"Alright let's loot."

And as he had predicted in the next few days strong practitioners and important figures of strong powers entered the citt one after another.

The city was basically on lockdown, nobody dared to leave since for a strange reason the Wei Kingdom's people were not here yet which was extremely weird considering their crown prince was just killed and thrown to the street naked, so that should make them the first to arrive. People wanted to see what would happen, so nobody dared to leave afraid of missing a good show.

Would the Wei Kingdom be humiliated by not showing up or would they come to be killed? Or would something else happen? Humans were curious creatures, even in death or danger they would not change.

Inside an inn room Liang Meng was cultivating. After a while she exhaled and stared at her storage bag. She then took out the items from the auction. The robe, for now she had no way to change its appearance, but as long as she had a few more materials she could make a formation to increase its defense and change its appearance, but for now she put it inside the bag.

Then it was the boots. They were eye catching, but could be covered up by her long robes, so she put them on. As for the two old scrolls, she could not understand anything. The language seemed to be extremely old, one that even she had not even heard of and she knew many dead languages and ancient ones as well, but she did not know this one, so for now she put them inside the bag once again.

As she got up she felt her body becoming lighter and her feet felt as if they didn't even need to touch the ground to walk. She couldn't be more familiar with this sensation. At the begining it took this body some time to get used to it, but it didn't take long before she executed a few moves to test out her speed and she nooded slightly. Even though it was only 10% increase in speed it was enough for now.

She left the room and went downstairs only to see Liang Chen seated in the same place, but instead of wine in front of him there was water since Liang Meng would never let him drink until he got drunk again or she would probably kill him on the spot. She created a formation around him to destroy anything that contained the slightest bit of alcohol in it. She couldn't help but think of her previous life. People wouldn't even dare to drink in front of her, or even if she entered a town, they were afraid of offending her while under the influence, yet he didn't care and drank as he pleased so she got mad and had to create such a formation...

Suddenly there was a commotion outside. The Wei's had arrived and there were quite a few ancestors. It seemed they were afraid of people taking advantage while they were down and strike them even further. And they probably brought something as insurance to not be dealt with by that demon and his little demonspawn of a disciple.

Liang Meng expected him to fly in a rage as she heard the people around them, but she just saw him sitting there sipping his water as if it was wine and directly throwing some bread into his mouth and then sip some water again.

After a while Liang Chen oppened his mouth and said "We will see what will happen. Will they demand people from the auction as I had mentioned or will they just leave. I want to prove my point to you. If it was me I would go after the person in a all out war, what about you disciple?"

"Kill both sides if one did it to provoke me and the other just let them go." she said without any hesitation.

"I see." he simply said that, shook his head lighly and then sipped some more water and threw more bread into his mouth as he looked towards the sky.

He knew extremely clearly who he had as a disciple. She was someone who would not hesitate if given the chance to choose to save millions of people or billions she would completely ignore them and continue walking by. She was emotionless towards others unless given there was some reward.

He was also the same he wouldn't look at that situation either, unless there was someone who he considered his friend included, even if it was just one person he would stop at nothing to save them, even sacrifing both groups and all treasures. But the problem was that his disciple probably would ignore them, although he was still not completely sure... He found it extremely easy to read her thoughts towards him but not towards others.

After a while from the auction house a few dozen people and guards were thrown out by the Wei people with ferocious expressions. It wasn't as if they didn't think of runing before, but the clan had already abandoned them or they would not be in this town at this moment.

"That woman in red dress is part of the main lineage. I saw her before in her clan when I went to collect protection fees." he said calmly not even showing the slightest bit of change in expression by his words.

Liang Meng just shook her head thinking thay he was just too shameless. But after thinking a bit she realized it was faster to collect treasures and wealth that way.

Soon after the Wei people lifted their swords and cut their necks.

As soon as they did so Liang Chen shook his head a sighed. Then he looked at his disciple.

She did not understand what he was doing and asked "What are you waiting for?"

"I told you YOU would decide what to do." he said as he sipped more water as if it was the most intoxicating wine.

"If you have a grudge with them then kill them."

"I want you to understand that just because you are powerful you can't look at others as if they were ants. If they are your enemies then sure. But if they are strangers then what does it cost to lift a hand to help them? Good karma comes and goes."

"Even if you wantes to help them they are dead."

"I know."

"Then what are we still doing here?"

"... Perhaps I should have told you this a few days ago." he said in a low voice as he misplaced the cup in his hands as it fell in the floor. Liang Meng didn't pay muxh attention to it, but instead of water there was another alcoholic beverages in the cup.

Liang Meng was at a loss. She tries her formation with wine and it worked, so she was at an even bigger loss.

"Wine isn't the only alcoholic drink." he said with a look of pity in his eyes and a smug look on his face.

Liang Meng was enraged by that remark of his and used the formation to attack him. Liang Chen simply waved his hands and the formation disappeared.

Liang Meng knew he was slightly surprised since he didn't use brute force but simply attacked the formation weak spots, since it was a halfassed formation she made it was full of them.

"Cough. Well continuing on the topic. I want you to tell me what you want to do, assuming those people were still alive. If you can't then just think they are bandits that just killed innocent people."

After a while of thinking Liang Meng said "Bandits have free loot on them... It's a way to get free resources."

"That is indeed a way of thinking."

"Alright let's loot."

At that Liang Chen smiled and once again shook his head. Then he stood up and a ferocious look appeared on his face.