The formation that could change illusions (13)

Ao Ming with his muscular build with no excess muscles or fat and high height, with his sharp facial features made him look incredibly handsome and gave him a natural arrogant look and air about him.

He rushed as well, but as he had an incredibly small amount of Ki he was kind of slow. Seeing this he bit his tongue, then he coughed blood and it strangely gathered and began to fly up in the air with a bloody air and color as the bloody color began to redden even more.

Ao Yitian with his body that was neither too slim, or too broad with an ordinary body type that could be seen everywhere, coupled with an ordinary height that fit his age and with his ordinary looking face, he couldn't be more ordinary even if he tried to.

But his eyes were different. When one looked at his eyes, they seemed to see swords that had no intentiom to retreat anywhere or bow down to anything, never admiting defeat. They showed his determination to never give up and keep on challenging all other beings stronger than him.

He rushed forward and seeing that didn't have that much Ki remaining, he also bit his tongue, coughed blood and it rushed into the air.

Seeing those two bloody colors in the air, the remaining disciples that were still struggling to kill as many as they could, all bit their tongues and coughed blood, but along with their blood they imbued all their remaing Ki, even if it was only a very little amount, and it immediately rushed towards those two bloody lights in the sky.

Those disciples, now being completely out of Ki, transformed back into their human form, and transformed into golden lights and rushed out of the illusion, as their wounds and Ki began to recover and the pain to disappear.

Seeing this Ao Ming and Ao Yitian bit their lips, but they knew that to awnser to their juniors, they had to at least kill this creature.

As soon as all those bloody lights finished gathering around theirs, they fused with theirs and seperated in two groups, each going to the two of them.

Ao Huang and her black bird also stopped dodging and fused their Ki, the black bird suddenly began to burn like a phoenix and Ao Huang's armor shone with flame imprints that extended all the way into her whip and even her eyes.

This was technique the two had developed, along with Ao Huang's master that took advantage of the black bird's bloodline and Ao Huang's talent with the whip.

This technique gave them more incredible and powerful flames that could burn everything to ashes, like a real phoenix's and Ao Huang's whip seemed to transform into a lava whip that seemed to melt even space.

The black bird dove towards the ground with an incredible speed, while dodging frontal attacks and letting the King Ant to almost hit them with an attack, before it stopped due to the flames.

The King Ant seeing that those flames could injure it if ut attackes with its body, it immediately spit poison at them, but it mostly evaporated before it reached them, and when it reached them it was smacked away by Ao Huang's whip.

The King Ant got furious because its poison that it was proud of was smacked like thrash, and a slightly almost not visible golden light shone from its body as some of its scales lauched themselves towards the two.

They thought that the scales would melt before it reached them, but that was not the case, instead they gained even more speed and as it was almost about to hit them, and since they ignored it before they now had no way to dodge, suddenly a golden hand appeared and smacked away those scales, while also forming a fist and ferociously going torwards the King Ant.

As soon as the King Ant was about to dodge, another golden hand appeared in that place and made it go into its original place.

Ao Tian was the one who made those attacks, while imitating the position of those golden hands.

From the other side the giant was rushing at it, while dodging the two legs that were inside the ground.

Behind it were Ao Ming and Ao Yitian, full of hatred in their gazes as they burned their Ki to gain even a little more speed.

The King Ant suddenly went crazy by being crushed into the ground by a fist and being surrounded by four weak opponents it thought to be easy to kill, Ki began to pour out from its body like crazy, as countless ants that were rushing towards it to help their king, suddenly exploded and its body sweleed up, and it seemed to have increased its power an entire level.

The golden fist began to crack, and seeing this Ao Ming formes another fist with his other hand and punched out with it, while increasing his power to the limit.

Ao Huang and her black bird burned their Ki and Ao Huang immediately formed formations with her whip as they began to burn the King Ant, even melting a few of its scales as it howled in pain and glared hatefuly at Ao Huang.

It tried to attack her, but before it could, the giant had reached it, and it immediately stopped in front of its head, and it seemed to swell up, before exploding and countless wounds appeared all over its head, while spreading towards its body, because of the enormous amount of Sword and Saber Ki inside it that was going in turmoil, suddenly bursting forth.

Ao Ming and Ao Yitian poured everything they had into their killing techniques and even more wounds began to appear all over its body, while its two front legs that it had risen to try and protect its head were cut off.

Despair appeared all over its face.

It immediately tried to run, but before it could, the black bird and Ao Huang reached right above it and swung her whip as space melted, and all the flames and runes surrounding them, gathered into a gigantic fireball that instantaneously transformed into a formation that disappeared and exploded the King Ant from inside its body.

Blood and scales rained everywhere.

The five immediately fell into the ground from exhaustion, as they no longer had even a tiny bit of Ki inside them.