spent another week looking for a giant rock that might fit her requirements before finally stumbling upon a particular looking one, it was pitch black while the surface was smooth.

That would be the one Laura thought, as she struggled to drag the giant rock back towards the now cemetery. After a lot of effort she was able to place it at the very front of her companions graves, on it she used her Angelic Mana to carve out the events of this battle. This shall serve as a reminder to all those that come of the bravery these man and women had, of all their glorious deeds. This place would serve as their final resting ground.

She rubbed her eyes as they moistened, muttering a silent prayer before her gaze hardened as she turned to face the Giant volcanic mountain. With only one sword left, an armor that partially useless she made her way to it, that was the final stop.


The journey towards the foot of the mountain was uneventful, she had not met any monsters nor resistance along the way but she was still exhausted. The Gate had took it's tool on her, on everyone that had entered, it was hard and she had enough of all of it.

A long sigh escaped her mouth as she paused near the familiar glowing transfer array, turning back she glanced at the direction of the final resting place of her friends before slowly stepping towards the array.

The usual screen hovered in front of her as she stood in the familiar world of pure darkness. She felt like she was floating, her only source of light the glowing screen hovering there.

You are the sole survivor of the 100th Floor and the 1st to conquer all floors!

•All stats have been significantly boosted!

•Please proceed in choosing your reward: >

The once blue screen suddenly started flashing red as error messages occupied her vision, she did not know what was happening, nor did she have any power to change anything, all she could do was await for it to finish.

Her heart raced in her chest as the darkness surrounding her seemed to be split in two as a sun descended upon her, she could only shield her eyes with her hand as the darkness retreated.

As the light slowly subdued, a familiar figure was made visible. She held her breath not daring to move as a Divine Aura, one she had felt long ago washed over her.

Her God had finally descended once again, she quickly dropped to the ground kowtowing in respect as she awaited for him to speak.

His eyes were gentle as he looked at her wearing his usual light smile he slowly spoke in a low but majestic voice. "Congratulations my child, you have made past the 100th floor."

Stil kowtowing she slowly replied, her voice cracking as she struggled to hold her tears at bay "I-I do not deserve your praise my God, it was with the help of my companions that I made it this far..."

"Humble as well, I was right in choosing you." He lightly nodded

"I am well aware of the contributions your companions had made, however it is undoubtedly the truth that you are the one standing before me, You are the only one to survive!"

She did not speak as tears she had struggled to hold back ran loose, "Do not cry my child for it is but the way of life, their journey had not ended it, it had merely started in another place." He spoke while gently pulling her up, her red eyes met his as she seemed to loose herself in his gaze for a moment before looking down on the ground.

"Now then my child, it is time for a new chapter of your life to begin. Past this point you are faced with two choices" he said while holding two fingers "One you could continue past this floor and face your trials, your safety is not guaranteed nor will your angelic blood be of help. Should you make it however your reward will be total freedom, you shall be free to leave this Universe itself and roam through the stars."

Gulping loudly she asked in doubt "And the second option my God?"

He smiled "The second option is you shall transcend now, you will be the FIRST of the Valkyries, your standing will be the same as the Gods and Angles, your mission however will be to guide Mortal Souls you deem worthy to join the Immortal Army after death should they accept. You will have total freedom to roam the realms however you are not to leave the Universe unless I allow it, and you shall answer to me and me only. So what will it he child?"

She stood in shock for a second, her expression blank. "If I may ask my God, you said I shall be free to roam the realms?"

"Indeed, Zodohr's Heavens or Zuhnir's Hell, you are free to roam them all."

She grew excited at the idea for a second before slowly asking "M-My companions my God? C-could I meet them?"

"If their souls are deemed worthy to enter Zodohr's realm then yes, if they ended up Zuhnir's realm however you may meet them as well though it would not be as pleasant. So what would it be?"