The chatterbox and his Brother

Liang Meng ignored them and simply put the core on her bag and started to make her way back to town.

"Did you not hear what I just said?! I was kind enough to only want that core and the corpse but now leave everything you have on you!" the idiot's voice sounded again.

Liang Meng continued ignoring them simply preparing to use talismans if necessary. While taking notice of the owner's voice making sure to kill him later. She was cold blooded through and through, whoever offended her died, that's the rule.

"If you really don't want to hand it over then die!" said the idiot in a cold voice.

As soon as he made his move Liang Meng activated a few talismans. She intended to attack but as soon as she saw his cultivation level she chamger her mind and used Slow Talismans and Speed Talismans to try and run away. He was in the Foundation Building Stage.

As soon as he saw that he sneered snd used his full power to catch Liang Meng.

Liang Meng knew that she wasn't this idiot's opponent at all. Now she was intending to go all out even at the cost of her life.

But as soon as she was preparing to do so she heard another voice.

"Are you not ashamed of bullying a little girl? Very well since you demanded everything she had now I order you to give everything you have including your life." said a voice full of contempt.

Then a spear light made its way towards the idiot. But he immediately dodged and started retreating while saying.

"I will remember this! Next time I see you, you are dead!"

But was stopped by another spear light that made its way to his right leg.

"Since I want your things just hand them over quietly."

As soon as he finished speaking a spear light made its way towards his heart but he was able to dodge to the side, but he didn't expect that another one would come to end his life right after.

As soon as the idiot died the hidden person appeared.

Liang Chen was kinda stunned. Not because she knew the person, but because by the way he was dresses and by his combat she couldn't be mkre familiar with the person.

'What is this bastard doing here? Did he follow me?' Liang Meng thought.

"You use formations and talismans quite well. You are perhaps at the level of the Fornation Saint a shame that your cultivation level ia not up to par. But well I heard that that guy died a few years ago along with some clans. I wonder which handsome bastard did so?"

'Yeah right continue feign ignorance. With your act no one would believe you.' She sneered in her mind and rolled her eyes on the outside.

"But well your spear reminds me of someone but I can't quite get the name right at the moment."

Liang Meng rolled her eyes again.

"Well I'm in a good mood so come with ne back. My Brother will be coming today and I missed him for a very long time now."

He laughed as he started walking.

On Liang Meng's side she rolled her eyes and sneered. She made ger way towards the body of the idiot and searched for his spatial bag but was unable to find it. Which left her stunned. She had definitely seen it before. She thought back and realized that one of the spear lights seemed odd in the case that it stealthily curved and seemed to throw something towards a dead angle in her vision.

'So it can be used like this.' she thought.

So she decided to make her way towards the town by following 'Liang Chen'.

"So where do you come from?" "How old are you?" "You are so young but your cultivation is so high already."...

She gkt annoyed. This bastard was a chatterbox now. It seemed that ge had taken quite the measures to feign ignorance.

As soo as they got to the town 'Liang Chen' made his way towards a bar and started drinking while talking alone in a really loud voice without ever stopping.

People got annoyed but didn't dare point it out. Since there was someone who did it and in the next second his clothes dissapeared and was thrown out.

Liang Meng was at the side focusing on recovering from her injuries while eating some appetizers.

In the town there was a strict rule. 'No one is allowed to fight'. Since it didn't matter which clan ir sect tmyou are from they wouldn't care and would directly kill you. Of course drunk battles were different as long as they didn't attack just anyone and kept it at 'mortal' level. Meaning punches and kicks.

Soon another person entered. His hair was disleveled, he reeked of alcohol and even his clothes were a mess. And as he entered he burped proudly as if to show that he could still drink.

People frowned as they looked over.

The man walked very unsteadilly and bumped into people and threw them to the side. Some wanted to say something but were simply glared at. There were some young masters in the group and their elders wanted to teach him a lesson but they were simply grabbed and thrown through the door.

So people started making way. Soon enough he got to the table where "Liang Chen" and Liang Meng were at.

As soon as he got there "Liang Chen" smiled and said loudly "Brother you are finally here, this Chen Xiao was waiting so long for you."

Liang Meng also looked to the newcomer when he got near the table and was completely flabbergasted by this "Brother".