Going out

A few days later the two left the palace and each headed their own ways.

Liang Meng after looking at the maps inside her storage bag and decided to head out to 'Dark Forest' which was filled with many beasts and rogue cultivators.

The forest was still far so she simply headed there slowly on foot and decided to see if she found any bandits or beasts along the way.

A few days later she found a bandit camp, although none had a really high cultivation there were still a few at her level of cultivation so she decided to rush in and try her power in a head on battle to the death.

So she directly killed those that were at the gate with a swoop of her spear and headed in.

As soon as she entered the leaders of the camp came at full force at her. There were three they held a spear, a sword and a saber. They were dressed crudely but killing intent was spreading out of their eyes.

Liang Meng held her spear in hand and used Spear Rain on the blade bandit, and immediately stabbed at the sword bandit. And activated a talisman on the spear bandit.

The three were experienced so they knew that this girl wasn't ordinary from her actions alone. Each defended the attack aimed at them and surrounded Liang Meng.

Liang Chen snorted coldly. She lifted her spear and used Spear Ki to surround her back and used a Movement Technique. It was called Shadow Steps, an ordinary and common technique, but Liang Chen praised it highly so she started practicing it, to see what was so extraordinary about this technique.

The moment she used the movement technique she left behind a shadow and appeared between the saber and the sword bandits and shot the Spear Ki surrounding her back at the saber wielder making him retreat backwards while she used her full strength to display the spear technique Liang Chen used on the royal city.

But her spear knowledge and experience using it was nowhere at a sufficient level for her to be able to display the ilusion of hundreds of spears. Instead only a few dozen spears appeared, but even that was enough to shock the sword bandit in front of her.

Those spears each made a stabbing motion like her spear and each of them pointed at fatal spots. The sword bandit even though he was caught off guard he was still able to block a few spears and managed to shift his body just enough to avoid death, although that came at the price of a heavy injury.

At the same time the saber bandit was not in a better spot either that Spear Ki also caught him off guard. He never thought that this Spear Ki would be so strong, catching him by surprise when it shifted slightly and was successful in puncturing his saber arm. Making him pretty much useless and unable to continue fighting.

In just an exchange she was able to make two out of the three opponents useless, shocking everyone present. But for Liang Meng this was not enough. So she uttered a few words and a talisman was formed in midair aiming towards the retreating sword bandit.

Although her cultivation was weak to use such methods she had the sufficient knowledge to be able to more or less make up for it.

The sword wielder was already heavily injured so he fell for the talisman dirrectly being reduced to charcoal by the flames. All this happened in an instant. The first exchange the spear bandit was not able to react in time, and as for the second he was interrupted by Liang Meng who used Shadow Steps and made a sweep motion with her spear making him stop for enough time to kill the sword bandit.

She began trading blows with the spear bandit. Even though she had more battle experience and had dense Spear Ki the bandit used the spear better. So she made the decision to leave him for last to learn a little more of how to use the spear.

So she once again used Shadow Steps and arrived behind the saber bandit who had started to run. He reacted instantly and used the saber with his left hand but was only able to avoid losing his life at the exchange of a heavy injury.

The spear bandit was enraged because he was treated as air and rushed at Liang Meng. This time Liang Meng did not use talismans but used Spear Rain to stop the spear bandit from approaching.

Next she pierced the heart of the saber bandit killing him as blood gushed at her face. She didn't even frown. She was already long used to that.

Next she began to attack the spear bandit who was trying to escape. But under Liang Meng incessant attacks he had no choice but to fight to the death and when Liang Meng felt she had nothing left to learn she directly beheaded him by making a sweep motion.