The result of that battle

She became stunned. And couldn't help but ask "Why? Why don't you do it yourself?"

"Because I don't bully the young generation."

She became furious again he didn't bully the young generation then what about her?! Didn't he bully her all the time?!

"And when he grows up I will be long dead. So that is my only request."

"Isn't he your 'son'?"

"With his pathetic looks? He isn't even 1% of how handsome I look." he said in a condescending tone.

She became speechless. 'What looks? You don't have any sort of looks at all.'

"It's obvious there is some kind of plot here. I couldn't sense a part of the palace. And when I tried my best I sensed something blockibg my divine sense. And no before you ask there is no such fornation of the kind. At least that I have seen."

"How? Is this world linked to another?"

"Linked?" he asked.

"A formation to teleport to another world. That is the only solution. This exhausted world would not produce the kind of materials to make that kind of formation."

"You know those kinds of formations?!" he becams incredibly excited.

How could she not? It was a really basic formation. She nodded. Since he seems to be trustworthy she decided to anwser a few of his questions for now.

Liang Chen's eyes sparkled and he excitedly bought her over to the fornation he had made in his courtyard inside his room. "Tell me, tell me. Can this formation teleport me to another world?!"

As soon as she looked at that formation cold sweat was formed all over her body. Those coordinates were to a sun. And the formation was incredibly badly made.

Seeing his disciple's face his face was a little disappointed.

"Even if you headed over to another world you would only live for 10 years. And your power there would be nothing. Genius stronger than you are nothing but common. Even so there isn't even 1/10 of the materials you need here."

He sighed. "I was born in the wrong world. Why was I born in such a place? I can't even continue studying the spear. It's as if the world doesn't let me."

"If you become any stronger the world might destabilize and might get in a worse condition. That's why it's not letting you progress any further."

She wasn't surprised with his spear intent alone the world would not let him continue progress it was already a surprise he could get to his current cultivation realm.

"If you can get me what cursed you I can try and dispel it."

"I tried but to do the same but when I went to retrieve the dagger it was already in dust. Perhaps it exceeded the amount of power it could use."

It was possibe such an item might be incredibly old. Such a curse didn't even exist in her world where dark cultivator trived at the moment. So this world was possibly a great cultivation world but now it was decaying.

"Well whatever. During these 10 years I will teach you everything I know. But first let's go and get a few things."

As he said that he got his 'new disciple' and took them to the place where he had killed many clans previously.

As soon as they got there what they first saw was a disgusting gore sight with heads everywhere and innards everywhere. The 'new disciple' couldn't bear it and puked.

While she mantained a completely indifferent face. She had seen worse places and even created worse sights than this one, what was there to be disgusted about such sights were normal for martial artist.

Liang Chen observed his two disciples and grinned. Soon after he began walking forward.

"Come on boy. Such sights are normal in the road of cultivation. Don't dwadle."

"Ye.. Yes, father." he said while trying to hold his puke in. He couldn't believe he had brought him here.

As they progressed the sight got worse and he got paller and paller. Until they got to the core area.

"Ah it's here. I had two disciples who joined hands with these people to kill me. So I killed them all. And as for those two unfilial things i threw them alive to a volcano after killing them." he said in a cold voice.

"But I forgot I left here their storage bags. Here. One for each of you."

"Thank you father." the 'new disciple' said after much difficulty.

While she juat nodded her head.

Starting tomorrow I will teach you everything I know." he said while making his way back to the place they landed on foot.