The might of the older generation (8)

As soon as Liang Meng defeated them she lost interest and resumed focusing her entire attention on the formation.

She began making all alterations that were needed and watching what was needed to be watched.

Suddenly she showed great surprise in her eyes.

There, she saw the youths making formations by attacking the air and even when they hit their enemies, they could still make formations on their bodies to kill them.

This greatly astonished her. It has to be known that in the worlds outside, all Formation Masters did not use such methods to battle.

They were usually protected by their companions until they finished their formations.

She had previously found that strategy completely useless, and since she was always alone anyways she did not have anyone to protect her while she focused on her formations.

So she had developed an entire different qay to use formations.

By basically relaying on your control of your Ki you could make formations while in battle, as long as you could focus on the battle and do it at the same time.

For the formations that needed materials, when she was weaker she avoided using them, or prepared them in advance; but when she got stronger, she linked her space ring to her mind, making her able to make formations that required even materials while in combat.

These two methods had earned her immense respect by all Formation Masters, even though she was quite young back then.

But now these youths were using such a method, that made her feel speechless, and even kind of embarrassed by having previously accepted being called a genius by using and creating such an undeveloped method.

Suddenly, she could not help but open her eyes in immense shock.

She was looking at two youths that were surrounded by innumerable beasts, namely Ao Yitian and Ao Ming.

These two youths used a sword and a saber.

There she saw the two of them making a formation together.

Even though it was not rare for Formation Masters to make formations together even if they used a sword or a saber, since they focused mostly on formations, but even so there was still that disdain for the other in them, and this was mostly viewed while they had focused on making formations, different types of understanding conflicted, leading the formation most times into disarray.

But now in front of her were two youths doing so, and while she could see their formation full of errors and disarray, they were not utterly grave, or the formation would not have formed in the first place.

Meaning, the understandings of the two were on the same wavelength.

This greatly astonished her.

As she continued to watch the battles she could not help but be more and more astonished as time went by.

Suddenly she felt a cold chill that went down her spine.

She immediately made formations and raised her guard, but when she looked at the place where that dangerous feeling was coming from, she only saw a sword made by Sword Ki.

She frowned. She could feel that the one who had made it was incredibly powerful.

Suddenly the sword charged at her, breaking all formations on its way.

Looking at this she frowned and immediately put most of her focus on that sword and to try and stop it.

She immediately made hand signs and the illusion formation lost a few of its uses, even reducing substantially. She made all beasts dissapear and made ants come out. Since they were basically the same, it wasn't that difficult to simply recreate the same thing over and over, opposite to making unique ones.

At the same time that the sword moved, inside the illusion the ants were coming out.

Liang Meng was unwilling to let go of such opportunity to watch such interesting battles, so she made formations to save all the battles, while she focused on dealing with that sword.

She got up from her sitting position, and drew her spear.

The moment she did so, many formations started to appear and disappear. They destroyed themselves to form stronger formations.

The sword was still on its way at an alarming speed. The moment that Liang Meng completed her formation, the sword attacked it.

When the formation was hit, suddenly numerous formations appeared behind it, as if the sword had thrown them back.

They started to release chains that immediately went towards the sword to try and seal it.

The sword seemes to be completely unconcerned by it, and simply released a bit of Sword Ki to destroy those chains.

But as soon as the chains were destroyed, they appeared back again, but this time they were also releasing Sword Ki.

There was a great saying "If you can't defeat them, join them."

Liang Meng took that saying and transformed it into a formation.

That formation absorbed its target power and released it again, but by strengthening itself with it, meaning as long as they owner could handle it, the formation could grow more and more powerful.

The sword tried to break the main formation, but as soon as it tried to, Liang Meng attacked with her spear.