The Dragon Clan who got "bullied" by their guests (5)

It was not to say that the younger generation was not capable, but it was that since Liang Meng was using low level formations at the moment, they also used it.

It was not because of righteousness, but rather that by seeing that formations of such a low level could have so much power thry felt indignant to admit defeat, this lead them to improve their foundations in a sense.

Formation Masters' foundations were built like any other cultivation practitioner, but their dao was special among all others. It did not depend purely on cultivation, nor in treasures or ingredients, but in knowledge. If you had enough knowledge about formations you could simulate a formation in your head and find its weak spots in a short time, or you could accurately know what kind of formation you were dealing with or even its power and grade.

The Dragon Race knows that better than any other race. After all they in the past were known not only by their strong bodies but also because of their formations that could virtually be classified as heaven defying.

But even now they were still quite famous for that even if they were extremelly rare in the outside there were a few dragon clans on the outside that had either ran away or refused to be part of that event in the past.

But undoubtedly the best formations of that golden age were here, if the younger generation was good how could the older one be worse? The elders were experienced and they frequently fight to the death with each other, of course in the area that was made with that intention, where true death never came. It was necessary, after all not everyone of them was going to go outside, only a few of them and they were the best of the best.

Those who went outside took with them a special formation that would record their battles and let the others back in the clan fight against that opponent whenever they wanted to. It was the best they could do even though there were many many flaws in that method since those figures could only use the techniques they had shown in battle and there was no improvements in their battle style and strength.

And a battle to the death between the younger generation, well there was always hesitation even though they knew they wouldn't kill their opponent. That lead to a fall of their race. This was basically what was called being born with a silver spoon but having no actual talent to accomplish anything.

So Liang Meng could be said to have come at an opportune time, since she was making many formations and improving them continuously and perhaps after this was done they could get her to stay here for longer if they gave her a few benefits, who knew?

The elders weren't called elders for nothing, after all they could make formations smoothly from their long years of experience and after seeing Liang Meng's method to make many formations at the same time they began to understand it and make improvements on it as time passed by, all the while as they were imparting it to the juniors.

Liang Meng herself was basically almost unaware as to what was happening around her but as time passed by and ger formations were getting destroyed with much less difficulty she found it unacceptable and began to use talismans in her formations.

This led to her formations to be stranger than before and even stronger and with more changes as she also began to attack those who were attacking her formations.

As she was unwilling to use her own talismans she began to use Ki to make them. This obviously led to a decrease in power making her frown as she was not getting the results she was expecting.

This naturally could be resolved by using Ki of an extremelly pure state, but she did not have the cultivation to do it nor did the formation.

Seeing her use talismans to attack as well the elders summoned various formations from the arena to be here making them sigh in relief as they looked at that little girl frowning and thinking on how to torment them further, or so they thought she was thinking that.

Well they weren't far off by much anyways.

Liang Meng was busy thinking on how to improve talismans on one side of her mind while she was also smoothly making formations like an industrialised machine, but one that improved after each piece completed. What made the juniors feel the most in their ego was that she was starting to target the weaker ones first or using them as faints while attacking the ones at their side or the further from them.

They had little experience and since they could feel pain they began to feel less and less reserved. This led to the eldera that has joined in on the fun to get happier since they could bully someone while watching their juniors getting bullied and from time to time they were the ones who bullied them.

But if someone asked they would definitely say that while it was painful to watch their juniors getting pushed back it was a necessary process for their growth.

Seeing this the senior disciples could only shook their heads while they began to watch their backs from those backstabbing black bellied old hags and old farts.