The might of the older generation (5)

When the three elders heard that roar somehow it really made them want to beat it to death.

Its roar that seemed to contain a dragon's roar was somehow baffled with insect noises, and they took it as an insult to them as dragons, it was as if it was calling them insects somehow, or this was what three unreasonable people thought.

The four of them stopped fighting and looked at it, while deciding who was to beat it to death.

The Queen Ant this time did not hesitate and poisonous fog seemed to form and come from the heavens as it engulfed the entirety of the space around them.

They immediately used their Ki to protect themselves, while they looked at their disciples who were protected by the runes and formations they had laid out beforehand.

Elder Xi with his incredibly quick saber on hand rushed at the Queen Ant, but this time he did not seem to disappear, instead he seemed to melt into space when Elder He lifted his hands.

He seemed to melt into reality itself and no longer seemed to have any sort of form, being no longer affected by what was on this plane of existance.

The poison did not seem to ecen reach him at this point.

Seeing this the Queen Ant lifted one of its six legs that seemed to have dragon muscles now and attacked, making space warp and then dissolve when its leg mixed with the poisonous gas that turned into liquid form.

Immediately countless formations appeared besides Elder Xi and they all attacked at the Queen Ant's leg mercilessly.

Some of them even seemed to warp space as Elder Xi rushed through them and left in another one, others seemed to turn the elements upside down and forcefully fuse them to form new ones and then they fused once again until only one was left and it transformed into a whip that mercilessly attacked to Queen Ant's neck.

Seeing all of these attacks, the Queen Ant's slightly golden scales transformed into pure jet black ones with poison dripping from them, this poison seemed to be even more powerful than all the others it had used so far.

At that time a white figure appeared right at the top of the Queen Ant's head and it forcefully used its incredibly powerful teeth to bite into its scales.

At that moment it seemed to have sensed the danger from that transformation and jumped in midair to forcefully change its attack trajectory to stop Elder Xi's momentum which was aimed directly into the spot where the poison was the most powerful.

Seeing that change Elder Xi also began to make preparations to change his attacking target, but with the white tiger retreating into him, he grabbed its colar and made a Saber Ki wall in front of him and used it to forcefully stop his momentum and launch that wall into the Queen Ant.

Elder Xi quickly retreated back to where the other two were at.

"Your stupid cat stopped my attack and made me help its sorry a#s! Next time I will chop him too and make a nice fur coat for myself!" Elder Xi with a calm voice but his face showed disdain directed at the white tiger and anger at Elder Li.

"Whity just saved you from an humiliation and this is how you pay it back. Next time, Whity, just let him suffer a bit and trample all over his sorry excuse of pride and arrogance. And besides it's not your turn to use Whity' fur to make a coat, since it will be me that will use it if the need arises." Elder Li retorted as she looked coldly at him.

At the side the white tiger who was indignated at first when it heard Elder Xi's words became arrogant when its master stood up for it and when it felt elated Elder Li mercilessly trampled over it with her final words that threw it into misery as it thought about the past when the young Elder Li would treat it very well.

Elder Xi immediately looked at Elder He who was at the side with a slight smile on his face and said full of anger "And you with your half assed control over space and with your incredibly slow hands that made me almost be poisoned to death!"

"It's not my fault you don't have patience. And my control over space is quite fine, but the space formation that the lass used is quite amusing, making my control over space be somewhat weaker and slower." Elder He calmly said that as he continued to smile as he analysed the illusion formation that he was in at the moment before nodding.

Hearing his words the two frowned as they both knew that his achievements in space control were nothing to scoff at, even if they were somewhat weaker when he sealed his cultivation, they should still be enough to ignore a simple space formation, even if it was an high grade one.

This made them realize that that lass was not ordinary in slightest once again. But since it had nothing to do with them and did not affect their clan negatively they couldn't care less, despite their curiosity.