Chapter 72: Strange happening

Ysion had a dream, he did not know if it was really just a dream or something else entirely. Ever since he was hit by the explosion, the outburst of that strange black mana seeped inside his body.

Strangely, it did not feel unfamiliar, quite the opposite. It was like a lost piece of himself that he did not know he had, finally rejoining back with him.

Once it did, however, Ysion blacked out. He had a strange vision, he was looking at a vaguely familiar humanoid figure standing in the dark space. There was nothing around said figure but the dark cold space.

There were no stars no light, nothing but the emptiness of the void. The figure itself had no particular features, it had no mouth no eyes, no ears, It was simply there.

Ysion did not know how he was able to 'see' the figure for it seemed to be one with the dark space, yet for some reason, he was able to make out its vague humanoid shape.

The dark figure simply stood there, unmoving as it observed it's surroundings. Looking at 'it' Ysion felt a faint sense of belonging...

'What are you?' he muttered, yet no sound came out of his mouth as he continued to watch the dark figure stand there aimlessly.

The two of them silently stood there, one doing nothing but observing it's surroundings, or at least that's what Ysion assumed it was doing. The other watching the strange entity in curiosity.

Time did not seem to hold any meaning in this black abyss, and Ysion started to lose sense over how long he had been there. All the while the bizarre entity did not move a muscle and remained rooted in its place.


Suddenly, an unbelievably large and bright explosion erupted from the dark figure illuminating the entire black space! Ysion was momentarily blinded by the bright explosion, he was unable to see anything but a bright light covering his entire vision.


"Huuuuuh!" Taking a deep breath, Ysion woke up frightened. The vivid memory of that dark abyss still fresh in his mind, and that bright light.

'What was that?' He thought to himself, finally taking his time to check his surroundings he found himself inside a luxurious bedroom.

Looking around, Ysion was unable to spot Ondan and Kyzdall, sending his mana outside of the room he found an interesting scene. Kyzdall was testing a young mortal girl, next to her was another young boy that looked to be related to her holding her unconscious body. Ondan, on the other hand, sat next to the door to his room feigning disinterest ye closely watching the two mortals.

'That's new, Kyzdall is interested in a mortal? That never happened before. And where the hell are we?" Questioned Ysion as his mana extended even further away and scanned the entire planet!

"A mortal plane?" he muttered to himself. The plane was quite similar to his own Mortal one, which only served to make him more curious about their current location. The last thing he remembered was the explosion hitting him and him going unconscious.

"There was also that dream...Wait...What was it again?!" To his surprise, he found himself unable to remember anything about his dream, he knew there was something, something very important he had just forgotten, but no matter how hard he tried he was simply unable to recall what it was!

"No use in thinking about it right now..." Ysion then stood up from the bed he was laying on, a quick scan of his body showed no visible signs of injuries or wounds, neither external not internal ones.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ysion was about to move out of the room when he suddenly stopped, something was different, circulating his mana Ysion was able to feel the difference in it, the strange dark mana seemed to be more present now than before the accident.

"What is this?" he muttered to himself, as he summoned a ball of said dark mana, the aura it discharged was that of chaos, and destruction. It was an unstable disorderly mass, made of the infinity of the dark emptiness that supposedly preceded the existence of the ordered universe.

Ysion was confused as he kept on examining it, something about it seemed to belong to him as if it was an extension of his limbs.

"Why do you feel so familiar?" It was then that he recalled a glimpse of the dark figure standing aimlessly in the void.


Shaking his head, Ysion pushed such thoughts to the corner of his mind as he walked towards the door of the room.

Opening it, he was assaulted by the bright sunlight causing him to lightly squint his eyes followed by a gentle breeze that made his hair flutter behind him.

Ondan was the first to notice him come out as he was situated near the door. He immediately dropped to his knees in reverence.

"My lord, you have awakened!"

Hearing that, Kyzdall turned his attention away from the unconscious mortal girl and her concerned little brother.

Following Ondan's lead, the God of War dropped to his knees as well in greeting.

"My lord! It is great to finally have you back!"

Waving his hand, Ysion spoke. "Stand up, I have burdened you both."

"Nonsense my Lord! It is nothing but our duty to take care of you!" Hastily replied Ondan.

"Indeed, please do not concern yourself with us, my God!" Added Kyzdall.

With a gentle nod, Ysion asked Kyzdall as he motioned towards the unconscious girl with his head. "I see you have taken an interest in that child."

With an awkward laugh, Kyzdall scratched the back of his head as he replied. "Haha- Yes my Lord, should she pass my trial I plan to take her as my first direct disciple."

"Oh, you fancy her that much?" Asked Ysion in curiosity.

"I feel that she has a very promising potential my lord, and would like to ask for your blessing." Replied Kyzdall as he gave another bow of respect.

Nodding his head in acknowledgment, Ysion added.

"So be it, we shall see if she will pass first."

"Thank you, my Lord!" Enthusiastically replied Kyzdall, as he turned to look back at the girl.

'Don't disappoint me now little one.'