Destruction of the Wei Kingdom (3)

When their connections to the formation were severed the formation loat a bit of its power, but its light was still bloody red with a malicious aura was around it full of killing intent, hatred, despair and fear.

Even those who were watching from a distance felt a cold shiver in their spine. That light were the emotions of all those who were sacrificed for that formation. They knew the formatiom of the Wei Kingdom was kind of special but they didn't expect it to such an evil formation.

Looking at the formation Liang Chen scoffed at it and without any hesitation he stepped forward. However the formation still didn't act. It was as if it was waiting for something or an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

Liang Chen wasn't versed in formations at all. In fact he only made entry level formations because he couldn't be bothered to spread his Spear Ki around his palace, if not for it he wouldn't even know what formations were at all.

He thought of his disciple. Had she been here this formation would have probably already been destroyed and those innocent people wouldn't have suffered so much. He sighed. And decided not to think about it any longer as he continued forward.

After walking for a while he arrived at the inner wall of the palace. In this were the majority of the strong elders that weren't present at the outer wall and all of the ancestors, including a few strong members of the royal familly. The other members of the royal familly had already either escaped through a secret passage or were hiding inside the palace. Either way Liang Chen had no intentions of letting any of these people leave. For them to have reached this level of status they had to know what their formation did at the very least, so even if a few of them didn't want the formation to be activated and were innocent of that slaughter they all deserved death for not doing anything to stop it, either way it wasn't as if Liang Chen was going to let any of them to leave either way.

"You can still turn back now! Otherwise you will be burried here with us!" said an elegant man with an overbearing temperament. He had long white and from the crown on his head it was obvious he was the king of the Wei Kingdom.

Liang Chen didn't say anything. He simply pointed his spear forward slashed at the king.


The part of the wall the king was at was completely destroyed. Luckily he had dodged it, otherwise he would be an headless corpse by now.

Neither party said anything else. They all unsheated their weapons and went rushed forward.

There were all kinds of weapons present sabers, swords, spears and even musical instruments.

Liang Chen scoffes at them all. He found it ridiculous to use musical instruments in battle. They only made one look more handsome.

Liang Chen no longer had the heart to slowly kill them. So he just stabbed forward and countless spear lights appeared. Then he immediately stabbed towards the sky and an evil spear and a holy spear appeared, they fused together and rushed towards his opponents.

Seeing this all of them were shocked and even scared by this sight. Such a powerful spear.



They immediately went into formation and defended againts the spear lights. A few that had lower cultivation were either heavely injured or died. It was clear that Liang Chen was going all out.

The spear was still falling from the sky and it immediately seemes to have gained infinite speed as it appeared right above them. They immediately tried to use all of their defensive techniques along with their treasures, but they all seemez to be made from papper. A few elders burned their lives into the formation and it shone as that spear got a little weaker, but it still managed to claim a few lives.

From this attack they were all scared out of their minds. Just one attack claimed the lives of a few close to his own cultivation realm along with a few of weaker cultivation.

Seeing this the elders no longer cared. Since they were destined to die how could they care how they died. All of the elders along with a few injured ancestors burned their whole lives into the formation and their bodies transformed into ashes.

The ancestors were not many to begim with and after those who just sacrificed themselves there were only four remaining along with the king.

From this sight all the forces knew that even if the Wei Kingdom managed to live through this, there was already no hope left for survival, especially so after their formation true nature came to light. They would be hunted forever now.

They activated the formation and many bloody red lights rushed at Liang Chen. They were extremelly powerful and could instakill those at the top of Dantian Solidification Realm because of all the lives it had accumulated, not even counting those from the past.

Liang Chen's eyes suddenly became as sharp as spears. Liang Chen created his own way of cultivation by transforming all his Ki into Spear Ki and refining everything in his own body into a literal spear. So his eyes were also like spears. They were straight forward and could see the weak points of everything, in front of them there were no illusions nor lies, only the pure hard truth. It was easier to use againts formations then people since it was still full of flaws and even he himself knew about it, but whenever he saw something he knew it was the truth and not a lie.

Liang Chen pointed his spear towards the lights and stabbed towards one of them. His spear arrives at the light and it suddenly dispersed and attacked the light in hundreds of different angles and the light was destroyed.

Seeing that it workes Liang Chen used all of his Spear Ki and used it againts all of the lights while evading them from time to time.

After a few rounds the lights were completely destroyed and Liang Chen used a massive amount of Spear Ki to destroy the formation.

Seeing this the Wei Kingdom's ancestors lost all of their remaining hope and crumbled to their knees full of despair. Even the king no longer had any hope.

Liang Chen didn't care about any of it and killed them. Afterwards he made his way towards their vault and on his way he killed anyone he found.

After getting to the vault he took everything. It was a huge sum since it was the accumulation of a kingdom, and that was not including what he got from the many people he killed.

With this he shed a tear for his dead friend and muttered "I finally got revenge for you my friend. May you rest in peace."