Chapter 64: First encounter

And so it begins, with this chapter we start on the second volume of the book. Once again I thank you all for sticking with me throughout some really horrendously bad written chapters, and f*cked up schedules. I will not hold you any longer I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please consider supporting this shameless author on patreon, there you can read up to 5 chapters ahead! )))

And with that being said Enjoy!


Deep in space, a fight that transcends the mortal realm was taking place. Five shadowy figures surrounded Ysion, Kyzdall, and Ondan. Shocking fluctuations escaped the shadowy figures with auras that indicated their identities as Gods.

"This is your last warning, do not resist the esteemed Shadow wants to meet you."

"Hmph, who dares summoned my God without even showing his face." Harrumphed Kyzdall in disdain.

"Truly shameless, allow us to dispatch of these pests my lord, you do not need to concern yourself with them." Added Ondan.

"Hmm, leave some alive I have a few questions I want to ask." Coldly replied Ysion.

With a respectful bow, the two Gods turned around to face their opponents with grins on their faces. Their initial clash was enough for Kyzdall and Ondan to understand the level of their attackers, they were indeed by mortal standards considered Gods, but for Kyzdall and Ondan they were nothing but minor Gods.

Kyzdall was the first to make his move, his tall muscular frame grew even

bigger as he towered over the five humanoid shadows.


A roar echoed through the quiet space, followed by a deep unprecedented aura. Kyzdall's figure soon disappeared from his place leaving the five attackers confused as they stayed on guards, it was then that space itself was split open as Kyzdall's hand shot forward grabbing one his attackers by the neck and bringing him inside the void crack that he opened before closing it on him.


A scream filled with despair escaped one of the attackers as the void closed on his neck abruptly decapitating his head and leaving his headless body to float in space. The scene of one of their companions suddenly dying so easily made their blood turn cold as they huddled closer to each other.

"Aren't you forgetting something? I am still here!" Shouted Ondan as he teleported in front of one of the attackers, he then threw a lightning-fast palm attack towards him.


The attacker was sent flying like a kite with its strings cut through space, all bones in his body broken and mangled as he barely seemed to hold on to his life.

Kyzdall's hand once again shot out of the void as he grabbed two attackers at the same time, they tried to struggle but it was futile, Kyzdall's grip was not something they could escape from as they got dragged inside the void he once again closed it on them leaving half of their decapitated bodies to float in space.

Seeing his companions dying like flies, the last shadow was petrified his eyes that were hidden behind his shadowy veil trembled as he looked towards Ysion who did not make one move since the start of this fight. They were considered to be an elite squad! The five of them were supposed to be more than enough to wipe out a newly formed Universe! Dealing with a young born God was supposed to be easy!

It was then that he remembered one piece of vital information they ignored, no they did not believe. The God they were supposed to escort was doubted to be a God of creation! They did not believe it, no, they couldn't believe it! All Gods of creations were supposed to be dead! They were supposed to be extinct! So why?! WHY?! Why was one in front of him?!

Looking at Ysion's icy cold gaze was enough to make for shivers to run down his spine. Unable to take it, he tried to make a run for it, yet as soon as he turned around a deep quiet voice reverberated in his ears.

"Did I say you can leave?" Calmly said Ysion.

As if struck by lightning, his body came to a sudden halt. He was unable to control himself, as Ysion made a grasping motion with his palm his body turned around and flew towards him. Grabbing the body that came flying towards him by the neck, Ysion moved his face closer to his and gently spoke.

"Why are you running?" A devilish smile made its way to his face.

The void next to him opened up as Kyzdall walked out, Ondan came flying as well in his hand laid the limp shadowy figure that was sent flying earlier, throwing it the body slowly floated towards Ysion before coming to a stop.

Gathering Mana from his surroundings, Ysion slowly pushed it towards the two individuals in front of him. As his Mana surrounded them, he was able to feel some sort of barrier protecting their bodies and preventing him from seeing their real appearances, all he could see were two humanoid shadowy figures.

"Hmm, Interesting."

As he tried to probe further, his Mana was pushed away. Kyzdall and Ondan quietly awaited by his side as they curiously watched their God work.

"ARGHH!" A scream of pain escaped the lips of the figure Ysion was holding by the neck.

"Hmm, so if I try to forcefully inject my Mana the body will start decomposing."

Seeing the dilemma his lord was facing, Ondan spoke up "My lord, If I may try."

"Oh? Sure, but try not to kill him." Replied Ysion as he sent the mangled figure Ondan has punched towards him.

As the two of them studied the shadowy figures, Kyzdall was getting bored so he summoned a small black flame as he twirled it between his fingers and watched them work.

"Did you find anything?"

"I apologize, my lord, I can't bypass the wall of Mana surrounding their bodies, the only way that I think can work is by overruling it with your own Mana but then it's a race against time, will the body die first or will you break it first."

"Hmm, that's what I thought as well." Replied Ysion as he stroked his chin in thought, he then turned his gaze towards the shivering figure floating in front of him.

"W-what? What do you want to do?"

Not bothering to reply Ysion turned to Ondan and said "Bring that one to me, he already on the verge of dying anyways."

Nodding, Ondan sent the barely alive shadowy figure to Ysion who made it float in front of him. A look of concentration took over his face as a storm of Mana started to gather around him, their clothes whipped about wildly as Ysion continued to gather Mana from his surroundings, his deep ocean eyes suddenly turned into a holy golden color, with a swift motion he willed all the Mana into the mangled figure's body.


A scream that no mortal being should be capable of escaped the mouth of the figure as he trashed wildly, his body that was moments ago on the verge of breaking suddenly seemed to hold so much vitality as he screamed, the shadowy veil that surrounded him slowly started dropping revealing the alluring figure of a blonde-haired woman, her eyes were closed as she screamed in pain.


Without any warning, her body exploded. Kyzdall that was watching closely summoned a shield to protect Ysion, Ondan, and himself. Ondan on the other hand also managed to summon another layer to protect them along with the last surviving shadowy figure.

As the explosion subdued Ysion lightly spoke as he turned to look at the last surviving member of their attackers, "Interesting, now then it's your turn." He said with a devilish smile that sent shivers down his spine.