The formation that could change illusions (8)

Looking at the battles around, the elders that entered the formation were even more amazed, the creatures had gained signs of intelligence now, this was an amazing feat.

Even though they were only signs, it was enough for them to know where danger was and to evade and even sneak attack.

Clearly Liang Meng was refining this formation more and more.

Ao Tian simply smiled innocently at the creature that had just died.

On Ao Huang side she was surounded by beasts on all sides. Seeing this she simply sneered and swung her whip at one of them, the beasts was preparing itself to dodge, but little did it expect that while in midair that whip would form formations wherever it passed and that the black bird would shoot fire towards those formations and then the formations exploded with boundless power while spreading themselves all around.

Ao Ming and Ao Yitian seeing this relaxed a little more and started attacking the beasts left and right.

Suddenly the ground ahook yet again and the beasts started retreating.

Suddenly the ground started to open up and new creatures started crawling from inside.

Seeing this the elders' expressions turned solemn. These creatures were insect type ones, and unlike the beasts from before they worked together in a splendid way.

The creatures height varied from 1 meter to 2 and a half meters.

They seemed to be ants, but their bodies were full of scales and their faces that were those of ants had a mouth full of what seemed to be snake teeth, and a green liquid was flowing from them.

Seeing this some juniors felt a slight fear and a creeping feeling of disgust evaded them.

Ao Ming's group also felt a little disgusted.

There were a few juniors that wanted to run, and seeing this Ao Huang jumped onto her black bird and flew towards the sky with it.

"Those who dare to run I will beat them up personally. Weren't you always complaining that you envied those who went outside that could see all kinds of things? Well, here is your opportunity. Fight and stand your ground."

Seeing this the junior hesitated a little.

Ao Tian appeared in midair and also spoke.

"Stand your ground and don't retreat. To get stronger and to protect all of the others, we must get stronger so we must not retreat in face of danger, but we must attack with all our might until there are no more of these things."

A few juniors looked at him. They knew that he was very kind and went along with whatever they did, sometimes even getting into troublw with them, but he simply laughed it off. They treated him as a younger brother, despite him being older than them, but this did not stop them from adoring him.

Ao Ming and Ao Yitian also appeared into midair.

"Humph. As I would expect from you. You guys rarely put any real effort into cultivating, always depending on the elders. Go on and run, I alone am enough to fight them all." Ao Ming said in a condescending tone, but rhis did not stop his face from showing a caring expression mixed with a worried one, while his right hand that rested on his saber trembled slightly.

Hearing the juniors got a little annoyed, but seeing his expression that did not escape their eyes, they knew that he also didn't want them to get hurt, and from the long years rhey knew Ao Ming, they knew that what he meant by those seemingly arrogant words was "I will fight and hold all of these creatures back so get to safety."

They knew that he had a weird way to show his affection, and that although despite him always saying that he didn't like to teach idiots, he would teach them an accompany them no matter how long it took, slowly explaining them the things they did not understand in his arrogant tone.

"The elders have always thought us that the world outside was dangerous and that we would need to get stronger to be able to able to correctly choose when to leave and when to stand our ground and go back with the most we could get without dying.

Now is the time to show those arrogant old men and women that we are not made of glass and can survive outside without their protection. So brothers and sisters don't retreat and fight together so we can teach that lass that made this formation that we can also fight."

Hearing this the elders faces twitched a bit. They all knew those four were always badmouthing them, but this was the first time they had heard one of them call them arrogant and old. Even though he was a good seedling they swore to beat the living crap out of him and teach the other three a lesson together.

But they were also happy that these four would stand up and motivate their juniors to fight to the end.