Chapter 60: History

Floating towards the sky, Laura was strangely able to make out the outline of her kingdom, she could even see various people all kowtowing towards them, her chest weld up in pride, she felt a bit reluctant now that she saw the city.

Images of various people scrolled through her mind, three specific ones stood out the most. A single tear ran down her cheek as she was reminded of her friends, and the various hardships they faced together.

She shook her head, reminding herself that she would see them again, she would drink with Allen as Collin and Lana argued loudly over the table, only this time it would he a fun adventure, a peaceful one, one where none of them would have to die.

She lightly smiled as she thought about that. They soon reached the outside world, clear blue sky greeted her. She looked around in awe, the small town she had left when she just entered the gate was no more, in it's place a gigantic city stood with long walls surrounding it, a tall tower stood straight in the middle.

What caught her attention was the people, it was a majestic sight as everyone was on their knees in worship, her new eyesight helped her see everything clearly. Everyone had various expressions on their faces as they looked towards her direction, shock envy were clear on most of their faces but so was admiration.

Looking at all of this made her feel like the world she was living in was so small, so insignificant, now however she would get the chance to see everything, thinking about all that she couldn't help but giggle.


Down bellow, near the gate the leaders of the city remained on their knees in worship, as the bright pillar slowly faded away along with the figures that were there, leaving everyone wondering what had happened and who was it.

"What happened?" Asked Rose in shock, was it really the Gods? As if to answer her question, the Gate itself started to shine blinding everyone for a second causing them to shield their eyes, once the light had subdued gasps could be heard as people pointed towards the right side of the Gate.

"What's that!?"

"It looks like a name?"


In the middle of the right side, Laura's name was etched deep into the Gate in big characters making it visible to everyone, next to it a smaller text was there.

The crowd quieted down as Fia slowly floated near it to get a closer look at the text,

"Laura, the first ever Mortal to clear all the 100th floors, let this stand in honor of her accomplishments as she now ascends through the ranks of the Divine shedding away her mortal body, let it be known that on this day the first Valkyrie was born."

Gasps could be heard from the crowd followed by uproar as Fia read through the text.

"Laura? Who is that?"

"She said Valkyrie? Does that stand for the Gods?"

"Wasn't there someone with the name of Laura the Shadow slayer that disappeared in the Gate more them 10 yeas ago?"

"No you dumbass, the Gods had predicted the appearance of Valkyries before but they had never said when they will appear! We are witnessing history! History i'm telling ya!!"


Ysion slowly guided Laura away from the planet, as they exited the atmosphere he could hear her gasp as her eyes widened at the sheer size of space, she looked back towards the planet that was looking like a blue gem.

He could feel her emotions, she was excited as her head darted all around trying to take in all the sights around her, she however clinched closer to him as he could feel her getting more nervous by the second.

He stopped and turned to face her, "Beautiful isn't it?" He asked as he looked towards the planet, Laura quickly replied "Yes! I can't believe it was this big!"

He lightly laughed at her reaction before speaking "Haha—you did not get to visit the other continents as a Mortal, but now you should be able to."

Space seemed to ripple behind them as a figure silently appeared behind them, Laura turned in alert at the disturbance, Ysion however did not move his gaze from the planet.

"I'm sure this is not the first time you saw her right?" He asked to which Laura's eyes widened for a second before she gave a deep bow, "Laura greets her holiness Ovva, thank you for taking care of me all this time."

Ovva lightly laughed while covering her mouth with her hand looking very graceful "Fufu—you don't need to adresse me as such, you are now a divine yourself."

Ysion nodded before he turned to look at them, "Ovva, show her around and inform Zodohr to prepare her residence as it will be in his realm."

Bowing gracefully in response she held her hand towards Laura. She paused for a second looking at Ovva and then Ysion, he smiled lightly at her and urged her to take Ovva's hand "You shall meet your friends my child, Ovva over here will be your guide around the Universe so you could get used to everything, and start your duties now go."

She nodded before bowing deeply towards him "Thank you my God, I will do my utmost best to not disappoint you and fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities!"

He did not reply to that but only smiled lightly at her as she took Ovva's hand before then teleported away.

His smile remained for a second as he looked towards the planet before turning cold, a deep ancient aura that made the Universe itself shudder escaped from his body as he turned his gaze towards the emptiness outside of his Universe, his eyes seemed to glow for a second, Mana gathered around his palm turning pure Golden forming a sphere that he shot at an unbelievable speed beyond his universe.

"Hmph, just wait i'll be paying you a visit soon." His aura retracted to his body, the cold expression long gone to be replaced by his usual warm smile as he teleported back to his throne room.

His Aura however was felt through the entire Universe, as Gods and Angels alike froze as it washed over them, making them feel the wrath in it. The realms were in uproar, their God was angry...

The main Gods called for an emergency meeting as they felt his mana shooting outside of the Universe, none of them could shake off the feeling of wrath and anger his aura held...